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18-Sep-2009: Wembley Stadium, London - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews/Photos


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That is actually a good question: Why did Will let that happen? :thinking:


Yeah, this should have had the 'Will Champion Seal of Disapproval' all over it... Bad Will! :will::whip:


ARRGH I wish I was there though, especially now they are filming it! I'm really wondering if this supposed DVD will be a patchwork of different shows, so maybe they are recording different shows to see which represents the tour best? I think we are getting a DVD though! I mean, they haven't released one since 2003, and with their current popularity combined with all the filmed shows, I think it's a given! :P

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True!!! But she is on the field tomorrow, right??? And GA will be there too, right?

They will need a better security!!!! :D :D :D

Hahahahaha, true!! :lol:

Oh, sorry everyone, the real world is callng... I NEED to do some grocery shopping! :(

I'll be back as soon as I can :kiss:

Good luck with the shopping Sarah!

Talk to you later! :kiss:

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Found this one on the twitter search:stunned:

thepando: Girls Aloud set was very good, the crowd certainly appreciated the set. Jay-Z next, then Coldplay.


Edit; talk to you later Sarah! :hug:


Second edit;

tweet from the Viva Crew:

vivacrew: White Lies and GA over, waiting for Jay-Z. Chris says GA are shite. Miller walked by, we gave him a wave. Min

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Hey Pete (it's Pete right?) :)

Mich (I think Mel is with her, don't know who else though) is about 6th row, a few are at the C-stage (Kirsten, Ian and Anna) and Cooky and Joe are seated..

Apparently not all the gates opened at the same time.. :confused:


From the Viva Crew:

Got ignored by Wayne the dancing roadie lol. Don't blame him, probably thinks we're crazy (which we are). Min

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