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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Brookey is so smart! how'd you do that? :inquisitive:


it's very simple. if you look at the upper right-hand corner of each post, there's a number. if you click on it, it'll bring you to a new window/tab with just that post. all you have to do then is just copy the link and do the normal URL pasting stuff. ;)

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Laura you know that your writing doesnt suck and your new story isnt going to either:D:dance:


but it DOES suck! i swear! i think i'm going to scratch that idea...and come up with something completely random! ooh! idea! :lol:

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a totally random short story




Chris waltzed into the bakery, a happy energy bouncing inside him. Opening the door, he found Will, Guy, and Jonny sitting at their table, eating some breakfast.


"What can I scrounge up today?" He rubbed his hands together, dramatically licking his lips.


Guy pulled his muffin closer to him. "Don't even think about it! Amy made me this muffin, ESPECIALLY for me!"


Stepping towards Will, Chris attempted to grab his forkful of eggs. "No, Chris!" Will slapped his hand.


Finally, he ended up by Jonny. Making a pouty face, Chris begged, "Can I have some of your toast?"


Jonny sighed, looking into Chris' bright blue eyes. "Chris..."


"FINE!" he went over to the pantry and pulled out a box of chocolate rice krispies. "I'll make my OWN breakfast!"


The boys sighed with relief as Chris poured himself some cereal and milk. "What's this?!" he exclaimed. "A FREE prize?!"


Will rolled his eyes at Guy, who laughed. "What is it, Chris?"


"It says I get a free car toy!" Chris shoved his hand into the box. "A FREE CAR TOY!!!!!!!!!!" Cereal went flying in all directions. "WHERE'S MY PRIZE?!"


Jon got up and grabbed the box from Chris, carefully reading the label. "Chris...read this."


Chris squinted to read the fine print. "Send in 42 box tops to be eligible to win a free car toy...what a bloody gip!" He whacked Jonny in the head with the box, then grumpily sat down to eat his cereal.





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