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What song at Grammys?


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They suck at award shows period. Chris gets all nervous and over-sings. Poor guy.

plus the stage isn't designed for a big concert type song, it;s designed for an award show. Plus most people in the crowd hate Coldplay. It's funny when they dump confetti all over them and the people are all just like "WTF?":laugh3:

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They might performed (if they are asked to perform) Viva La Vida but I would think they might not perform that song because of the lawsuit. The Grammys might ask them to stay away from that song and that is understandable. Of course, if they perform VLV then that would be a smack in Joe's face and that's ok with me.


I would have to say that they'll perform either Lovers in Japan (minus the butterflies), Violet Hill, or Lost. I would like it if they perform Lost because it's a jamming song that did not get the recognition or play that it truly deserved. Anyhoo, we still have over a month to go before the ceremony so it's really a guessing game at this moment.

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i think either lovers or life in technicolor ii. i hear what you're saying above about it being a prospekt's march song and they're up for viva, but it is the current single. i wonder if they (meaning chris) would pull that one off any better than LIJ or VLV, but i know it's just his crazy nerves at awards shows and less about the song choice. i think it's probably going to be crappy no matter what, because chris gets all worked up for these things.


i would think it would be completely awesome to do like they did before with politik and do VLV with a live string orchestra. even though chris would get really nervous, i think the epicness of live strings might slightly make up for that.

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Feel like I've seen this thread times before. But for my two cents, They've exhausted VLV and LIJ didn't go over so well last time. I say there's a 65% chance that it's Glass of Water. It's a great, full song for an award-show, it's fresh, and it supports their latest release. I'm sure it won't be a VLV single...it'll either be a different track, or something off of prospekt's march.

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Oooh! Yes! When I heard they were going to play on the upcoming Grammy awards, I straight away thought "they need to play LITii." :cool:


Where did you hear that they were going to perform at the Grammys? I haven't heard or read anything that they were one of the performers at this year's Grammys. The only performance concected to the Grammys is the Neil Diamond tribute that they'll performing at. Not to say that they won't perform but the Grammys have not made any announcement concerning any who is performing.

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Where did you hear that they were going to perform at the Grammys? I haven't heard or read anything that they were one of the performers at this year's Grammys. The only performance concected to the Grammys is the Neil Diamond tribute that they'll performing at. Not to say that they won't perform but the Grammys have not made any announcement concerning any who is performing.


Not official.



But they'll surely perform.

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Chris' voice in Violet Hill sounds bad especially on the "If u love me wont u let me know" part.....So i think they shouldnt do Violet Hill even tho i love that song!

But i would like Lost with Jay-Z


I also want Lost but I rather not have Jay-Z with them since I don't think he's rap is all that good in the song. However, I can see them performing it with Jay-Z because he is also nominated (5 times?) and the Grammys tend to like performances where two totally different music acts perform together.

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Not official.



But they'll surely perform.



I'm sure they'll perform. I was just curious since the poster said that they heard that Coldplay were going to perform. I would say that the announcement as to who will be performing will be coming out in the next two to three weeks.

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I actually really liked their 2003 performace of Politik. Chris's vocals may have been a little off at times but there were other things he did with the vocals that I really liked and wish he did more of at live shows. He was so passionate about it, I think this performance actually made me fall in love with Coldplay.

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