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I hate Tampa, FL

Matter-Eater Lad

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I drove around lost for 3 hours today in Tampa trying to find my friend's new house but My GPS didn't work and her directions sucked. I drove for 6 hours to see her and didn't even find the place.


Sorry about that :\


I understand that driving around Tampa is complicated, drivers are mean, and some areas are not exactly the places to ask for directions.



In defense of my city, it seems that your GPS and your friend's directions are more to blame for this :dozey:

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Pffft. Sexist stereotypical statement. Ricardo.


Correct that NOW.


Yes, Ricardo :whip: :P

Yeah but they would have gotten soaked in the rain....It rained most the time I was driving in Tampa. hahaha I was surprised I didn't get a flat tire.


Tell me about it :dozey:

I was almost THIS close to crash with another car in Downtown Tampa yesterday while driving in the rain. I took a curve too close, almost about to hit head-on a SUV if I didn't reacted quick and steered my car to the right.

I still wonder how I am alive :stunned:


Summer weather in Tampa sucks, that'll I concede

Basically, it's hideously humid for most of the day, and thunderstorms after 5pm.


Yesterday was atypical in that it rained the WHOLE day



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Nick, I love your sig!


Next time you feel like hopping in the car and driving 6 hours, come up to SC and let's hang!


I just had a new idea for SC's tourism campaign: "South Carolina: It's not as far as Argentina."

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