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16-Aug-2009: MCH Arena, Herning, Denmark - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews/Photos

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It was a very enthusiastic Coldplay, who last night took to the stage at the Outdoor Arena at the Exhibition Center Herning. Pågældende koncert var første stop på bandets kommende Europa-turne. That concert was the first stop on the band's upcoming European tour.


For at sætte gang i publikums blodomløb før hovednavnet skulle på scenen, optrådte det danske indie-band Moi Caprice samt den britiske gruppe White Lies. To stimulate the audience's blood flow before the main concert was at the scene, appeared the Danish indie band Moi Caprice and the British group White Lies.


Moi Caprice Moi Caprice


Mens folk stadig var ved at indfinde sig på deres respektive pladser på arenaen, gik Moi Caprice på scenen. While people still were about to present itself to their respective seats on the arena, went Moi Caprice on stage. Bandet spillede deres største hits, såsom The Art of Kissing Properly, My girl You Blush samt Drama Queen. Alle energiske sange, The band played their biggest hits including The Art of Kissing Properly, My Girl You Blush and Drama Queen. All energetic songs men på trods heraf, formåede Moi Caprice aldrig helt at rive publikum med, selvom bandet forekom meget veloplagte og beærede over at få lov at opvarme for selveste Coldplay. but despite this, Moi Caprice never managed to completely tear audience, although the band seemed very playful and honored to be allowed to warm himself for Coldplay. Veloplagte var publikum dog ikke helt på daværende tidspunkt, måske på grund af den kraftige blæst, der også op til flere gange var ved at tage frontmand Michael Møllers store sorte hat med sig i svinget. Playful audience was not quite at that stage, perhaps because of the strong winds, also up to several times was by taking the front man Michael Miller's large black hat with them in turn.


Som altid udtrykte Michael Møller sine yndige dansetrin gennem feminine bevægelser, men som noget nyt opførte han sig meget velopdragent og stueren på scenen. As always, Michael Moller expressed his lovely feminine through dance movements, but as something new built himself very politely and rooms on the scene. Måske fordi han vidste, det var et noget andet klientiel end sædvaneligt, der var mødt op denne aften. Maybe because he knew it was something other than klientiel usage significantly, which was turned up this evening. Hele bandet var klædt i sort og andre mørke farver (for som de tidligere har udtalt: Vi går klædt i sort, indtil der dukker en mørkere farve op), men desværre var bagtæppet ligeledes sort. The whole band was dressed in black and other dark colors (for which they have previously stated: We are dressed in black, until the emergence of a darker color up) but unfortunately was also black backdrop. Det bevirkede, at bandet nærmest flød ud i ét med det sorte tæppe, så man som publikum var nødt til at fokusere på storskærmen for at følge med i det, der foregik på scenen. It meant that the band almost ran into one with the black carpet so that the audience had to focus on the big screen to follow what was happening on stage. Alt i alt gav Moi Caprice en god halv-times koncert, på trods af et meget stillestående publikum. All in all, gave Moi Caprice, a good half-hour concert, in spite of a very stagnant audience.


White Lies White Lies


White Lies var næste punkt på programmet, og nu var arenaens tilskuere øjensynligt ved at være varme i leddene. White Lies was next on the program, and now the arena spectators apparently by being heat in the joints. I al fald blev der klappet gevaldigt med på hits som To Lose My Life og Farewell to the Fairground , der begge har været spillet flittigt på P3. In any event, was applauded tremendously with the hits To Lose My Life and Farewell to the Fairground, which both have been played frequently at P3. Hvor Moi Caprices koncert var karakteriseret ved et meget stillestående publikum, så var koncerten med White Lies kendetegnet ved et meget stillestående band – ingen af bandets medlemmer bevægede sig stort set hele koncerten igennem, hvilket var en skam. Where Moi Caprice concert was characterized by a very stagnant audience, so was the concert with White Lies characterized by a very stagnant band - none of the band members moved largely through the entire concert, which was a shame. Forsanger Harry McVeighs stemme fremtrådte meget ren og solid, men der kan derimod sås tvivl ved hans guitaristiske kunnen, da hans guitarspil lød pivfalsk gentagne gange. Lead singer Harry McVeigh's voice appeared very clean and solid, but there may however be called into question by his guitarist mission capabilities, as his guitar playing sounded pivfalsk repeatedly. Publikum fik undervejs en smagsprøve på noget endnu ukendt, nemlig en B-side i form af sangen T axidermy. The audience got underway a taste of something still unknown, namely a B-side in the form of the song T axidermy.


Coldplay Coldplay


Herefter var det endelig tid til, at aftenens længe ventede hovednavn, Coldplay , skulle indtage scenen. Then it was finally time for tonight's long-awaited headlining, Coldplay, would take the stage. Som introduktion fik publikum serveret Strauss' An der schönen blauen Donau samtidig med, at der på storskærmen blev fremvist et satelit-verdenskort, hvor Messecenteret i Herning var tilføjet som destination. As an introduction had the audience served Strauss' An der schönen blauen Donau, while that on large screen was shown a satellite map of the world where the exhibition grounds in Herning was added as a destination. Det fungerede utroligt godt, måske fordi det gav publikum en fornemmelse af, at bandet rent faktisk var klar over, hvor i verden de befandt sig. It worked incredibly well, perhaps because it gave the audience a feeling that the band actually knew where in the world they found themselves. Da satelitten slutteligt zoomede ind på arenaen, hvor vi alle stod, var der stor jubel at spore. Since the satellite finally zoomed in to the arena where we all stood, there was great jubilation to track.


Koncerten indledtes med sangen Life in Technicolor fra Coldplays seneste plade, efterfulgt af hittet Violet Hill. Herefter bød forsanger Chris Martin publikum velkommen ved at sige “Godaften allesammen” på et meget gebrokkent dansk, og takkede for det stærke fremmøde på trods af kulde og blæst. The concert began with the song Life in Technicolor by Coldplay latest album, followed by the hit Violet Hill. Then bade frontman Chris Martin welcomed the audience by saying "Good evening all together" at a very gebrokkent Danish, and thanked for the strong turnout despite the cold and wind . Herefter fik tilskuerene glæden af at høre storhittet In My Place, hvor Chris Martin meget energisk løb frem og tilbage på den kæmpe scene, hvorpå der var tilføjet to podier, der stak ud blandt publikum. Then spectators had the pleasure of hearing big hit "In My Place, where Chris Martin very energetic ran back and forth on the fight scene, which had added two podiums, which stuck out in the audience. Den mand har åbenbart en fremragende kondi, da der ikke var den mindste forpustelse at spore i hans vokal, på trods af, at han altså fik løbet sig noget af en tur. The man clearly has an excellent fitness, as there was the slightest breath to track his vocals, in spite of the fact that he made the course somewhat of a turn. Begrejstringen – hos publikum såvel som bandet – var stadigt stigende, især da det efterfølgende nummer bestod af endnu et megahit, nemlig Y ellow fra bandets debutskive: Parachutes. Her var hele scenen oplyst i et gult skær alt imens der rullede store gule balloner Begrejstringen - with the audience as well as the band - was steadily increasing, especially since the subsequent number consisted of another megahit, namely Y ellow from the band's debut disc: Parachutes. Here was the whole scene disclosed in a yellow glow all while having rolled big yellow balloons henover publikum . Især under Yellow gik der stadionrock i stemningen, da Chris Martin til slut bad publikum synge sangen for ham, mens han selv tog sig en slapper på et af podierne. over the audience. Especially the yellow went to stadium rock into the atmosphere when Chris Martin finally asked the audience to sing the song for him while he took a slapper at the podium.


Herefter faldt pulsen en kende, idet de mere stille og mindre kendte sange indfandt sig, eksempelvis London Cemetaries og 42, for derefter at få publikum helt op at ringe igen med de prægtige numre Fix You og Speed of Sound Then fell a pulse known as the quieter and lesser known songs materialize, such as London Cemetaries and 42, then to get the audience up to ring again with the gorgeous numbers Fix You and Speed of Sound fra X & Y- albummet. from X & Y album. Under sidstnævnte fremvistes en særdeles velpassende video på storskærmen, der nu fyldte hele bagtæppet. During the latter showed a very velpassende video on big screen, now filled the entire backdrop. Den førte publikum væk fra arenaen og ud i rummet med en masse laserstråler, stjerner og store planeter. It led the audience away from the arena and out into space with a lot of laser beams, stars and large planets. Dernæst forsvandt bandet fra scenen, mens de under spotlight bevægede sig helt ned i den anden ende af arenaen for at fremføre blandt andet Till Kingdom Come og Green Eyes . Then the band disappeared from the scene, while the spotlight moved right down the other end of the arena to present among other Till Kingdom Come and Green Eyes. Inden bandet igen vendte snuden mod den store scene, opførte de Michael Jackson hittet: Billie Jean, hvilket vakte begejstring hos publikum, men ikke så meget hos undertegnede, da kvaliteten af nummeret ikke var i top. Before the band again turned its nose against the big scene, entered the hit Michael Jackson: Billie Jean, which caused excitement in the audience, but not so much with myself, because the quality of the track was not in the top. Måske fordi de eneste instrumenter, som var medbragt på det lille podie, bestod af et par guitarer, men også på grund af, at lyden nede bagved var væsentligt forringet i forhold til det ellers fremragende lydbillede, Outdoor Arena lagde for dagen. Perhaps because the only instruments that were brought to the small podium consisted of a couple of guitars, but also because of the sound down behind was significantly impaired compared with the otherwise excellent soundstage, Outdoor Arena presented for days. Det kan tænkes at have været genkendelsens glæde, der begejstrede publikum. It might have been spotting joy that thrilled the audience. Generelt fungerede det ikke optimalt, at bandet rykkede sig helt ned i den anden ende af arenaen, og mon ikke de, der havde betalt på den gode side af 600 kr. for deres inderscene billetter, havde det på samme måde. Generally it is not working optimally, the band marched right down the other end of the arena, and I wonder if those who had paid on the good side of £ 600 on their inner arena tickets, felt the same way.


Da bandet igen indfandt sig på den store scene opførte de Lovers in Japan fra deres nyeste album, hvor publikum blev beriget med konfetti formet som sommerfugle i alverdens farver, hvilket i den grad satte gang i stemningen igen, inden bandet takkede af med To Death and All His Friends. Since the band again arrived on the big stage entered the Lovers in Japan "from their newest album, where the audience was enriched with confetti shaped like butterflies in all sorts of colors, so much sparked the mood to go before the band thanked the two Death and All His Friends.


Før bandet spillede deres ekstranumre, som blandt andet bestod af The Scientist, forsikrede Chris Martin publikum om, at han snart slap dem, med ordene: “We only have two more songs – the n you can go have fun”. Before the band played their encores, which among other things consisted of The Scientist, Chris Martin assured the audience that he soon released them, with the words: "We only have two more songs - the n you can go have fun." Ud fra publikums reaktioner at dømme havde “sjov” nu ikke været nogen mangelvare igennem denne koncert. Based on audience reactions to judge had "fun" now, been no shortage of goods through this concert.


Chris Martin afsluttede med at takke de to opvarmingsbands, men desværre havde Moi Caprice ikke sunget sig så dybt ind i Martins hjerte, at han kunne huske, hvad de hed. Chris Martin concluded by thanking the two heating bands, but unfortunately Moi Caprice not sung himself so deep into Martin's heart that he could remember what they called. Han takkede dem nemlig med ordene ” Thanks to White Lies and to…the band before them”. He thanked them for the words "Thanks to White Lies and two ... the band before them."


Alt i alt en fremragende oplevelse i Herning, der tilbød alt det, en stadionkoncert bør indeholde i form af balloner, fyrværkeri, sing-along og konfetti. All in all an excellent experience in Herning, offering everything a stadium concert should provide in the form of balloons, fireworks, sing-along and confetti. Coldplay selv havde eftersigende også en fortræffelig oplevelse, da de efter koncerten opdaterede deres Twitter-status med ordene: “Very much a first night no doubt, but the vibe of THAT many people & the huge new production is just beyond belief”. Coldplay had reportedly also an excellent experience, because after the concert update their Twitter status with the words: "Very much a first night no doubt, but the vibe of that many people & the huge new production is just beyond belief."


NB: Det viser sig, at Johnny fra Kandis er stor Coldplay-fan. Note: It turns out that Johnny from Candy is big Coldplay fan. I hvert fald var han denne aften til stede ved tribune A i Herning. At least he was this evening attended the grandstand A in Herning.



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  • 11 months later...

:wacky: It's one year ago today!!! I've been thinking about it most of the day. I'm wearing my red Viva La Vida t-shirt (the same as a year ago) and I've been listening to Coldplay. :wacky: Ah, I miss that night and Coldplay. I think it was the most amazing night of my life. :wacky:



I feel so bad for not keeping my word - I never wrote a 2nd part of my review, the actual concert. :disappointed: It would have been good for my own memory too. :(

Edit: Actually, now I think about it, if I concentrate some time, I would still be able to write it... :thinking:

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