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school schedule


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I have classes Monday-Friday, and everyday except Thursday they start at 8:30am...gah.

I'm entering uni for the first time in september. I'm majoring in Kinesiology :) So I have a few courses for that..And I have to take mandatory physical courses each semester. In the fall I'm taking volleyball (YES!!) in the winter I'm taking track and field. I'm also taking some random course called Earth and its Atmosphere...and some course studying creatures in Toronto...

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Ah! I have weekly mandatory chapel as well. :( We have to serve detention and pay $5 if we skip, lol.


And once every quarter we have a "week of prayer" where we go to chapel every day of the week. I used to like it when I was little, but now... meh. It screws up all the classes and such.


I feel bad for you girls, I went to one semester of a bible university and couldn't stand it. I can't imagine spending my high school years like that.

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Ah! I have weekly mandatory chapel as well. :( We have to serve detention and pay $5 if we skip, lol.


And once every quarter we have a "week of prayer" where we go to chapel every day of the week. I used to like it when I was little, but now... meh. It screws up all the classes and such.


You have o PAY if you skip chapel.Where does the money go? :) Crazy schedule

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My official schedule:




Gah I don't like it. The classes are for the most part what I want. I didn't get the teachers I really wanted, especially for Journalism. I LOVED my journalism teacher last year. :disappointed: I know this year's teacher because I had literary magazine with her, but I REALLY wanted the other teacher. Same with Drawing and Painting 2. I LOVED last year's teacher, and I don't even know this person. :sad: And I don't like how I have gym 3rd quarter, I'd much rather have it 4th.


And I don't know why I have Photography. :confused: I don't want to take that class again!! Agh I don't even like the teacher. :disappointed:



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Ah! I have weekly mandatory chapel as well. :( We have to serve detention and pay $5 if we skip, lol.



Isn't that slightly illegal?


But then again your in America, I couldn't imagine that happening in this country, there would be uproar from the other religions, on saying why should they prey to a god they don't believe in or pay money/serve detention. I would complain.


Organised religion = worst thing ever invented

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hahaha, paying if you skip chapel. i would agree with dave and say it's illegal, but things that would be completely illegal like that in the public school system are legal in private schools because the federal rules don't apply to them. but besides it being legal or not, i just think it's ridiculous. then again, if you skipped chapel in my school (which you didn't do...you could never skip anything because there are like 150 kids in the whole high school and everyone knows where everyone else is at all times and would notice ifyou weren't there), you got in BIG trouble. that's why no one ever did it.


annie, i don't even know how to READ your schedule! :laugh3:

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this is mine.


btw, it's quite easy to skip classes at my school. there's three years (11-13), which means there's a total of about 1,000 students. and you can just hang out in the cafeteria without anyone noticing. you just have to be careful that the teacher won't see you. other students never run to a teacher and tell them that somebody skipped school.




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This is what I'm guessing:




4 digit number is the course code, with the digit afterwards the group

subject title

teachers name

room number


but what's Titan Forum?


Correct, Dave!


Titan Forum is my school's special version of Homeroom. Except you have the same homeroom for all three years of high school with the same people and Titan Forum is 15 minutes long everyday. It's called 'Titan' because the Titan is our school mascot. :) My Titan Forum has some annoying people that I don't like in it, and it sucks I'm stuck with them for another two years, but I have one friend that I met in there that I talk to everyday. He's very nice. :happy:

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[quote=David Watts]Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English?


it's a class to prepare us for the CAE exam in december 2009. it's not something you necessarily have to take, but all the kids who signed up for the CAE have to attend those classes. in fact, there's only 12 of us. :dozey:


Late start for you on Tuesdays' date=' shame about that 2 and a bit hour gap on Wednesday, would be useful for coursework/homework.[/quote']


yeah, i usually use that gap to hang out in the library and do homework. :nice:

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Correct, Dave!


Titan Forum is my school's special version of Homeroom. Except you have the same homeroom for all three years of high school with the same people and Titan Forum is 15 minutes long everyday. It's called 'Titan' because the Titan is our school mascot. :) My Titan Forum has some annoying people that I don't like in it, and it sucks I'm stuck with them for another two years, but I have one friend that I met in there that I talk to everyday. He's very nice. :happy:




Oh, I hate homeroom. Ours changes every year but I always get stuck with people I don't talk to or like. I know schools need a way to check that you actually showed up but I hate my homeroom this year. :disappointed: I quit field hockey and it's in my ex-field hockey coach's room. But she understands why I had to stop and she's always been one of my favorite teachers. :nice: But my homeroom is filled with field hockey players and most of them don't talk to me anymore. :(


I'm glad they all got mono.

(Not really)

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Oh, I hate homeroom. Ours changes every year but I always get stuck with people I don't talk to or like. I know schools need a way to check that you actually showed up but I hate my homeroom this year. :disappointed: I quit field hockey and it's in my ex-field hockey coach's room. But she understands why I had to stop and she's always been one of my favorite teachers. :nice: But my homeroom is filled with field hockey players and most of them don't talk to me anymore. :(


I'm glad they all got mono.

(Not really)


Yeah, their reasoning for making Titan Forum the same for three years is so that we can 'all bond like a family'. :\ I mean, it's nice and all...but I don't really wanna bond with the people in my forum. :lol: They are meanies!

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