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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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okay.. so I just wrote part 3.. I realized that it's not going to be the final part.. part 4 will probably be the end


For people who didn't see this( because I posted it all the way back on page 17!)


here is part 1





I wrote a fanfiction, not sure if it's any good...


Note to read beforehand: sorry if I’m offending Guy fans by making him seem slightly undesirable in this story. It was hard to try and write romantic stuff about him since I only see him as “cute little Guy“, and not “hot sexy Guy.”

also for the pervs: there’s not a lot of perviness in this story so.. move on if that bothers you.




I heard the Escapist start to play, and I peeked out of the car window to see if the boys had left the stage yet. Sure enough I saw Chris running down the long corridor towards the black vans. Behind him I saw Jonny and Will following, and finally Guy. I smiled when I saw Guy and as an instinct, I looked down at the 1.5 carat diamond ring on my left hand. I had been dating Guy for almost 2 years, but I was still shocked when he proposed last Christmas. We were planning a spring wedding, and I had been busy with wedding plans, but always made sure I took a week or two to travel with Guy when he was on tour. I had just flown in last night from our home in Cotswold’s, and would be traveling with them for 10 days before returning home.


I knew that I was in love with Guy, but every now and again I had second thoughts. Wondering if marrying him was the right thing to do. He had always been a bit wild; loved to party and drink. And I’m not sure I am the same type of person. I like to have a drink every so often, but not nearly as much as Guy. There were other things about him as well, that made me question whether we should be together.


I was slightly startled when I heard the van door pull open, and quickly moved over as Guy hopped into the car. He took off his sweaty shirt and grabbed the clean one from the back seat, as the van drove away from the venue. We had a police escort to the airport, and as we drove quickly through the dark streets, Guy leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. He said something, but I didn’t hear him.. I was lost in my thoughts.



Guy squeezed my hand tight and I quickly came out of my daydream.


“We’re here… Lauren? I said we’re here. What’s the matter?”


I mumbled something to assure him I was fine, and we stepped out of the van. The air was much cooler then I was expecting, and I rearranged my scarf to cover my already chilled body. We walked quickly along the black pavement until we reached the stairs of the private plane. He helped me up onto the steps and I climbed them quickly. After we boarded the plane and took our seats, Guy went straight away to get a beer. We had to wait for the other vans to arrive and the rest of the guys to settle into the plane. Jonny was the last to arrive, and when he did, I sighed a breath of relief… happy to be leaving at last.


The rest of the guys were solo at the time, their families at home in London. We were traveling to Budapest, and they had decided that with all the flying we would be doing in the next week or so, it was best to leave the children at home. Guy was already on his 4th beer by the time we took off, and he quickly fell into a deep sleep, snoring loudly.


I didn’t feel very tired and occupied myself with reading for a while, before I became bored. I looked around the small plane. Chris and Jonny were sitting next to each other as usual, talking quietly with their heads rather close. I rolled my eyes, and giggled to myself. I was pretty sure there was something between them, but had never truly questioned it. Then I looked to my left. Will was sitting across the aisle from me, occupied with his laptop, but when I glanced at him, he looked up. Our eyes met, and he gave me a small smile. I smiled back, and looked down quickly. I checked to make sure he wasn’t watching before I raised my hand to my blushing cheeks. I had always liked Will… sometimes I thought I liked him too much.




I sighed and rolled over once again, hoping that a change of position would help me fall asleep. 15 minutes later I decided it was not working. I sat up in bed, and looked at the clock. 2:37am. Guy had been asleep for a while, but something was on my mind, and I just couldn’t figure out what it was. I was wearing my short silk nightgown, that Guy had gotten me for my birthday, and I got out of bed to pull on my matching robe. I quickly put on my slippers, and checked one last time to make sure Guy was asleep before slipping out of the hotel room. We were staying in a very nice hotel, with a bar/restaurant included, and since I couldn’t sleep I decided to go see if the kitchen was still open and serving food.


The restaurant was right on our floor, so I made it there quickly. The place was deserted, but instead of sitting at one of the small tables, I decided to sit at the bar. I noticed someone was already at the bar, and as I got closer I realized it was Will. My heart fluttered, but I continued to walk closer. I sat down a couple of seats away from him, and he looked up right away.


“Hey, what’s wrong can’t sleep?” he asked quietly. He was sitting there in his pajamas, sipping a beer.


“Nope. I haven’t been able to sleep these past couple of nights….same problem?” I asked. I realized I was talking too loudly, and decided to move closer. I got up and went to sit in the seat next to him.


“Yeah,” he replied “ can’t sleep.. I don’t know why, just some things on my mind I suppose.”


He didn’t make eye contact with me, and I wondered if there was something wrong, but decided not to ask him about it.


I looked up and replied to him, “Same here. Planning this wedding is really stressing me out.”

He nodded, and took a sip of his beer.


“Hey Will, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah sure.” he said “anything.”


“Before you married Marianne, were you nervous at all?? Did you ever think it may have been the wrong thing to do?”


“No,” he shook his head “I knew right away she was the one, no second guessing. It was love at first sight.”he smiled.


“Oh,” my heart sank.

He could tell that wasn’t the response I was hoping for. I suddenly panicked. I shouldn’t have asked him that… now he probably knew that I was reconsidering marrying Guy. I got up to leave, but he gently grabbed me by the arm to stop me.


“Lauren, is something wrong?”


“No Will I’m fine,” I looked him in the eyes. “really.”


I slipped away from his strong hand, and quickly walked out of the bar, and back down the hall to my room. Once inside, I kicked off my slippers, and took off my robe and quickly got into the bed. I pulled the covers over my body, and glanced over at Guy. He looked so peaceful, and without thinking I kissed his cheek and stared at him once more. I knew I couldn’t leave him, he would be devastated. He had done nothing wrong, and I shrugged off my previous feeling.. hoping that it was just cold feet, and that everything would be fine.





The thunder woke me up the next morning, and I looked to see what time it was; 8:23. I rolled over expecting to find Guy still sleeping, but instead just rolled onto a mess of crumpled sheets, and pillows. His side of the bed was still warm, and I noticed then that I heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. I got up and nudged the bathroom door open gently, Guy was taking a shower. I quietly backed out of the room, knowing that if he saw me, he’d ask me to join him. I didn’t feel like getting close to him right then, so I quickly got dressed and left the hotel room, off in search of some breakfast.




When I returned, I found Guy sitting at the foot of the bed, tying the laces of his sneakers. “Chris, and Jonny and I are going out.”


“Where to?” I asked absentmindedly.


“A bit of shopping and sightseeing, then maybe a beer or two. It’s stopped raining, so we thought we should have a bit of fun on our day off. Would you like to come?”


“Hmm, no.. I’m not feeling well actually. I may be getting sick. I’ll probably just take a nap, then maybe go to the spa they have here…. you didn’t mention Will.. is he staying?” I asked hopefully.


“Yeah, he said he didn’t sleep well last night. Must have been the beer on the plane. He never did handle his liquor well... anyway he’s knackered so he’s staying here…I won’t be back till late afternoon. We may get dinner as well.”


“Okay" I replied.


He got up from the bed to kiss me goodbye. He attempted to make it a long passionate kiss, but I pulled away. I felt guilty though I hadn’t even done anything. I hugged Guy, handed him his coat and opened the door for him. I watched him walk down the long hotel hallway to the elevator, then shut the door. I thought of Will staying behind in his hotel room, and my heart started to beat faster and faster.


“Nothing can happen between the two of you!” I said aloud to the empty room.


The fact that I had even thought about it, made me feel disgusted with myself and I covered my face with my hands. I was thinking of something to do to take my mind off of him, when I was startled by a sharp knock at the door.


“Hello? Lauren? It’s Will….”



To Be Continued






here is part 2




I heard his voice and completely froze. I slowly raised my head from my hands, and looked at the door. He called my name again and I heard 2 more quick knocks. I jumped up from the bed, and glanced at myself in the mirror. I smoothed down my hair a little, before thinking that it didn’t matter what I looked like anyway. I shouldn’t be prettying myself up for Will. “He is Will for fucks sake, one of Guy’s best friends. And nothing can happen between the two of you.” I repeated in my head.


I snapped out of my thoughts, and rushed over to the door. I opened it slowly, and peered out to be sure that he was still there. I saw that he was, and then opened the door all of the way. I don’t remember inviting him in, but within seconds he was in the room and sitting on the chair by the window. I shut the hotel door and turned to face him.


He was wearing dark jeans, and a gray long sleeved t-shirt with a black scarf. He was leaning back in the chair, just staring at me with those famous pensive eyes. But I didn’t feel uncomfortable, quite the opposite actually. I felt at ease.


“I didn’t really feel like going with the guys today… I was tired… but then Guy rang and said that you were staying behind as well. He said you weren’t feeling well and wanted me to come check on you later.. but I figured.. sooner is better than later right?” He said with a grin.


“Yeah, I thought I might have been getting sick, but I think I’m just tired. I barely slept last night. I feel fine otherwise.” I said.


“Oh, then I guess I better let you rest.” he said, getting up from the chair.


“No, don’t go.” I replied… almost too quickly. “Stay here, well I mean not in this room, but how about we get something to eat together?”


He paused for a while before agreeing, “Alright, sure.”


He waited outside the room while I changed into something a bit nicer. I couldn’t help but to try to make myself look good, I just felt like I wanted to impress him for some reason. I grabbed my purse and went to meet him outside the room. We didn’t talk much. He mentioned that there was a small restaurant just across the street from the hotel, so we walked there and got a small booth for two. The restaurant was pleasant; warm, nice music, and low lighting. After we ordered, I looked up at Will, expecting him to say something.. I don’t know… something about me. There was something in his eyes, that was different from the night before. But he didn’t mention anything all through lunch. I started to think maybe he didn’t feel the same way.. and brought up a bunch of random topics just to make conversation.


By the time we had finished lunch, it had started to pour outside.. and the thunder was ear-shattering loud. We quickly ran back across the street to the hotel. We walked through the lobby, and into an open elevator. He reached over to hit our floor level, 23. And the doors closed. I’m not sure what floor we were on when it happened, but suddenly the dim lights in the elevator started to flicker, then they went completely out. The elevator came to a screeching halt, and we were standing in complete darkness. I let out a small shriek, but it was muffled from the booming loudness of the thunder outside.


“ Oh fuck,” Will muttered “ the lift has completely stopped.”


“What should we do?” I asked.


“ I suppose we have to wait for someone to come get us.. I mean surely once they realize the powers out, they’ll check the lifts for stranded people right??” he asked nervously.


“I don’t know,” I said ”hmm maybe there’s an emergency button or something.. I can’t see shit though. It’s pitch black!”


“Oh here!” Will exclaimed, “I’ve got my mobile phone!”


I could hear him getting it out of his pocket and opening it up, and then suddenly the elevator was filled with a dim light. He aimed his phone over at the button panel, until he came across a big red one. He pressed the button, and waited, but nothing happened. He pressed it again, and again. Nothing.


“Fuck!” he said loudly. I could tell that he was getting anxious.


“It’s okay, Will. Just calm down, we’re going to get out of here eventually! Don’t get nervous. We just have to wait for someone to come get us... why don’t we sit down?” I suggested.


He nodded and we both lowered ourselves to the floor. We sat there next to each other in silence for a while. He opened up his phone, and placed it in front of us to create some kind of light.


Suddenly I felt his hand on my knee. I inhaled deeply, and my heart started pounding.


“Lauren?” he said “…..I’ve got to tell you something.”



To Be Continued






and here is part 3





My heart was beating out of my chest, and I felt short of breath. His hand crept up my thigh to where my hand was resting, and he gently placed his hand on mine.


It felt like a lifetime before he said anything, but finally he opened his mouth to speak.


“Lately I’ve been feeling …” that was as far as he got.


He was stopped mid sentence when the elevator jolted to life and began zooming upwards. The lights had turned back on.. And we could see each other clearly now. We sat there for a while staring at each other. For me, it was mostly shock. I felt frozen.. My mind was racing. What was he going to tell me? We were still looking at each other, but he broke the eye contact when he glanced down at my thigh. My hand lay there, with his hand on top. He quickly pulled it away, and jumped up from the floor. I got myself up slowly, not knowing how to act or what to say. I looked up at the lights above the elevator door. We were only at floor 17. It seemed to be taking forever. Will was breathing hard, and he had shoved his hands deep into his pockets and was pacing the short length of the elevator. I opened my mouth several times to say something, but closed it again. I had no idea what to say to him.


When the elevator finally reached our floor, he burst out through the doors and began to bolt down the long hallway. I quickly followed him. He reached his room and was about to go in when I called his name.


“Will, wait!”


He stopped and turned around to face at me.


“What were you just going to tell me?” I asked him. He was looking down at the floor, and pulling at his scarf nervously.


“Nothing, Lauren… nothing at all.” he sputtered the words out quickly. Then he went into his hotel room and slammed the door.


I stood there for a while, with my mouth hanging open… “Well what the fuck was that?!?” I thought to myself. I somehow managed to get back to my room. I went in, kicked off my heels, and collapsed onto the bed. I stared at the ceiling, my mind and my heart were racing. My eyes started to feel heavy, and within a couple of minutes, I had fallen asleep.




When I woke up, the room was dark. I looked at the clock, it was 6:50 pm. I was surprised that Guy wasn’t back yet, but then remembered that he had mentioned something about dinner. Suddenly a thought entered into my head, something I had to act on. I got up and went into the bathroom. I picked up my toothbrush and began to brush my teeth, while at the same time, fixing my hair and then re-applying my mascara. I put on my heels again, and left the hotel room quickly. I needed to do this fast before my mind had time to think and rationalize.


I walked down the winding hallway to Will’s room and knocked loud and hard on the door. It wasn’t long before he answered. He stood there staring at me, he had changed into his pajamas and he smelled clean and soapy.. He must have just taken a shower. I pressed my hand against his chest and pushed him into the room. I shut the door behind me, took his hand and led him over to the big overstuffed chair by the window. I had to be forceful, knowing how stubborn Will is. I sat him down, and took a deep breath. “Think about what your doing, Lauren” I said in my head. “Oh fuck it.”



I climbed onto his lap, and wrapped my legs around him. He hadn’t spoken yet, and I don’t think he planned to anytime soon. I stared deep into his eyes. Then leaned in, and kissed his cheek. I kissed his cheek again, but this time closer to his lips. I kept getting closer and closer until finally I reached them.

He kissed me back. And soon I knew that if he had a doubt about this, it was gone now.

He kissed me again, and soon I wasn’t the one being forceful. He placed his hands on my back, pulling me in closer to him.


Suddenly something vibrated between us. It was my cell phone in my front pocket, and it quickly stopped our kissing. I pulled it out from the front of my jeans, and saw that it was Guy’s number on the caller id. I picked up and tried my best not to sound breathless.

Guy told me that had parted ways with Chris and Jon, and come back to the hotel to pick me up. He wanted to take me out on a “proper date.” I had no choice but to accept, he told me he loved me, and I whispered it back through the phone. I was still on Will’s lap, my face just inches from his.


“That was Guy, he wants me to meet him downstairs.” I said, even though I was sure that Will had heard everything Guy had just said. How could he not? He was two inches away.


“Oh.. Okay… okay then… so…”

He was a stuttering mess. I stopped him from talking by kissing his lips again. Then I got up from his lap, and walked to the door. I stared at him once more before slowly leaving, and shutting the door behind me.

I knew that what I had just done was wrong. So wrong, but I couldn’t help but smile. He had left the sweetest taste in my mouth.




I fought back tears the entire night. During dinner, as I sat there directly across from Guy, I found it hard to look him in the eyes. When I had left Will’s hotel room, I had been smiling.. But that smile had quickly faded when I remembered the wonderfully kind and innocent man waiting for me in the hotel lobby. How could I have done this to Guy?


He held my hand as we walked back to the hotel from the restaurant. He gave me his coat when I complained about the cold. He made cute little jokes, and was his amazing adorable self. He was such a good person, and I had betrayed him.


When we got back into our room, I immediately went into the bathroom and locked the door. As soon as I heard Guy turn the T.V on, I broke down, and let the tears fall from my eyes. I stayed in there for quite a while, thinking and crying. I finally washed my face and went back into the bedroom. Guy had fallen asleep on the bed, with a book in his hand. I took the book from him, and placed it on the nightstand table. Then I turned back to look at him. He was the perfect man, and I knew I was in love with him. But I had to make things right first. I knew that I had to talk to Will.





okay I honestly feel like shit after writing that out. That's definitely as far as the perviness will go, I felt disgusted with just writing a couple of kisses into the story. I will never be able to write out a full pervy scene. but there will definitely be a part 4.

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Okay ... I posted my first chapter on page 25 at the very bottom and then continued with chapter 2 and 3 over the following pages.


Then I decided to keep it somehow private, as it is kind of freaky knowing that EVERYONE can come up here to read all the stories.


In case some of you are interesting in knowing how it continues, please contact me via PM or profile message.

I found a different way to 'publish' it ... ;)

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A Short Valentines Day Story!


It is February 14th, Valentines Day. Chris and the gang are about to perform at Wembley Stadium...Guy and Will are in a room backstage...


Guy: I love you!


Will: What?


Guy: I'm talking to my hair!


Will: What?


Guy: Don't you just love my new hairstyle?


Will: Not really...


Guy: You take that back!


Guy puts a comb up to Will's throat


Will: What are you doing, why are you holding a comb?


Guy: Shut up! Well, being the most handsome member of Coldplay, I HAVE to look my best!


Chris enters


Chris: Excuse me Guy, did I hear the word........Handsome?


Guy: You sure did!


Chris: Good job i'm here then!


Guy: Why? I am handsome.


Chris: Uhh...yeah, okay, we'll go with THAT.


Guy: I am, arn't I Will?


Chris: Look, everyone knows the Coldplay order of handsomeness! It goes Me, Jonny, Phil, Will and then you Guy!


Guy: You Have got to be kidding!


Jonny enters


Jonny: Did I hear my name?


Chris: You sure did! I was just reading...


Jonny: The Coldplay order of handsomeness, yeah, I know, am I still number two? Is Guy still number five?


Chris: Yes and Yes


Guy: Who made this anyway?


Chris: Ian from Coldplaying.


Guy: Ohhh, oh yeah, that guy, the one who looks like Simon Pegg?


Chris: Yeah!


Guy: But it's obvious that Will is the ugliest!


Will: HEY!


Chris: Umm, Guy, well...the list says different!


Phil enters briefly


Phil: 5 Minutes!


Chris: Hey, Phil, you know about the Coldplay order of handsomeness, don't you?


Phil: Of course!


Phil exits with a cheeky grin


Jonny: Let's get ready then!


Guy: I'm not!


Chris: Oh don't be stupid Guy!


Guy: I said I am NOT playing!


Chris: It's Valentines Day, this is going to be a great concert, and it is at Wembley!


Guy: Forget it!


Chris: Fine, we will just get another Bass Player!


Jonny: Isn't Adam Clayton from U2 in the audience?


Chris: Hey, yeah!


Guy: You wouldn't dare!


Chris: Try me!


Guy: Oh....fine!, I'll come!


Phil enters


Phil: 2 Minutes


Phil exits


Will: Well, let's go!


The four of them walk out of the dressing room and walk into the wings...


Chris: You ready guys?


Guy: Yeah


Will: Yeah


Jonny: Mr Handsome Number 2 is ready!


Chris (smiling): Keep on smiling Jonny boy...


A voice is heard on stage


Voice: Now, the moment you have all been waiting for, here for all you lovers, it is....COLDPLAY!


Chris, Guy, Will and Jonny walk on to the stage to a massive scream


Chris: Hey guys, normally we would start with Life In Technicolor, but because of this special day, we are going to do something a LITTLE different, in fact, I'm not going to be involved, i don't know even what is going to happen, but our guitarist, Jonny has arranged something, so, let's see! Take it away Jonny!


Jonny starts to play a beautiful guitar solo on his guitar and then begins to sing...


Jonny: Love! Love! Love Everywhere! I Know I have a girlfriend, but sometimes I want a boyfriend so I am asking a man to have me!.......I am asking A MAN to have ME! I am asking a special man to hold and squeeze me, I am asking Mr Handsome....I am asking Mr Handsome....I am ASKING Mr Handsome number.....................................FOUR! I love you Will!


Jonny runs up to Will and kisses him!


Will: I love you too!

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Jonny starts to play a beautiful guitar solo on his guitar and then begins to sing...


Jonny: Love! Love! Love Everywhere! I Know I have a girlfriend, but sometimes I want a boyfriend so I am asking a man to have me!.......I am asking A MAN to have ME! I am asking a special man to hold and squeeze me, I am asking Mr Handsome....I am asking Mr Handsome....I am ASKING Mr Handsome number.....................................FOUR! I love you Will!


Jonny runs up to Will and kisses him!


Will: I love you too!


Is this a way to feed the sexual part of your mind simon?. Just changing the names to members in coldplay...I know what you're up too!

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great work simon.


Thanks :D


Is this a way to feed the sexual part of your mind simon?. Just changing the names to members in coldplay...I know what you're up too!


:lol: And who represents me in this story then? :P

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A Short Valentines Day Story!


It is February 14th, Valentines Day. Chris and the gang are about to perform at Wembley Stadium...Guy and Will are in a room backstage...


Guy: I love you!


Will: What?


Guy: I'm talking to my hair!


Will: What?


Guy: Don't you just love my new hairstyle?


Will: Not really...


Guy: You take that back!


Guy puts a comb up to Will's throat


Will: What are you doing, why are you holding a comb?


Guy: Shut up! Well, being the most handsome member of Coldplay, I HAVE to look my best!


Chris enters


Chris: Excuse me Guy, did I hear the word........Handsome?


Guy: You sure did!


Chris: Good job i'm here then!


Guy: Why? I am handsome.


Chris: Uhh...yeah, okay, we'll go with THAT.


Guy: I am, arn't I Will?


Chris: Look, everyone knows the Coldplay order of handsomeness! It goes Me, Jonny, Phil, Will and then you Guy!


Guy: You Have got to be kidding!


Jonny enters


Jonny: Did I hear my name?


Chris: You sure did! I was just reading...


Jonny: The Coldplay order of handsomeness, yeah, I know, am I still number two? Is Guy still number five?


Chris: Yes and Yes


Guy: Who made this anyway?


Chris: Ian from Coldplaying.


Guy: Ohhh, oh yeah, that guy, the one who looks like Simon Pegg?


Chris: Yeah!


Guy: But it's obvious that Will is the ugliest!


Will: HEY!


Chris: Umm, Guy, well...the list says different!


Phil enters briefly


Phil: 5 Minutes!


Chris: Hey, Phil, you know about the Coldplay order of handsomeness, don't you?


Phil: Of course!


Phil exits with a cheeky grin


Jonny: Let's get ready then!


Guy: I'm not!


Chris: Oh don't be stupid Guy!


Guy: I said I am NOT playing!


Chris: It's Valentines Day, this is going to be a great concert, and it is at Wembley!


Guy: Forget it!


Chris: Fine, we will just get another Bass Player!


Jonny: Isn't Adam Clayton from U2 in the audience?


Chris: Hey, yeah!


Guy: You wouldn't dare!


Chris: Try me!


Guy: Oh....fine!, I'll come!


Phil enters


Phil: 2 Minutes


Phil exits


Will: Well, let's go!


The four of them walk out of the dressing room and walk into the wings...


Chris: You ready guys?


Guy: Yeah


Will: Yeah


Jonny: Mr Handsome Number 2 is ready!


Chris (smiling): Keep on smiling Jonny boy...


A voice is heard on stage


Voice: Now, the moment you have all been waiting for, here for all you lovers, it is....COLDPLAY!


Chris, Guy, Will and Jonny walk on to the stage to a massive scream


Chris: Hey guys, normally we would start with Life In Technicolor, but because of this special day, we are going to do something a LITTLE different, in fact, I'm not going to be involved, i don't know even what is going to happen, but our guitarist, Jonny has arranged something, so, let's see! Take it away Jonny!


Jonny starts to play a beautiful guitar solo on his guitar and then begins to sing...


Jonny: Love! Love! Love Everywhere! I Know I have a girlfriend, but sometimes I want a boyfriend so I am asking a man to have me!.......I am asking A MAN to have ME! I am asking a special man to hold and squeeze me, I am asking Mr Handsome....I am asking Mr Handsome....I am ASKING Mr Handsome number.....................................FOUR! I love you Will!


Jonny runs up to Will and kisses him!


Will: I love you too!



i cant imagine johnny singing, let alone singing those lyrics!

that was brilliant...please write more :D

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Simon, I'd honestly rather you left the "latest story" thing to the list instead of promoting your own stories in the thread title. It looks rather... competitive, wishing to be on the top since you never put any other stories in the title before. Just saying, no hard feelings or anything, kay? I appreciate what you've done so far, just trying to lend a helping hand :smiley:

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:lol: thanks. you too.


you get any cards?


I got one :lol: But it was more of a friendship one ;)



i cant imagine johnny singing, let alone singing those lyrics!

that was brilliant...please write more :D


I'm glad you liked it I will be making more soon! :D


Simon, I'd honestly rather you left the "latest story" thing to the list instead of promoting your own stories in the thread title. It looks rather... competitive, wishing to be on the top since you never put any other stories in the title before. Just saying, no hard feelings or anything, kay? I appreciate what you've done so far, just trying to lend a helping hand :smiley:


List updated with Chapter 3 of cold_love23's The Lift and Si's Valentine's story. Also with chapters 4-7 of The Prospekt of Oz because I was stupid and forgot to add the links to those in the first place. Sorry Corkus.


I think it would be good to promote every story sort of so I am going to check all the time and the latest story will be put in the title for a bit more promotion!, Mine just happened to be first :lol: Thanks for all your help!

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