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I hit an old lady today.

Matter-Eater Lad

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I was driving to work going down the highway when a car was sitting in the turn lane and just pulled out in front of me very slowly and I ran into the side of her car. Then the car slowly started to drive off, so I followed not knowing if they were going to find a place to park or what and we ended up a down the street in a doctors parking lot. Once we parked I got out and walked up to the car where a 80 yr old women stepped out, asking me what just happened. I expected some angry person to jump out of the car cursing at me, but it turned out to be a really sweet old lady. I felt bad, but luckily she wasn't hurt, just the side of her car was in bad shape. Then I felt even worse because when the officer got there she got a ticket for causing the accident.

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I understand how you feel, Nick - it was from no fault of your own, and in a like manner I almost ran into the side of a suburban driven by an elderly man, who never looked - he just started to wander out onto the highway.. Luckily, I darted the other way, just in time.. But the main thing's nobody's hurt - that's a miracle in and of itself! I'm glad she was so kind, and didn't even notice the accident - somehow, that's not surprising either! Perhaps the ticket isn't a bad thing, if it makes her aware that she needs to take a reaction test or something to assess if she's still good enough to drive.. Nobody's fault really, since anyone can make a mistake driving, though we try and minimize the errors. I once calculated that for every American driver, there's between 2 and 3 reportable accidents in a driving career; while defensive driving helps, and paying attention is critical, there's often just too many possible collisions out there to not wind up in one eventually.

Don't feel bad - we all go through things like that! ;)

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That sucks man, will her insurance pay for everything? I'm so sick of cops. Like giving her a ticket is going to make her think twice before pulling out in front of people next time. :rolleyes: That'll teach you, you old lady!

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That sucks man, will her insurance pay for everything? I'm so sick of cops. Like giving her a ticket is going to make her think twice before pulling out in front of people next time. :rolleyes: That'll teach you, you old lady!


I would assume so we actually have the same insurance. With it technically being 100% her fault, they should cover everything. I'm going to call tomorrow and report it and set up a time for them to look at the car.

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uggh. :sick:

this thread just reminded me about how this morning a woman lost control of her car and hit a pole and the car like, wrapped around the pole. she died. this happened right outside my school. :disappointed:


Thats rather scary and sad.

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Poor old lady.

But at least it didn't turn into road rage or something.



even though i didnt see it or anything (cuz it happened before school started and i came to school a different route than where it happened) i know it was pretty serious, cuz it caused a lot of people to be late to school. the route i took was really backed up with traffic and we couldnt figure out why. and we werent even on the same road!

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