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Noel Gallagher

Guest howyousawtheworld

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I really enjoy listening to the 2 songs I've heard from him: The Death of You and Me and If I had a gun (the links lead to a French TV show where he played them, if you're interested in taking a look ;))!

So I will, in the near future, listen to the album on Spotify :D (I already checked if it was there and it is, yay!)


I taught myself how to play "The Death of You and Me" on my horn today. I feel so accomplished.
Bravo :clap:
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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:


Yes comrades.


How art thou? So... we fuckin' smashed it, eh?


It was a nice surprise, the HFB album going in at #1. Thanks for that. A proud moment. Commiserations to young Mr. Cardle, whom I met the other night. Nice lad. Lovely hat AND scarf!!


The big story of the last few days was, of course, the righteous Man City's total and utter humiliation of The Evil Empire. A result so shocking my 4 year old, who knows nothing about anything that isn't a dinosaur, said, "That's really bad, isn't it dad?" To which I laughed into his face and raised him aloft like a human world cup until he requested that I put him down. A result so awe-inspiring that it rendered the 1st NGHFB gig almost irrelevant.


Was it any good? Don't ask me. I felt like it flew by in about 30 mins! I enjoyed it, mind. It did leave me with a bit of food for thought regarding the set list. All good though.


Legged it straight off stage to the airport where my private jet THE G-FIRM was fired up and ready to fly home to London. Had to be on top form at them Q awards. Got myself a nice little Q ICON award and more importantly, and somewhat surprisingly, a blimmin' standing ovation!!!! I liked it a lot!!!! More of those, please.


Spent the rest of the day drinking and smoking my arse off. Which meant yesterday was spent on the couch watching the repeats of the total and utter humiliation of Man United (which was where aforementioned child-lifting took place).


I am currently on a high-speed train up north heading to the great city of Manchester. Playing the Apollo tonight. Coming on to 'Blue Moon'. Should be interesting!!!






And also, today is my birthday! I hope Noel changes a little bit the setlist for tonight gig.

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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:


Morning!! How art though? All good?




So… Manchester last night? It was great. Thanks for coming. The thing that fuckin' annoys me though is these "celebrity" Man United fans. 3 of 'em - who shall remain nameless - blew me out last night. All last week they were "Bang up for it", the "Couldn't wait to see me", and all that bollocks. Then one of them mysteriously developed "food poisoning", another one had "forgot" it was "half term" - whatever that means - and just to add insult to injury the last, and probably most famous of all the dirty reds sez, "Something's come up and I have to deal with it" …SOMETHING'S COME UP? What… like a little bit of sick that's been in there since Sunday? Tut, tut lads.


Anyway, am currently sat on the tarmac - not ACTUALLY sat on the tarmac - at Manchester airport on our way to Edinburgh.


Fuckin' flight's been delayed once now already. We've been just SAT here for the last 30 minutes! What a fuckin' liberty.


And it's pissing down. And the plane's got propellers!!






And a good Youtube channel with videos from last night concert:





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another one posted already , he's so fucking genius ...


Heading for London in 2 days ...

Seeing GOD live in 3 days








Enjoy this great concert! I have seen videos online and it's amazing. He is so good!

Are you going to buy some merchandise? I saw two pictures in SCYHO and is not bad.

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another one posted already , he's so fucking genius ...


Heading for London in 2 days ...

Seeing GOD live in 3 days








You're so lucky!! I wish you have the time of your life in that concert! You deserve it! :D


BTW i'm seeing Liam in 6 days!! :D

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October 31, 2011 - submitted by Nicole, Puerto Rico


Q. Noel Gallagher says: 'I'd be up for collaborating with U2 or Coldplay.'


That would be the most amazing thing ever! Do you think Coldplay would be up for it?



The Oracle replies:


Last week Chris talked about why collaborations with men don't quite have the right chemistry so I can't see that happening any time soon.



:thumbsdown: It's a shame, that's the only thing that could make me listen to Coldplay again.

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"Does it upset you, even now, when someone says something negative?

No, it doesn’t upset me, I’m just aware of it. I don’t want to get too full of myself because of that faction. I don’t care if someone doesn’t like us, that’s fine. Go watch some TV or listen to Oasis. Whatever..."



Ok, Chris, I'm off to listen to Oasis. :escaping2: Even better, I'm going to listen Whatever. :lol:


And I want to say that it's a cliché that fans of Oasis don't like Coldplay. I was in Live4ever and a lot of people there love Parachutes and AROBTTH.


In other news, Noel is going to Mexico in April. I think a Latin America tour is close, I can't wait!

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