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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Is everyone familiar with the exercise where you write for a certain amount of time without thinking about what you're writing? Well, I tried it...with Coldplay fanfiction. And what came out is incredibly strange and completely nonsensical, but pretty hilarious. :D


The Thoughtless Story




Guy and Chris are walking down the street and Guy sees a seahorse. “I wanna play with it!” he cries, bolting from the street into the playground. Chris runs after him, screaming about melons. Then they find a diamond under a rock and sell their houses to buy the diamond back from the mafia. Jonny walks in and starts talking about cauliflower, and Will does cartwheels across the floor of his room and sings I Kissed a Girl. Then Thom Yorke comes in, says that he is gay, and wants to marry Chris. Chris stars crying, says yes, but then changes his mind, and runs off with Tom the gorilla. (Yes, an actual gorilla.) Then the mob boss, ‘Tony Pajamas’, comes back in and wants his diamond back, even though Guy already sold it for some pizza. Jonny sits down, cries, and sings about bananas. Will is still doing cartwheels, but this time he has a pink tutu on. Then Guy become a fry cook, like Spongebob, because that’s what I’m watching right now. Then Will starts to...


Oh, okay it’s lost now. I’m out of the zone. xD




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Is everyone familiar with the exercise where you write for a certain amount of time without thinking about what you're writing? Well, I tried it...with Coldplay fanfiction. And what came out is incredibly strange and completely nonsensical, but pretty hilarious. :D


The Thoughtless Story




Guy and Chris are walking down the street and Guy sees a seahorse. “I wanna play with it!” he cries, bolting from the street into the playground. Chris runs after him, screaming about melons. Then they find a diamond under a rock and sell their houses to buy the diamond back from the mafia. Jonny walks in and starts talking about cauliflower, and Will does cartwheels across the floor of his room and sings I Kissed a Girl. Then Thom Yorke comes in, says that he is gay, and wants to marry Chris. Chris stars crying, says yes, but then changes his mind, and runs off with Tom the gorilla. (Yes, an actual gorilla.) Then the mob boss, ‘Tony Pajamas’, comes back in and wants his diamond back, even though Guy already sold it for some pizza. Jonny sits down, cries, and sings about bananas. Will is still doing cartwheels, but this time he has a pink tutu on. Then Guy become a fry cook, like Spongebob, because that’s what I’m watching right now. Then Will starts to...


Oh, okay it’s lost now. I’m out of the zone. xD





this story is so random and funny!!

great job Kyra

and yet you still managed to squeeze Spongebob in there:lol:!!

I loved it!!

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um... yeah.


How Infinite is Space?

Part 16



"Whoa, baby! Break me off a piece of THAT!" Jonny was stationed in front of the bathroom mirror, shirtless, washing his face when Chris walked in.


"Excuse you?"


"You heard me!" Chris replied, a big grin on his face.


"Yeah, I did. Cheeky. Come here!" Chris cautiously walked forward. Jonny dipped his hand in the water that filled the sink, and splashed Chris in the face.


"Hey, you bastard!" Chris wiped off his nose and eyes, and Jonny grabbed his arm, pulled him closer and kissed him. He then quickly licked the side of his own lips.


"Ew, did you just lick your lips?"




"Ugh! You call me cheeky?"


"Mm-hmm. It's 'cause you are." Chris put his hand on Jonny's chest in an attempt to playfully shove him, but he was too weak, so his hand just rested there. "Chris..."


"...Jonny." The two locked their brilliantly stunning green and blue eyes and just stared at each other for a bit.


"Do you-" Jonny started, but was cut off by an unexpected visitor.


"Boys, it's time to go." Chris turned around to see Retaw standing a few feet away from them.


"Time to go where?"


"It's time to go save our world."


"What? But we're not even done with training!"


"The training you've had so far will have to suffice. The invasion has worsened and the revolution is beginning."


"What invasion? What revolution?"


"Yeah, you never actually told us what was going on."


"There's no time to discuss it now, we'll talk on the way there. But you two need to arm yourselves now, so follow me. Well, perhaps you should put on a shirt first, Jonathan."


After Jonny put on his shirt, the three made their way to the armory. It was a rather large room, with shelves upon shelves of alien machinery. Retaw led Chris and Jonny to one of the shelves in the back of the room. There he gave them each what looked like a regular backpack. Inside, however, was a mass of weapons ranging from laser guns to jars filled with some sort of orange goo.


"Please be careful with these, they're extremely dangerous. I assume you both know how to work the different guns, and those jars are only to be used in a case of extreme emergency."


"Extreme emergency? Like what?" Chris was beginning to panic.


"Like if you're both within seconds of death."




"Trust me, Jonathan, nothing in our world right now is pleasant. Come, it's time to leave." They left the armory and ascended a few floors in the elevator. They reached the top floor and walked down several hallways before arriving at their destination. Retaw took out a set of keys and unlocked the door that was in front of them. He opened the door and let Chris and Jonny enter first, then walked in behind them and closed the door.


The room only had one wall; the rest was a domed glass window. In the middle of the room was a small spacecraft. Looking out the glass, the distant outline of a planet was visible. Jonny walked over to the giant window and stared at the planet.


"Is that it?"


"That's our home, yes. Or it used to be."


"What happened, Retaw?"


"A lot. I'll tell you, but first we must board the ship." Retaw opened the door of the spacecraft and got in, then Chris got in, followed by Jonny. When they were all in there, the spacecraft was slightly crammed.


"I apologize for the lack or room in here, but this was the best we could do on such short notice."


"It's fine, Retaw." Chris and Jonny were pushed up right against each other, but neither of them minded at all. "Will you tell us what happened now?"


"Yes. It started many months ago. Our planet was always a peaceful place, where everyone either liked or was indifferent to everyone else. But there was a tiny problem. We controlled the most important substance in the galaxy- slobett. There are some races in existence who need slobett just to survive. As a result, we became a largely popular planet. Many others became jealous of our success. One day we were attacked. My, um..."


"Your what?"


"My brother was killed."


"Oh, man, Retaw. I'm so sorry."


"It was a tragedy, definitely. He had his whole life ahead of him. But nevertheless, he was killed by the invaders. We tried hard to fight them, but eventually we were overpowered. They completely took over our planet, and nearly destroyed it. A small group of those on our side and I searched for something that would help us. That's when we discovered the prophecy. It told us that you would be our only hope, Chris Martin."


"Oh, way to put a bunch of pressure on me."


"Don't worry, Chris Martin, you'll do fine. If the prophecy said you'll save us, then you will save us in the end. I have faith in you."


"Thanks, but that doesn't really take any of the pressure off."


"Relax, mate. I'm here to help you, too. We'll get 'em together." Chris smiled as Jonny grabbed his hand.


"Sounds good. Hey, Retaw, how long is the ride there gonna take?"


"We should be there in about ten hours, your Earth-time."


"Well, in that case, I think I'm gonna take a nap."



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My Golden Opportunity[/size][/b][/size]

[/color]Chapter 4



Chris PoV


“Ugh!” I grunted tearing off a dark green shirt. It was actually the third shirt I had tried on. I had turned into a teenage girl. God, what was happening to me? I hadn’t been this nervous for anything in a long time. I really like this girl. I feel like we have such a connection, even though I don’t know her that well. Completely different than things were with Makayla. In a good way.


I began to think of the relationship I ended 6 days ago as I looked through my dresser again in an attempt to find a decent shirt to wear. Makayla and I had known each other for a year before we started dating. We had known nearly everything about each other before we started dating. And then there was the publicity. That was big; she handled the publicity so well. Flawlessly even. I know it has to be hard, dating the singer of a band, but she didn’t make it seem difficult. I could take her anywhere.


She dealt with the breakup surprisingly well. She didn’t yell. She didn’t scream. She was calm. All she did was ask why. I remembered her pleading brown eyes as I tried to find words to explain. How could I possibly explain something to her I couldn’t explain to myself? Somehow, I found a way. I told her what I was feeling, that things didn’t feel as good as they could be. Like we just didn’t belong anymore. She seemed like she understood and agreed. She let me go. I was grateful for the peaceful farewell. It was good closure.


I pulled a navy blue t-shirt over my head and looked in the mirror. “Good,” I said to myself and went looking for my wallet. I grabbed everything I needed and walked out the door to my car. Then, I drove to where I’d meet Stephanie. This car couldn’t get me there fast enough.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I had gotten there fifteen minutes early on purpose. I got a table for two sitting outside. It was a gorgeous day out. Now I’m just sitting and waiting for her.


Ten minutes later I see her turn the corner. Once again, I was stunned by her incredible beauty. Her hair blew slightly in the breeze, making her even more beautiful than before. She had long hair. It was light brown, with blonde highlights from the sun. It was so natural and perfect. She had on a navy blue sundress with a funky pattern on it that she pulled off wonderfully. It took me a minute to realize we matched. I laughed at this. She approached the restaurant now. I stood up so she would see me, her beautiful brown eyes, my favorite feature about her, danced when they met mine.


“Chris!” She said my name with the biggest smile on her face. My heart fluttered.


“Stephanie,” I greeted her, “You look absolutely beautiful! Really. I’m in awe.” She blushed and I smiled a little.


“Thank you so much! You look incredible yourself!” She returned the complement, meaning it.


“Please, sit down.” I helped her into her seat.


“Thank you.” She responded. I took my seat. Shit now what do I say? Thankfully I was saved by our waitress. We ordered our drinks and she left us.


“Tell me about yourself Stephanie,” I half asked. She looked up curiously.


“What do you wanna know?” She raised an eyebrow.


“Everything and anything you’ll tell me. I just want to get to know you. I feel like I do know you, but let’s make sure of that?” I flashed a smile. “How about you tell me something about you and I’ll tell you something about me?” I hope that works. I’m dying to know her. To talk to her for more than fifteen minutes.


“Sounds great. Well, I have an older sister and I work for an architecture firm,” she began.


“Oh really? What’s that like?” I asked curious.


“Having an older sister or working for an architecture firm?” She laughed.


“Well I know what sisters are like, but tell me about your job.”


“Do I detect some hostility for your sisters?” She teased. I smiled. “Well, its very busy. But I love it. Its what I’ve always wanted to do. I couldn’t imagine ever doing anything else.” The passion in her voice surprised me, but it was amazing. “Your turn,” She said before taking a sip of her drink.


“To talk about my sisters or my job?” I joked. “Well, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else either. I’ve always wanted to be a musician. And now I’m in a band with my 4 best mates. It’s incredible. And we do ok.”


“You do more than ok.” She gave me a stern look. I smiled. We had talked about the band thing yesterday. While walking around the grocery store. I had warned her, of those damn paps. I told her they follow me, and that I understand completely if she changed her mind because she didn’t want to put up with the fame. I sure as hell don’t want to put up with it. But I was glad to see her shocked look in response. She still wanted to go out with me. I was relieved. We had talked a little more about the band. I guess in a way I was kind of explaining things…. “What do hate most about it?” The question brought me out of my trance.


“Fame. Dealing with it all.” She frowned, no doubt remembering our conversation yesterday.


“It must be really tough. I’m sorry Chris.” She took my hand.


“It has its benefits.” I smiled. “What do you hate most about your job?” She thought for a moment before answering.


“The work load.”


We went back and forth like this the entire time, sharing our life stories. I learned so much about her, but I wanted to know more. After I paid the bill we both got up, unsure of what to do next. I wasn’t about to let this end.


“Want to take a walk?”


“I’d love that,” she answered, smiling, her eyes big. Boldly I took her hand and lead her down the street. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her trying to hide a smile. I told her of the first time I was in New York, and how I tripped when I took the first step onto the street. This made her laugh. She had a beautiful laugh. I couldn’t get enough of it. I kept telling stories that would make her laugh. I was so happy, just to see that smile on her face and hear her laugh.


We walked around the city for a half hour, and coincidentally ended up right where I parked my car.


“Where do you live?” I asked.


“A few blocks down that way, I walked.” She almost looked sad acknowledging that.


“Can I drive you home?” Why do I feel so pathetic?


“I’d like that!” We were both happy to have more time together. We got in and I drove Stephanie home based on the directions she gave me. She really did live close. I pulled up in front of her apartment building and got out to go open her door. This pleased her. I loved how simple things like that made her happy. I walked her to the door.


“Thank you for lunch Chris. I had an amazing time! Really.”


“I’m glad. I had an incredible time too. Let’s do this again soon?” I prayed she said yes. She nodded. That’s a yes. I smiled. “I’ll call you. Bye Stephanie.” And with that I stroked her gorgeous hair with my hand, starred at those beautiful brown eyes, then I leaned in.



cliff hanger! :P


Ok here goes my first attempt at a fanfic :uhoh:......


My Golden Opportunity

Chapter 1



“Look at that one!” Chase said smiling. “I see,” I replied back smiling also. Its amazing how much little kids love to feed ducks. We’ve been here a half hour already, but Chase loved it and I didn’t mind. “More food Aunt Stephanie?” he begged. I gave him what was left of the bread we brought. He threw a handful of crumpled up pieces into a group of nearby ducks. A loud, obnoxious cell phone ring disrupted the peaceful moment I was having with my nephew.


I turned around to see a woman and a man walking hand in hand. The woman reached inside her purse to grab her cell phone. She took a few steps away and began what seemed like a serious conversation. She had beautiful dark brown, wavy hair with bangs, was tan and tall. He had gorgeous, dirty blonde hair that was beginning to get long. You could see the most adorable little curls starting to form. And he had without a doubt the most amazing blue eyes I’ve ever seen in my life. He was absolutely stunning. I quickly looked away to not seem rude.


Next thing I know I hear footsteps coming towards me and then all of the sudden he’s standing right next to me.


“Hi,” He says smiling an incredible smile. Think Stephanie I kept repeating in my mind! Think dammit! Words.

“Hi,” I managed with a smile of my own. Those dazzling blue eyes kept starring at me. I put my gaze on Chase as a distraction. He smiled when he looked at my nephew having the time of his life feeding ducks in Central Park.


“I’m Chris.” He said with a charming British Accent.

“Stephanie, that’s Chase.” I returned. At the sound of his name Chase came running over smiling. “Hey buddy,” Chris said to Chase, “I’m Chris.” Then they shook hands. “Wanna feed the ducks?” Chase asked excited. “Absolutely!” Chris answered looking honestly thrilled, “Come on, Stephanie!” We fed the ducks for a couple minutes, all of us loving it.


“So………..”Chris began awkwardly, “is he……yours?” he finished, looking away. My heart skipped a beat. “Chase? Oh no! No no no no no. He’s my nephew. My sister’s kid.” I surprised myself by answering in full sentences. “That’s wonderful,” he returned with a big smile on his face. Shit, was he flirting?! But isn’t that his…


“Chris! Are you ready to go?” A woman’s voice asked. She smiled politely at me, but I didn’t get a vibe that she really meant it.


“Yeah. I’m coming Makayla. Nice to meet you Stephanie,” he said with that big smile again, “Thanks for letting me feed ducks with you,” he said to Chase tousling Chase’s hair. He turned to me, “Hopefully I’ll see you around again.”


“That’d be great. It was great meeting you! You were great with Chase.” God how many times could I use great? “Bye Stephanie.” He said before walking back to the woman who immediately took his hand in hers. They continued their walk.


“He was fun. I liked him.” Chase said.

“Me too.... Me too….”



thanks brooke :D


hah hah. here it is guys....

My Golden Opportunity

Chapter 2



Chris PoV


I had been coming back to this exact spot every day for a week. And then walked around to find other ponds with ducks. At different times during the day. I still saw no sign of her. Or Chase. God, was I this pathetic? Makayla was great. Really, she was. Its just…..after that day with Stephanie….I don’t know. Makayla just didn’t seem appealing anymore. I can’t figure out why. It feels like she can’t even compare with Stephanie. But I don’t even know Stephanie. I spent what? 15 minutes with her? 20 tops. Yet, I feel like I already know her. Ugh, this is so confusing. I really have no idea what I’m doing here looking for her. Or thinking about her. But I don’t want to stop.


So I did what I always do when I have this feeling of confusion: went straight back to my apartment. I already felt a song coming on.



Its really short :P


My Golden Opportunity[/color][/b][/size]

Chapter 3



“You should have asked him for his number.”


“You’re joking?”


“Do I look like I’m joking?”






“I couldn’t have done that!!”


“Why the hell not?”


“I spent 15 minutes with the guy!”


“So? This wouldn’t be the first time something like this has ever happened ya know.”


“He has a girlfriend. She was with him.” I fired back, disappointment in my voice.


“Then he shouldn’t have been flirting with you,” she teased, a wicked smile of victory on her face. My face went red.


“He wasn’t flirting with me!!”


“It sure seemed like it to me”


“Oh please. You weren’t even there.”


“Flirting is flirting.”


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I was at the grocery store. My milk had spoiled. I really had to pay more attention to those things. I walked down the aisle where I knew the milk would be. I saw the oddly familiar back of a man grabbing a carton of milk. I froze. It wasn’t. It couldn’t be…


“Stephanie!” Chris yelled the second he turned around and saw me. “It’s so good to see you!” He flashed that big smile again and I couldn’t help but do the same.


“Hey Chris! How’ve ya been?” Ugh. Why did I say that?


“Not bad, how about you?” His eyes never left mine and the smile hadn’t faded one bit.


“Good.” Great Steph, that’ll take the conversation far.


“So, I, uh, was wondering….would you like to grab a cup of coffee sometime? With me?” He did not just ask that.


I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion. “But wait, I thought….”


“No, not anymore…” He knew what I was thinking.


“Oh. Well, I’d love to!” I smiled my biggest smile.


“Wonderful.” He replied. “So, how about tomorrow afternoon then? We could also grab some lunch…….uh if you like?”


“That sounds lovely.” I kept smiling. It really did sound amazing. I don’t know how it happened but his smile got even bigger. We agreed on a time and location to meet, then walked throughout the store while chatting. We walked out the door and said goodbye.


Ok, that did not just happen. I’m dreaming, that has to be it. There’s no other way. But I knew it was real. Wonderful, blissful reality. I looked down to hide my smile from the people walking by. Then I noticed. I forgot to buy milk. Shit.



you guys will like chapter 4, its a lot longer :P

sorry it took me so long to write this, writer's block sucks :P

but this chapter it long, so it makes up for it :lol:

anyway, without further ado

My Golden Opportunity

Chapter 5



I was in the middle of working on a plan for a new apartment complex when out of nowhere a vase of flowers appeared on my desk. I looked up and saw a beautiful display of tulips, my favorite flower sitting on my desk. They were purple, my favorite color. I smiled immediately.


“These just came for you.” Jenna said beaming. She started working here a year after I did and we’ve grown close over the years.


“Thanks for bringing them over, Jen!” I quickly opened the card and read it. “Can’t wait for tonight. Love, Chris” was written in a penmanship that made my heart flutter. I read it 15 times every second my heart beating faster than the last time. Chris had this big romantic evening planned for us tonight. He’d been talking about it for a week. But I was clueless, I wasn’t allowed to know anything. Something kept telling me we both knew where the evening would end up.


We’ve seen each other every day for the last 3 weeks, starting with our first date. It never got old and we never got tired of each other. He was always doing sweet little things like this that made me smile: texting me throughout the day to ask how my day was going, holding my hand every minute we were together, kissing my forehead, remembering everything I say, always asking about me and never talking about himself.


Now it would be impossible for me to get anything done at work.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chris picked me up at eight o’clock on the dot. When I opened the door he was standing there in a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. Very classy, and incredibly gorgeous. He smiled looking me up and down in my light blue v-neck dress that came down to my knees.


“You look absolutely stunning” He flashed another big smile. I blushed a little.


“Thank you,” I said kissing him on those incredible lips. “You look so amazing. I’ve never seen you so dressed up!” I let out a small chuckle and he did the same.


“Ready?” he asked.


“Let’s go!” I was excited now.




The second Chris started driving I got insanely curious as to where we were going.


“Where are we going?” I figured it was worth a shot. He shook his head laughed.


“Not a chance, Steph.” He replied.


“Aww please!” I starred into his beautiful blue eyes.


“No! Absolutely not, stop trying.”


“Pretty please?” I pouted and made the puppy dog face. He looked over and sighed.


“Fine,” he began and my ears perked up, “I’ll tell you this,” he stopped and looked right at me, “you’re going to love it!” he said with a cocky smile on his face. Even though he was teasing me I couldn’t help but smile. We spent the rest of the car ride just telling each other about our days.


We pulled up to a very tall building. In the dark, that’s all I could make out. Chris opened my door and I saw we were standing outside of a hotel. My stomach flipped. Without me even realizing it Chris pulled me towards a back entrance and let me in. We went up in an elevator and then went up some stairs after that. Before Chris opened the door he put his hands over my eyes to cover them. Must he keep insisting with the whole surprise thing? I heard a door creak open and felt a small breeze come through. Chris helped me wobble through the door. After walking about fifteen feet he let go and said “open”


My eyes flew open and I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. We were on the roof of the hotel. With the most breathtaking view of New York City, no matter which direction you looked at.


“Chris…” I saw him with the biggest smile on his face, “this is so amazing. Truly incredible. I can’t believe it.”


“So, you like it?” he asked almost unsure.


“I love it!! I can’t believe you did this.”


“I’d do anything for you,” he said before leaning in to kiss me.

We had the most incredible meal up on the roof. It was seriously some of the best food I’ve ever tasted. Then we were just finishing up the delectable chocolate cake we ate for dessert.


“So, now what?” I gave him a flirtatious smile and looked him up and down. He held my gaze and smiled. Next thing I know, we’re back in Chris’s car flying towards my apartment.



Chris lifted me up and carried me through the door, kissing me the entire time. He tasted so good, I couldn’t get enough. We made our way over to my bedroom. He threw me on the bed and tore his jacket and shoes off. He was kissing me passionately again. He lifted my dress off of me and I unbuttoned his shirt and took off his pants. It all happened in a blur, a dreamlike blur.



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