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Postcards From Far Away project | Previous pre-delivery discussion (thread closed)


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^ Yeah, I certainly know that I could never get anywhere near the band... Maybe people have tactics that I am unaware of, but still.


AH! Why am I not leaving?! Lore managed to do it!


Unless the tour organizers or label company organize the person to hadle the box to the guys

But it might not work in the end finally

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Unless the tour organizers or label company organize the person to hadle the box to the guys

But it might not work in the end finally


i think that's too iffy, yeah, too much relying on other people. i think we should really rely on ourselves and the international postal service only, but that's just me.



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i think that's too iffy, yeah, too much relying on other people. i think we should really rely on ourselves and the international postal service only, but that's just me.




Why am I still arguing this too?!?! I said like 10 pages ago that we should wait until we hear from our contacts! Argh! I think I'll go completely insane by the end of this... :stunned:


PS- that logo is really nice :)


I shall now try to leave again, although I know it's pointless.

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I haven't read the whole thread yet but I have a few ideas which may already have been mentioned:


1) If I were Coldplay I'd rather get proper postcards from all over the world (y'know the type you send people saying "Wish you were here") rather than a hundred of the same template :uhoh:


2) A Coldplaying "Stamp" could be drawn personally on each of them before they're sent, if someone is willing to create a stamp template


3) Send them all individually to someone willing to travel in person to the bakery or the delivery address - saves them all getting lost in postal transit if they were sent in bulk, you know what the Post Office Group are like at the best of times :rolleyes:

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I haven't read the whole thread yet but I have two ideas which may already have been mentioned:


1) If I were Coldplay I'd rather get proper postcards from all over the world (y'know the type you send people saying "Wish you were here") rather than a hundred of the same template :uhoh:


2) Send them all individually to someone willing to travel in person to the bakery or the delivery address - saves them all getting lost in postal transit, you know what the Post Office Group are like at the best of times :rolleyes:


Good luck if you try to read the whole thread!


1) I think the template was just for the back, where you write the message. The front, picture part would still have the touristy picture or whatever. And we were discussing people designing their own as well, but still somehow incorporating the location of the sender...


2) We have people working on a logo of sorts...


3) Yes, that is the big debate!

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What do you think of this? :wacky:




I made it :P


oh that so cool!! :cool:

I think we should see all the possible logos and we can vote for the best looking one. Coldplay deserves this, its such a marvellous idea! I agree with having a neat little logo, how can we let them know that its from their truest fans without really giving away an address?:thinking: And what if it gets around and suddenly people(not from this site) start sending them postcards for no apparent reason?:uhoh:

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oh that so cool!! :cool:

I think we should see all the possible logos and we can vote for the best looking one. Coldplay deserves this, its such a marvellous idea! I agree with having a neat little logo, how can we let them know that its from their truest fans without really giving away an address?:thinking: And what if it gets around and suddenly people(not from this site) start sending them postcards for no apparent reason?:uhoh:


Oh no! We have to copyright this idea! :shocked3:

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i kind of disagree with the part in bold. there's never been any guarantee of anyone being able to see the band before or after concerts, so i think it would be kind of a waste for someone to bring them all and then not get to deliver them. i think someone that a person at the gig could easily get the cards to (like a security guard) wouldnt have band or high management contact anyway, and most of the really important people leave the venue VERY quickly once the boys come offstage. i think this is one of the larger loopholes where things could fail. if there was a guarantee of getting band or management contact, then it would be fine, but there never is. though maybe ian and jen have contacts that i don't know about.


My mistake, I should have been more explicit (for those that haven't read my earlier suggestions on this thread). By 'get it to the band' I really should have said 'ensure it gets delivered to the band by getting it to someone who will do that for sure; crew or assistants. If you can get there fairly early, it's almost a certainty - but I was actually suggesting arranging this in advance with Debs, not just turning up in hope.


EDIT: and you just can't really bring in some huge bag or box to a concert venue. i don't think theyd let you bring it in, at least in the USA.


Absolutely, you'd deliver it well beforehand, at the entrance to the gig/backstage door/whatever.


and about the part about saying it's just thanks: check the first post, the last paragraph in the second spoiler :wink:


<edit> (this next bit I wrote I got the wrong idea about Chelsea's post, and have apologised just a few messages down - my bad) You've horribly misquoted me here, and if you think I haven't read every line of this whole topic you're wrong. I was saying it's only thanks, rather than an effort expecting a personal message back from the band to any of the thousands who sent postcards.



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Good luck if you try to read the whole thread!



thats what I told myself after I left for 2 hours and came back to see I had already missed ten pages:lol:


I haven't read the whole thread yet but I have a few ideas which may already have been mentioned:


1) If I were Coldplay I'd rather get proper postcards from all over the world (y'know the type you send people saying "Wish you were here") rather than a hundred of the same template :uhoh:


2) A Coldplaying "Stamp" could be drawn personally on each of them before they're sent, if someone is willing to create a stamp template


3) Send them all individually to someone willing to travel in person to the bakery or the delivery address - saves them all getting lost in postal transit if they were sent in bulk, you know what the Post Office Group are like at the best of times :rolleyes:


a coldplaying stamp, great idea busybeeburns! They should have different templates but uh, maybe the same logo or something...

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I haven't read the whole thread yet but I have a few ideas which may already have been mentioned:


1) If I were Coldplay I'd rather get proper postcards from all over the world (y'know the type you send people saying "Wish you were here") rather than a hundred of the same template :uhoh:


2) A Coldplaying "Stamp" could be drawn personally on each of them before they're sent, if someone is willing to create a stamp template


3) Send them all individually to someone willing to travel in person to the bakery or the delivery address - saves them all getting lost in postal transit if they were sent in bulk, you know what the Post Office Group are like at the best of times :rolleyes:


Fantastic ideas Ian, especially number 1 (though not to play down 2 & 3 in any way!)


What do you think of this? :wacky:




I made it :P


Stunning!! :cool:

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Why do I keep reading EVERY.SINGLE.POST!? It's taken me almost an hour to catch up!:confused::lol:


Can I butt in here, and say that I think we should keep this project a coldplaying.com thing ONLY. I'm sorry to sound so click-y, but I'd really love it if the guys were aware of our little "family" here, and the main idea did originate with a coldplayer, after all.


Also, about the debate of a one time big delivery vs. individual arrivals of postcards...I think the first way would be really dramatic & great, but if it becomes too difficult, having all postcards with the same logo/butterfly theme/coldplaying.com&Postcards From Far Away mention will still come across as a unified project. Of course you personalize it whichever way you want, but having something stardard to work from will stand out even if arriving separately. I think that even the "worst" of ideas are still great and I think with the number of people participating, it will stand out from the regular fanmail I'm sure they receive normally.


(Ok, I will shut up and go back to lurking now)

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You've horribly misquoted me here, and if you think I haven't read every line of this whole topic you're wrong. I was saying it's only thanks, rather than an effort expecting a personal message back from the band to any of the thousands who sent postcards.




Yeah, I brought that up at some point last night, I think in the context of saying people shouldn't send a ton of cards in hopes of a response. We just decided that we'd make it very clear that this isn't something that needs a response from the band... And as it's just a postcard, there's no place for a return address anyway, so it's not like people will expect anything in the first place.

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i'l go to bed now.

lets meet again, when we have found a way to deliver the cards directly to the band!

because this is the main-point which we have to clarify.

all the other things: logo etc, amount of cards, customize etc...can be clarified afterwards...and just a last word or advice:

we should focus. means: not to many ideas in the next hours, days, months...;-)

that's too confusing.


good night.


i will think about it.


dream of it;-)

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]Can I butt in here, and say that I think we should keep this project a coldplaying.com thing ONLY. I'm sorry to sound so click-y, but I'd really love it if the guys were aware of our little "family" here, and the main idea did originate with a coldplayer, after all.


I second that. Expanding it beyond Coldplaying would cause mayhem, I think, and might make it a little less sentimental. Besides, I think we have enough people here that it'll make a big enough impact with only us!


(Obviously, I've given up on leaving. I'm still trying half-heartedly, though :P )

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You've horribly misquoted me here, and if you think I haven't read every line of this whole topic you're wrong. I was saying it's only thanks, rather than an effort expecting a personal message back from the band to any of the thousands who sent postcards.




oh no! what? if i did, i promise i didn't mean to! :sad: i meant me saying "check the first post under the second spoiler" to be me agreeing with you! i'm sorry if you didn't see it that way or that message got lost. i was saying that last night, i had written something to that affect in the draft of the "rules" i wrote:

This project isn’t looking to get anything back, like signed photos or albums. It’s all about thanking the band for all they’ve already given us, this year in particular, and saying “happy holidays.”


i thought you were saying the same thing, so that's why i refered to that bit in the first post. if you weren't saying the same thing, i'm sorry.


if i'm pissing people off i definitely need to stop and actually do some uni work. this is meant to be fun, not make us at odds.

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oh no! what? if i did, i promise i didn't mean to! :sad: i meant me saying "check the first post under the second spoiler" to be me agreeing with you! i'm sorry if you didn't see it that way or that message got lost. i was saying that last night, i had written something to that affect in the draft of the "rules" i wrote:



i thought you were saying the same thing, so that's why i refered to that bit in the first post. if you weren't saying the same thing, i'm sorry.


if i'm pissing people off i definitely need to stop and actually do some uni work. this is meant to be fun, not make us at odds.


No, I must say I'm sorry - I read your post wrong. To be fair, this is the written word, and it's so easy to take things the wrong way.


So to clarify for everyone: read the first post under the second spoiler on the first page here, ignore kimchi's point on this, listen to Approximately Infinite and get those postcards ready!!



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Although, we have to remember it's only been a day since Lore thought of this idea, and you guys have already thought of so many great ideas!




it's awesome :dance:


Ya I like the idea of sending it to one person. I guess we will just wait and see what Lore thinks about it!!!


it's not about what I think about it, it about we all think about it :P... I love the idea but it's a bit risky.. if we can make sure that It's a safe option, and that a coldplayer or 2 are willing to do the job.. let's do it then!


Of course the promotion of the project could be started only after all is set here, I mean the dates, the form, the address etc etc. And if the vast majority agrees with the wider promotion. I am already thinking about such grande things like say maybe EMI asking the fans worldwide to show some love. But I am just a helpless dreamer hehe


yeah.. we need to agree about the dates and all the things soon so we'll be able to promote this... maybe a banner or 2 would be great!


there's never been any guarantee of anyone being able to see the band before or after concerts, so i think it would be kind of a waste for someone to bring them all and then not get to deliver them.



I agree... even if here we've got really great stalkers in the board, I wouldn't trust in that option in a 100%




AH! Why am I not leaving?! Lore managed to do it!


I was sleeping.. just woke up and came to read all the posts :laugh3:



What do you think of this? :wacky:




I made it :P


it's beautiful!


maybe we could use it to promote the project!


I haven't read the whole thread yet but I have a few ideas which may already have been mentioned:


1) If I were Coldplay I'd rather get proper postcards from all over the world (y'know the type you send people saying "Wish you were here") rather than a hundred of the same template :uhoh:


2) A Coldplaying "Stamp" could be drawn personally on each of them before they're sent, if someone is willing to create a stamp template


3) Send them all individually to someone willing to travel in person to the bakery or the delivery address - saves them all getting lost in postal transit if they were sent in bulk, you know what the Post Office Group are like at the best of times :rolleyes:


good ideas :D


Why do I keep reading EVERY.SINGLE.POST!? It's taken me almost an hour to catch up!:confused::lol:



same here :laugh3:

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oh I have an idea! Maybe we could each write a nice little poem on the postcards to show them how much we appreciate them, you could add some lines from any of their songs or something, why not?:dance: creativity.




we all can write anything we want on the postcards :D

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