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Amanda Knox trial (guilty, then not guilty, now guilty again...)


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What are your opinions about this case? Before the verdict is announced, do you think she is guilty or innocent? Although the case is getting a bit of press here in the U.S., the details still aren't clear (at least, not to me). I'm particularly interested in the opinions of those from Italy, since you probably hear more details regarding this case...

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Amanda Knox is guilty: Student gets 26 years in jail for drug-fuelled sex murder of British student Meredith Kercher


Amanda Knox is guilty: Student gets 26 years in jail for drug-fuelled sex murder of British student Meredith Kercher



By Beth Hale and Nick Pisa

Last updated at 4:18 AM on 05th December 2009




American student Amanda Knox was last night found guilty of the drug-fuelled sex murder of Meredith Kercher and jailed for 26 years.

The conviction, after 14 hours of deliberation, came two years and one month after 21-year-old Miss Kercher’s half naked body was found in a pool of blood in the bedroom of her Italian home.

Knox’s former lover Italian Raffaelle Sollecito, 25, was also found guilty and sentenced to 25 years.


Enlarge article-1233281-077AD26F000005DC-567_634x605.jpg Guilty: Amanda Knox leaves the court after she was found guilty at the end of an 11-month murder trial



Enlarge article-1233281-077AD6AB000005DC-619_634x277.jpg Accomplice: Raffaele Sollecito is led away after being sentenced to 25 years for the murder


Knox, 22, wept as the verdict was delivered amid chaotic scenes in a packed courtroom.







The student, who had been described as both demon and angel during the dramatic year-long trial, looked to her family in despair and screamed ‘No, No!’ as police led her from the courtroom in Perugia.

Enlarge article-1233281-03111568000005DC-714_306x478.jpg Victim: Meredith Kercher was stabbed to death in Perugia over two years ago


The family of Miss Kercher, from Coulsdon, Surrey, sat in dignified silence, with her sister Stephanie quietly crying.

Patrick Lumumba, the local bar owner Knox had accused of being the killer, put his hand on her shoulder in a gesture of comfort.

The family’s lawyer, Francesco Maresca, said: ‘They got the justice they were expecting. We got what we were hoping for.’

Sollecito’s stepmother shouted, ‘Rafaelle, No!’ as the verdict was announced.

Knox, who called herself Foxy Knoxy on a web page, and Sollecito were ordered to pay almost £4.5million compensation to the Kercher family. Knox, now exposed as a compulsive liar, was also ordered to pay £36,000 to Mr Lumumba whose business was ruined.

The pair were returned to Capanne jail near Perugia, where they were put on suicide watch.

Brunette Miss Kercher, a student at Leeds University, was just two months into a university exchange programme when her life was cut tragically short in a night of appalling brutality in November 2007.

Returning home from a quiet evening eating pizza and watching a DVD with British friends, she was subjected to a terrifying ordeal.

It is still not known at what point she was confronted in her bedroom by Knox, Sollecito, and drifter Rudy Guede, who was convicted of murder last year.



Fuelled by drugs, the trio made depraved attempts to involve her in a sex game – finally holding a knife to her throat. When she still refused, they stabbed her, leaving her to bleed to death in slow agony.

It is thought to have been Knox who cut Miss Kercher’s throat, while Sollecito held her down and Guede tried to rape her. They left her body under a blood-soaked duvet.







Face of a killer: Amanda Knox earlier yesterday (left) and arriving back at court in a prison van at midnight to hear the verdict at the end of her long-running trial



Sinister: Raffaele Sollecito in a macabre image that featured on his own website

Knox and Sollecito returned to the house the following day and ‘discovered’ the murder.


Initially detectives believed Miss Kercher may have been attacked by a burglar, as one of her windows was broken. But the mock break-in had been staged by the killers.

Knox’s ‘strange behaviour’ – she turned cartwheels in the police station – soon raised suspicions.


She made a series of conflicting statements to police followed by a bizarre ‘confession’ blaming Mr Lumumba. She said she put her hands over her ears as she heard Miss Kercher’s dying screams.

But Knox and Sollecito were trapped by DNA evidence. A kitchen knife was recovered at Sollecito’s house, with Knox’s DNA near the handle and Miss Kercher’s near the tip.

Knox, meanwhile, was described to the jury as ‘narcissistic, angry, aggressive, manipulative, transgressive, theatrical and easily given to disliking people’.


Enlarge article-1233281-077ADFDA000005DC-463_634x502.jpg Devastated: Amanda Knox's father Curt clutches the hand of another of his daughters as he leaves the court

Her lawyers claimed the DNA had been contaminated, but the jury of two judges and six civilians rejected the claim.

'I don't get depressed,' she said. 'In these situations, I grieve and try to find the positives in important moments.'

Sollecito had also addressed the court on Thursday, saying that no motive had emerged for his alleged role in the murder.

He said: 'I am not violent, I never have been. I wasn't at the house (where Miss Kercher lived and died) that night.'

Knox’s parents Curt Knox and Edda Mellas, who are divorced but attended court with their new partners, continually proclaimed their daughter’s innocence, claiming she had been misunderstood.

They are being sued by Perugia police after claiming their daughter was beaten into confessing.

Last night her father, asked if he would fight on, held back tears and said: ‘Hell, yes. This is wrong.’

An appeal will probably be heard within the next year.

Guede, 22, is already serving 30 years for sexual assault and murder.












Fight for justice: Meredith's father John Kercher (left) and her mother Arline and sister Stephanie (back) were in Perugia to hear the conclusion of the case


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1233281/Amanda-Knox-Italian-boyfriend-GUILTY-NOT-GUILTY-murdering-Meredith-Kercher.html#ixzz0Ynwpo3QI

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This is a really strange case, and it doesn't get any coverage here in America.


Does she have a history of violence or sexual aggression? If not, it's hard to make the case that her character suddenly changed. What drugs were they taking? If it was only weed then I highly doubt that contributed anything to the situation. And then there was a drifter and her boyfriend in the house also... this would make a perfect whodunit movie plot.

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how so? she claims she says she only said she was in the house because she was beaten by police during interrogation. In any case, the conclusion that all three got together to murder meredith is absoluteloy ludicrous. It's like saying, 'well it could've anyone of you, so instead of giving one of you a life sentence, we'll just give each of you 25+ years, that way the real murderer get's punished and the two other's lives aren't completely ruined.


To me it's quite obvious that Rudy Guede is guilty as he had sex with the victim that night, and immediately fled to Germany afterwards leaving a handprint in meredith's blood. It's a straight forward sexual assault. For the prosecution to embellish a story where Knox and Sollecito, without any prior record or possible motive, join up with a complete stranger to brutally murder her roommate is truly absurd.

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  • 1 year later...

Amanda Knox pleads her case; American's fate is in the hands of an Italian jury




PERUGIA, Italy (AP) - Amanda Knox tearfully told an Italian appeals court Monday that she did not kill her British roommate, pleading for the court to give her back her life after years of suffering behind bars. The court began deliberations moments later.


Knox frequently paused for breath as she spoke in Italian to the eight members of the jury in a packed courtroom. She fought back tears and quickly regained composure.


"I've lost a friend in the worst, most brutal, most inexplicable way possible," she said of the murder of Meredith Kercher, a 21-year-old Briton who shared an apartment with Knox when they were both students in Perugia. "I'm paying with my life for things that I didn't do."


Presiding Judge Claudio Pratillo Hellmann said the jury would not emerge before 1800 GMT (2 p.m. EDT) at the earliest.


Knox and co-defendant Raffaele Sollecito were convicted in 2009 of murdering Meredith Kercher. Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison, Sollecito to 25. Also convicted in separate proceedings was Rudy Hermann Guede, an Ivorian man.


They all deny wrongdoing. "I want to go home, I want to return to my life, my future," Knox said. Minutes before, Sollecito also addressed the court to proclaim his innocence.


Kercher was stabbed to death in her bedroom on Nov. 1, 2007. Her body was found the following day.


"She had her bedroom next to mine, she was killed in our own apartment. If I had been there that night, I would be dead," Knox said. "But I was not there."


The Kercher family is expected to be in court when the jury delivers the verdict.




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Guest howyousawtheworld

Very similar reaction to America. But with many allusions to the fact that Kercher's family have on the large part felt ignored in the whole process. They seem to have been quite offended by the Knox's family publicity campaign over this issue seeing no compassion for Meredith Kercher at all.

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What is the reaction like in the UK? News over here is reporting the reactions in Italy but I haven't heard anything about reactions in the UK, considering that's where Meredith Kercher was from.


'It's back to square one': Family of Meredith Kercher accept court verdict on Knox ... but say agonising search for the truth goes on


Meredith Kercher's family showed incredible stoicism today as they faced the world's media and said they accepted the Italian court's decision to clear Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito of her murder.

However Lyle Kercher, the murdered student's brother, said questions remained about what really happened to Meredith that November night in 2007 and it was 'back to square one'.

He said: 'While we accept the decision that was handed down yesterday and respect the court and the Italian justice system, we do find that we are now left obviously looking at this again and thinking how a decision that was so certain two years ago has been so emphatically overturned now.



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2044922/Amanda-Knox-verdict-latest-Meredith-Kercher-forgotten-murder-victim.html#ixzz1ZoCg1Ywt

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