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The Black Keys

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What's the feud about?

Patrick said something about how he "really enjoyed Madonna's performance last night" the day after Lady Gaga sang at an awards show, which led to Ke$ha jokingly insulting him for it (believe it or not, he and Ke$ha get along great), which led to all of Gaga's fans seeing Patrick's tweets and sending him hoards of hate messages. Patrick, being the badass he is, decides to retweet every bit of vile and vulgar hate mail that gets sent his way. He added fuel to the fire by saying things like "Your little monsters aren't very tolerant of me, which seems hypocritical since you preach tolerance." It's over now, but it was funny as hell during the few days it lasted.

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I still haven't bought it :disappointed:


I can't find it in the free record shop :/ ( I know I should support independent record store's , but they are more expensive)


I play "Just Got to be" on guitar, like .....

every day !

It's so good :wacky:

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it's good isn't it ? :wacky:


It wouldn't load and I got sidetracked :sad:



Magic Potion and Attack and Release are so good as well!


I'd love to be able to play songs like Just got to be on the guitar as well :}


I've heard a few songs off each, Psychotic Girl being my favorite.

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I've heard a song here and there from this band after hearing "Tighten Up," I finally decided to really give this band the attention they deserve.


Damn, they are good! I'm going out tomorrow to get "Brothers" and I'll just work my way back to their '02 album!

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And yes, I love it too. Although I like Brothers more. The new album's stuff is good, but to me, there's not any stand-out tracks or anything.


Actually contrary to my prior thoughts I think this album has a fair shot of being better. I didn't think anything could top "Everlasting Light" but Idk, some of these songs are pretty good, particularly "Sister" and "Nova Baby"

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I saw The Black Keys the other night at KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas, and of the 4 times I've seen them in the past year, this was BY FAR the best. For anyone who has any doubts, these guys are indeed arena-ready. The new songs are immense, although there is the remaining question of how the pre-Brothers material will fare in larger venues. Still, if they can pull that off, these guys will have successfully struck the balance between their roots and their newly found popularity. (Also, our group did the "Lonely Boy" dance during said song and we truly hope it catches on with everyone at future Keys gigs.) A few pics:









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