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Coldplay confirmed for Guitar Hero 5


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I've been wanting to get Guitar Hero for ages but I just don't have the money to invest in a games console :disappointed: Although when I play my friend's GH I can manage to scrape through most songs at medium level :P


I'd like to see what songs will make it on GH5 :D

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i just hope they pick the one with the hardest guitar/bass lines. that would make it the best.

but a song i think would be cool would be strawberry swing. :D

or talk. and i think they need to do things i dont understand for bass. that would be awesome. but no one except bigger coldplay fans really know that song. :\



I agree with you on Strawberry Swing. I'm not sure how hard it would be but it would still be fun to play.

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i was wrong. I thought that Guitar Hero 5 was Guitar Hero Smash Hits, Its not though. It is a completely different game. I am an idiot!!! But still I cant wait for Guitar Hero 5. I hope that they have more than 1 Coldplay song in it. I have checked on Wii scince October 2008 for downloadable content. But still no Coldplay. :( I think it would be funny if they actually made a computer image of Coldpay and you could play as them. That would be awesome!!!! :)

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I think it would be funny if they actually made a computer image of Coldpay and you could play as them. That would be awesome!!!! :)

Seriously, if the chick from Paramore gets her own GH character, I don't see why anybody from Coldplay can't.


Personally, I'm still waiting on Phil: The Video Game.

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Saw this earlier on the official site. Stupid forum user spells "Coldplay" as two words. :veryangry2:


I'm thinking 'Talk' or 'In My Place' would be good options.


(Also, I'm hoping the Muse song is 'Plug In Baby'. If so, I might never stop playing the game.)




O wait, I'm never ever going to get it -_-

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I think it would be cool to make a Coldplay RockBand game. Have a microphone, keyboard, drumset, and a guitar!


That would be AMAZING!!!



For the game I'd like Violet Hill, Talk, In my place:), Yellow, maybe Don't Panic:wink3: and also Strawberry Swing

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That would be AMAZING!!!



For the game I'd like Violet Hill, Talk, In my place:), Yellow, maybe Don't Panic:wink3: and also Strawberry Swing


you... i dont care what i quoted...


you sig is telling me to look at the stars and how they shine for me... but all i can see is a sun... get yourself together...

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you... i dont care what i quoted...


you sig is telling me to look at the stars and how they shine for me... but all i can see is a sun... get yourself together...



Well, :\ honestly I don't understand what you say, if you are angry or not.


About my sun, in the smilies I didn't find a star (or maybe I didn't see it:S) but in fact the Sun is considered or also called as a Big Star.


Anyway you know what my sig means:wink3:

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