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yeah, i had APUSH (and APMEH, for that matter) for 1.5 years each. after my class did it, they changed them to only being year-long courses, and the kids suffered. the APUSH class didn't get past WWII in one year! that majorly screwed them for the exam.


i think i liked APUSH material better than APMEH material, i have to say, but my teacher for APMEH was way more passionate and into it, and that just made it better.

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I have block classes too (well, for 4 out of 5 days of the week), I like it that way. The classes are obviously a lot longer but the day seems more relaxing that way for some reason..and you also get an extra day of doing your homework as you only have most classes once every two days during the week.

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I had block scheduling aswell when I was in highschool. I actually liked it alot better than having 7 classes a day. I felt that you got much more done, and it felt like the day went by faster. I would have two classes before lunch then two classes after. And on wednesday our school got out earlier, so all the classes were shorten by about 20mins

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I don't know my school schedule yet, but I know that I have 36 hours a week.

12 of them is music,dance and drama classes.

5 hours math.

5 hours Norwegian.

5 hours Natur and science.

5 hours English.

The last 4 hours I don't know. I am not sure about my exact schedule, but it's something like this.

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I had block scheduling aswell when I was in highschool. I actually liked it alot better than having 7 classes a day. I felt that you got much more done, and it felt like the day went by faster. I would have two classes before lunch then two classes after. And on wednesday our school got out earlier, so all the classes were shorten by about 20mins



Yeah, I like it too. When you do homework you can focus more on the certain subjects you are taking, rather than having to handle 7 classes at a time.

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Monday: Math, Social Science, Spanish, Ethics, Chemistry, English, French.

Tuesday: Math, Social Science, Spanish, Chemistry, English, computer, French.

Wed.: Math, Spanish, Chemistry, Ethics, English, French

Tue: Computer, Ethics, Social Science, math, chemistry, Spanish, French

Friday: Math, English, Ethics, Chemistry, Spanish, Italian, French



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I had block scheduling aswell when I was in highschool. I actually liked it alot better than having 7 classes a day. I felt that you got much more done, and it felt like the day went by faster. I would have two classes before lunch then two classes after. And on wednesday our school got out earlier, so all the classes were shorten by about 20mins


I see you live in Michigan too, what high school did you go to?

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Oooo school and classes!!!!!!


haha. Well I'm still a student yes but my schedule is going to be Monday- Friday, 7am to 3pm.

Only 3 classes for this semester

RT 311: Patient Care and Management

RT321: Radiographic Imaging

RT 342: Technical Radiation Therapy.


I am not that thrilled to say the least!

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ok, can i ask a dumb question? :dunce:


what is block scheduling, exactly? i kind of have no idea what that means. is it a public school thing? we didn't really call our scheduling anything in my old school...it was seemingly random order of classes every day, different for each day of the week.


Well I'm not 100% sure about other schools, but here at high school the block scheduling is this: you take four classes a day, each being 1.5 hours long plus a half hour lunch. Since technically, compared to middle school, you are taking 'two' periods of a subject a day, so you end up finishing the subject early, so most classes only last about a semester, while some AP classes last 1.5 semesters. And depending on what classes you take, your schedule can totally vary from someone else. For example, I might have Pre-calc at first block in the first semester, but the second semester I'll talk another class, since the full pre-calc curriculum will be finished for me because I take twice as much of the class a day. You can have at most 4 academic classes a day (which is basically nonstop core courses) or have 3 electives and 1 academic class. It can vary depending on what classes you take. I got it kinda tough, because I had all my electives in the first semester, and then my hard classes all at the end of the year. :dead: But it's usually helpful. So when you do homework, you usually only have homework for up to four classes, because that's how many you take in a day, rather than having all your core classes in a day. It's much easier to really understand what you are learning and the day goes by much quicker.


Basically, it's like squishing your classes into your year, rather than lengthening all classes to the full year, so you get it done early. :P


I hope I make sense..:lol:

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I don't have my schedule yet, but here are my classes (Sophomores don't get that many AP or Honors classes, we're only allowed one) :


-Chemistry I

-AP American History II (WWII - Modern)

-English II

-Spanish II

-Geometry I

-Advanced Computing III

-Java I (EC)


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Well I'm not 100% sure about other schools, but here at high school the block scheduling is this: you take four classes a day, each being 1.5 hours long plus a half hour lunch. Since technically, compared to middle school, you are taking 'two' periods of a subject a day, so you end up finishing the subject early, so most classes only last about a semester, while some AP classes last 1.5 semesters. And depending on what classes you take, your schedule can totally vary from someone else. For example, I might have Pre-calc at first block in the first semester, but the second semester I'll talk another class, since the full pre-calc curriculum will be finished for me because I take twice as much of the class a day. You can have at most 4 academic classes a day (which is basically nonstop core courses) or have 3 electives and 1 academic class. It can vary depending on what classes you take. I got it kinda tough, because I had all my electives in the first semester, and then my hard classes all at the end of the year. :dead: But it's usually helpful. So when you do homework, you usually only have homework for up to four classes, because that's how many you take in a day, rather than having all your core classes in a day. It's much easier to really understand what you are learning and the day goes by much quicker.


Basically, it's like squishing your classes into your year, rather than lengthening all classes to the full year, so you get it done early. :P


I hope I make sense..:lol:


eesh, well that makes sense, but i think i'd claw my eyes out, 1.5 hours of one subject! i guess it makes sense, but i know even with 50-minute classes in my high school 8 times a day (and uni, for that matter), i'm getting pretty bored by minute 40 or so and am grateful to leave by minute 50...i can't imagine having to endure for 90 mins! i guess it's just what you're used to, though: 4 classes for 1.5 hours or 6-7 classes for 50 mins.


though i will have a class every wednesday this semester in creative writing and i think it's THREE hours long! :dead:

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I wish my school offered AP classes. We only have Honors classes. No college credit, but extra work. :(


I'm a Senior in high school at the moment. Last year until college for moi... I go to a private Christian school so that's why there's a few religon classes in there. I'd rather be taking more languages or arts instead. -_-


First Sem


1. Photography

2. US Government

3. Shakespeare

4. Christian Mission

5. Racquetball

6. Study Hall (I get to leave early. :))


Floating class: Honors Physics


Second Sem


1. College Prep. English

2. Economics

3. Study Hall

4. Painting

5. Bio II - Anatomy & Physiology

6. Religion Seminars


Floating class: Honors Physics


I'm pretty happy with my schedule, though I'd rather not take more religion classes (I'm agnostic...)...

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I wish my school offered AP classes. We only have Honors classes. No college credit, but extra work. :(


I'm a Senior in high school at the moment. Last year until college for moi... I go to a private Christian school so that's why there's a few religon classes in there. I'd rather be taking more languages or arts instead. -_-


First Sem


1. Photography

2. US Government

3. Shakespeare

4. Christian Mission

5. Racquetball

6. Study Hall (I get to leave early. :))


Floating class: Honors Physics


Second Sem


1. College Prep. English

2. Economics

3. Study Hall

4. Painting

5. Bio II - Anatomy & Physiology

6. Religion Seminars


Floating class: Honors Physics


I'm pretty happy with my schedule, though I'd rather not take more religion classes (I'm agnostic...)...


what's a floating class?


my private school wasn't christian, but i had some required classes to take too, especailly in senior year. they turned out not to be so bad, but i would have liked to take more electives instead too :D

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Oh a floating class just goes through and replaces periods 1-4 during the week. For example on Monday, I have all my classes w/o the floater, and then on Tuesday, I have the floater for 1st period, then on Wednesday I have the floater for 2nd, etc etc...


My school requires 4 WHOLE YEARS of religion classes to graduate. :(


I've taken History of Religion I, II, III, and IV, World Beliefs (ha, world beliefs.. yah right.), and Christian Contemporary Issues. This year I'm taking Christian Mission and Religion Seminars.


I'm very, very sick of Relgion classes. I'm not gonna be a theologian!

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^oh, that's a bit like my middle school schedule worked, but we dropped whatever class was last for the next day and the day after it would be first, so they all got shuffled like that.


that's really annoying about the religion classes. i would tear out my eyes. my school wasn't religious, but it's historically episcopalian. we had to go to chapel once a week (once a week for 13 years for me :P), but it was more like a course in world religions that happened to be held in a christian chapel. and in later years, it was basically "listen to music and talk about it" time :lol:


all seniors were required to take a class called senior seminar, though, which was supposed to be like life lessons, but we spent a rather long time on the bible...i wasn't so pleased, personally.

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Ah! I have weekly mandatory chapel as well. :( We have to serve detention and pay $5 if we skip, lol.


And once every quarter we have a "week of prayer" where we go to chapel every day of the week. I used to like it when I was little, but now... meh. It screws up all the classes and such.

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I'm glad we don't have any Christian primary schools, only a few private high schools. It's best if kids who are religious (or their parents want them to be) go to a special Christian school (one hour of class each week) so they don't have to deal with this stuff at normal school.

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Monday: 08:30 to 17:00

Tuesday: 08:30 to 17:00

Wednesday: 08:30 to 17:00

Thursday: 08:30 to 17:00

Friday - 08:30 to 14:30


08:30 to 12:30 in Sgt. Mess, remaining time in Officers, 40 hour weeks are hard when there is nothing to do, and the majority of work doesn't change day to day, but I love it (although I'm looking around to see if any new jobs pop-up)

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