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Briggins is back and has a little rant/vent


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Well I'm back from a summer at camp.

And now I feel out of sorts. There were lots of great moments. But it wasn't as good as I expected I think.

The main reason is because I felt like a couple of my close relationships got severed and I don't know if things can ever go back to the way they were.


First of all you might remember I told you guys about that girl who I was sure had a crush on me and we were getting along great. Well some really stupid stuff happened (basically she went to a concert with me without telling her parents). And now she is banned from having any contact with me or my sister. Apparently I am a bad influence. So that kind of blew chunks.


Secondly I ended up getting in little arguements with my best friend all summer long. She was away for 3 months before hand. And now that shes back she thinks we've both changed. Its depressing because I hate change...and I don't feel like anything had to change. So that blew chunks as well.


Its just so hard when people change and things are out of your control. And you try so hard to make things work and get better, but it just seems like the other person seems to accept the change too much.


I think this is the type of stuff that Keane write their albums about.




P.S. I listened to the new Coldplay album quite a bit this summer and I must say I do find myself enjoying it quite a bit.

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ugh, i'm sorry about that, briggs. i'm sort of going through a similar-yet-opposite sort of thing now with my friends (we've all gone off to college and everybody's changing, and lots of times changing in ways i'm opposed to like drinking/sexing etc), and it really does suck. we still get along, but the relationships feel more superficial now.


i think this is all a part of getting older. but it pretty much sucks, i think.

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As we get older, our group of true friends will slowly shrink into just a few. I know how you feel, how things feel so out of touch and no matter how much you want to hold on to it, it's just not working and there's not much you can do. I've changed groups of 'close' friends SO much in my life, it's ridiculous. As we mature we end up having to weed out a lot of them, just because of change. It's natural, but sometimes really awful. I hate change, but I have come to accept it. Things are what they are. In a time when many people my age are changed into overly sexed and eager to go out and experience more risque things, I end up staying the same person I have always been, and having to see these people go.


Everything happens for a reason, and there's always a silver lining. Things might not work out with your friends now, but perhaps it's just God's (if you believe in Him, if not it could just be 'the works of life') way of making us realize what really matters to us and the true people in our lives that will help us along the way.


I'm sorry about the problems, but I TOTALLY know how you feel. I think a lot of people can. And all we can do is just really let things go and move on, and hope that the people that really care will always be there.

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ugh, i'm sorry about that, briggs. i'm sort of going through a similar-yet-opposite sort of thing now with my friends (we've all gone off to college and everybody's changing, and lots of times changing in ways i'm opposed to like drinking/sexing etc), and it really does suck. we still get along, but the relationships feel more superficial now.


Yeah I noticed that too after leaving highschool and going to university.I moved to Canada and one of my best friends moved to England and things just changed.We used to be so close now we barely talk to each other.Me and my other two friends,on the contrary, still get along brilliantly although we've been on different continents for the last 4 years.With some people things stay the same despite changes with other people it doesn't.It's sad but that's the way it is

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About the girl - I suppose her parents are overly protective towards her. Isn't there any chance to persuade them into allowing her having contact with you and your sister? It's not your fault, and you're not a bad influence. I think her parents are just really scared ... you know, stuff like "What will happen to my daughter, she's too young to ... blablabalbalablabla".



And for the friend ... if she was away for 3 months, she surely has changed, but you can't just force her to change back to what she was beforehand. You have to accept that and the fact relationships change. You might be friends with someone for years, but there might happen a breaking point which alters the whole thing. You need to try to make things work, all the time, but the other person needs to be doing the same thing. That's the only way anything can work out.



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Sorry I missed this post before. I can't give you advice cause I don't have as much experience as, say, Annie (listen to her she's very wise :P). About your best friend though, sometimes even longer-term arguments can bring you closer after it blows over. You have to accept the fact that you both changed and remember why you originally became friends, all the good memories you've had together, etc.


Sorry Briggs... *hug*

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Sorry I missed this post before. I can't give you advice cause I don't have as much experience as, say, Annie (listen to her she's very wise :P). About your best friend though, sometimes even longer-term arguments can bring you closer after it blows over. You have to accept the fact that you both changed and remember why you originally became friends, all the good memories you've had together, etc.


Sorry Briggs... *hug*


Hehe you give me waaaay too much credit than I deserve! :P :shy:

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I always wonder what it feels like for the boy in a boy/girl best friendship. I'm the girl in one and it sucks so bad sometimes. Like I hold the same standards that I would for any of my galfriends so if he wrongs me I let him know, but I always feel like I'm being a naggy platonic girlfriend. It's so complex. ARG.

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Welcome back sir.


Change can be good, it just depends on what kind of change it is.


Sorry to hear bout you and your one gal pal. Hopefully things will get better.


and with the chick you were crushing on... I dont understand how her parents can forbid her from having contact with you. I dont know if more than just going to a concert happened. But im sure you two didnt rob a bank or kill someone. Its not like you're 12 years old. A mistake happened, you two went to a concert and what not.



*less ya did kill someone*

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