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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Brookey, :lol: i don't like your main character very much...who would be that cruel to Guy




Caitlyn, if you see this post don't say stupid kids thats who



hahahaha :lol:


i wonttt... :wings:







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i'm on a roll today!

also, this is the last part. :(



If you love me...


Part 6




Guy's POV


"I don't love you anymore." Even though Jonny had already told me, and Sarah had basically said it before, the words still pierced through my heart like a knife. We had been together for six years. I loved her to death; nothing in the world meant more to me than her. It didn't matter, though, because she didn't feel the same. And it wasn't just that she didn't feel the same, it was that she used to, and then she stopped. How does that even happen?


I turned away from her. Her beautiful eyes would always pick me up when I was feeling sad, but this time the woman behind them was to blame. Staring at the dark ground didn't help much either, so I stood up and walked away. I didn't know where to go. I couldn't spend the night at the apartment, even though it was my apartment to begin with. It just hurt too much. I figured that Jonny would understand if I dropped by, seeing as he knew what was going on, so I headed towards his place.


It took about twenty minutes to walk to his house. When I got there I was dead tired, but I had to wait outside for five minutes before I was even let into the building. I climbed up the three flights of stairs to Jonny's door, and knocked as loud as I could. After a minute or so, he opened the door.


"Guy." His expression told me that he knew exactly why I was there.




"Come in." He stood aside and held the door open for me. I walked in to his living room. I'm not sure why, but Chris was there. I think he's over at Jonny's a lot, though, so I didn't think much of it.


"Guy, you look terrible. I'm so sorry," Chris said as I walked towards him.


"You know, too?"


"Jonny told me. He's right, though, she is a bitch-"


"Chris!" Jonny exclaimed when he saw the look on my face.


"Oh. Sorry."


"It's OK," I mumbled, collapsing next to Chris on the sofa. "Actually, it's not, but whatever. I don't care anymore."


"Don't talk like that, man, it's depressing." I looked at Chris. He means well, but sometimes he doesn't know when to shut up. "You know what? I'll write a song for you, how about that?"


"Yeah, that'll make it all better. Hey, Jonny?"


"Yeah?" He was in the kitchen.


"Is it all right if I crash here tonight?"


"Yeah, of course." He walked out by Chris and me, carrying a tray of something. "Here, I made these. You guys can help yourselves. They're chocolate chip." He set the tray of cookies on the table in front of us.


"Ooh, my favorite!" Chris exclaimed, rubbing his hands together and grabbing about five cookies at once.


"Thanks, Jon, but I'm actually pretty tired."


"Oh, OK. Um, I'll get you some blankets and stuff, and... actually, you can just sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."


"Are you sure?"


"Yeah, it's not a problem."


"Thanks again. Goodnight guys." I got up off the sofa and walked into Jonny's room. His bed looked fairly comfortable. It was nice to be able to sit and relax. I closed my eyes and began to drift off, but something in my jacket pocket dug into my stomach as I turned over on my side. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the annoyance. It was the box that I was gonna give to Sarah. I opened it. The ring looked so sad and lonely. "Welcome to my world," I muttered, tossing the box on the table next to Jonny's bed. There goes that 5000 bucks.





The end. :)



but fear not! i have a feeling i'll be writing...well, not exactly a sequel.. a spin-off, perhaps?

anyway, i mean, Chris was at Jonny's place already... and Jonny was making cookies. they were obviously for Chris. i think i myself would like some explanation, so my next fic will probably be about that. :P



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