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I just got a 36 inch TV in my room!!


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Squeee for Squeeing!!



Ok now this thread is just starting to get random...





Which movie should I watch first on my newly installed TV?


A. Chronicles of Riddick

B. Memento

C. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

D. Porn!

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I've got a 26" HD flatscreen in my room.

well, I bought it, so... yeah. it was only £170 from curries.

top of the range, well... it was cheap because it's a matsui, which is curries own brand.

but I opened the back (because usually cheap brands ARE top brands in disguise to sell cheaper) and it's a toshiba. I would just like to point out that I own life.

and I also win at life.



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I wish I could fit in a 36 inch telly in my room, it's only big enough for a small telly


This is my bedroom TV at the moment@



Just under 100 notes in the Easter sale (I think it was Easter), it's got freeview built-in and the sound is rather good.

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