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Are You a Snow Person?


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I am!


*Throws snowball in YOUR face. Yes you.*


There seems to be a divide between people who love the snow, and those who just see it as small clumps of icy water that just makes them cold and complain. I think we should all unite and have a big snowball fight.


I like all kinds of disastrous weather actually, strong winds, torrential rainfall, Im not afraid of D-day.

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it'd be very daring to live in finland and hate snow! I can't say i hate it but i don't absolutely love it either. I like lying in snow when nobody can see me though :cheesy:


My life would be very boring and weird it there wasn't any snow.. :sad:

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^ :lol:


I slipped the other day aswell....and today!

There is a WHOLE LOAD of snow where we are at the moment, I hope there is no more and it clears quick or I might not be able to go to Feeder! :bigcry:


It was on my way to college and I ripped my jeans and everything. I had to spend the day with my mucked up jeans.


Their were alot of people behind me when it happened aswell so someone must of saw (even though I wasn't down for long. I leaped up like a panther)

I wanted to go up to them and say

"Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"Me falling over, ripping my jeans and making a twat of myself? no? okay then!"

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It was on my way to college and I ripped my jeans and everything. I had to spend the day with my mucked up jeans.


Their were alot of people behind me when it happened aswell so someone must of saw (even though I wasn't down for long. I leaped up like a panther)

I wanted to go up to them and say

"Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"Me falling over, ripping my jeans and making a twat of myself? no? okay then!"




I would of loved to have seen that! :P

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Love snow... but more so when the country can actually cope with it (England not being an example of it).

Having bus services shut down and icy roads for 3 days when there was 15cm of snow is just stupid :P



(ok, and I'm not very well balanced, so the icy roads made me fall a few times, hit my head on the road a few times and bite my tongue, so right now I might be slightly biased).




PS: REILLY! :stunned:

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I know you live way up north nathan, so i can't really say anything about the situation up there... but here in oxford it was not that much snow, and the city basically left it as it was for days without doing anything properly...


i lived in canada for 6 months, got a shitload more of snow and never the public transportation shut down... i think it's just a matter of being prepared for this kind of weather...

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I re-tract being a snow person. At least at night. In the day its beautiful and charming, and crunchy to walk on, but at night, the slush and freeze and general crappiness of it all. God damn slushy murky snow fecal.


Mariano! Its been ages! How've you been?

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Slush is just stupid. makes everything look ugly and makes your clothes and feet wet!!!


but i did have loads of fun watching people skiing (yes, you read it right) in the park even though there were these huge green spots of grass all around...



Reilleooo!! It's been way too long. you've totally gone MIA.

I'm good!!!!! Finally here in England, so am happy. :)

What you've been up to crazy person?

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Slush is just stupid. makes everything look ugly and makes your clothes and feet wet!!!


but i did have loads of fun watching people skiing (yes, you read it right) in the park even though there were these huge green spots of grass all around...



Reilleooo!! It's been way too long. you've totally gone MIA.

I'm good!!!!! Finally here in England, so am happy. :)

What you've been up to crazy person?


Sweet! You finally made it to England! Welcome.


Im just doing uni, working a bit, been really bored lately. You left for a while didnt you?

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