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December 21 2012


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well, people are trying to find the fact like these things happened for the example. though, as from myself i dont want to think about it too much. about the end of life, we dont have to think about it deeply, because we know that life's short, unfortunately, we cant predict when will it be end....

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hey wait, a month ago i received some kind of an email from my dad, but it is indonesians and i cannot transtlate them into english


btw, the email is about Jucelino Noberga da Luz and also this ( i dont understand what kind of language that is. but the thing is, there are nothing about world end in 2012, and though there are more earthquakes and disasters until 20.... (blahblah)

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It was an example of another "it's going to be the end of the world on this date" scare :P

i remember them use to be on a friday at 17:00 here.


i remember my best friend used to enjoy that stuff that much, it was kind of scary.


once we were at school and randomly told me. "what time is?"

me: "17:10, why you ask that?" :inquisitive:

my friend: "see we are alive, that was a fake" :cheesy:

me: "would you had liked it were true?" :thinking:


that was a bit so :freak:

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I've heard this crap a million times.


Nostradamus couldn't even predict his own death, let alone the end of human kind.



I remember some geezer predicting the end of the world in either june or july 1999.

On that day I was at an R.E.M. gig, and Michael Stipe suddenly went: "Oh my God. Is it midnight yet? We made it! Congratulations all, we're still alive", and then they kicked off playing 'It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)'. That was so great. I had goosebumps all over.

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