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Coldplay End of Decade Clearout Sale (catalogue discussion pg43 onwards, winning item pics pg151 onw


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I really like the JD too, but got in so much trouble with the wife for buying the rickenbacker so I thought I better not accidentally buy that one too :laugh3:


I have also paid but haven't heard anything else. I just hope they pack it well. If anything, the communication has left a lot to be desired I think. Especially considering these are quite expensive items and the people bidding mostly have quite an emotional attachment to these items too. Anyway, well done with the JD. We should all arrange a meeting one day and have a jamming session somewhere.


I think you don't have to worry about that, those instruments traveled a lot already and I think the hard-cases protect them quite well.

And yeah, a future meeting would be nice.

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I really like the JD too, but got in so much trouble with the wife for buying the rickenbacker so I thought I better not accidentally buy that one too :laugh3:



:lol: How funny! "But honey, I didn't MEAN to buy it, it was an accident!" Looks like we're on the same page here.

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Rickenbacker, I can't remember if I ever wrote to you & sent my congrats. If I did, then ignore this repeat post or just take this new one as a "do over"; if not, then well done!


When the auction catalog came out, I thought about adding the Ricky to my possible must have list after the Gibson & jacket (hoping that lots 31 & 46 went for a song), but the Rickenbacker ended first. I was so bummed at first BUT so deligthed that it ended up with someone who will love the blue boy.













I bet as more people start to pay for their items, and/or get them in hand, they'll feel more comfortable with announcing their exciting news; and, if they weren't members of Coldplaying.com before -- they'll soon be. I want to thank the guys for having this auction because:


A) selfishly, I won something and I'm excited

B) they are selfless & donated to a great cause

C) it forced me stop lurking around like someone parked in a windowless van & chat it up with other people



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bump for the updated post, thanks! :D

lo&loud[/color] - £5,800

Lot 6 - Parachutes Globe - NumbersGirl - £8,100

Lot 8 - Chris' Yamaha CP70 - christopher Martin - £4,000

Lot 9 - Fender Rhodes piano - lo&loud - £2,505

Lot 13 - Shiver Lith - DriftedFar^ - £670

Lot 15 - Don't Panic Lith #1 - Pallavi - £650

Lot 17 - Jonny's Fender Thinline Telecaster - Texasluvsjonny - £3,500

Lot 18 - Jonny's Black Fender JD Telecaster - sabesie - £2,800

Lot 23 - Jonny's AROBTTH poster - Sirhc - £820

Lot 27 - Yellow Lith #1 - DriftedFar^ - £1,021.83

Lot 31 - Chris' Gibson J200 KC1 "Til Kingdom Come" - Afeather - £5,100

Lot 32 - Chris' Gibson J200 M1 "A Message" - bonedaddy - £5,650

Lot 38 - Will's Drum from "Talk" video - lo&loud - £1,850

Lot 39 - Jonny's Viva Guitar - Jason-DeBord - £15,000

Lot 45 - Autoharp - silver.lining42 - £3,600

Lot 46 - Guy's Viva Jacket - Afeather - £4,800

Lot 52 - Strawberry Swing Outfit - lo&loud - £6,100


So... , the total bids for Coldplayers (at least for those who have mentioned their wins on this thread) is over £65,000. That's over 25% of the total amount raised in the auction! Way to go, Coldplayers!


And that's not to say we were the only fans who won... I'm sure there were plenty of other fans that won, but they just aren't "official" members on coldplaying.com.


If any of the information here is incorrect (or if I just plain missed anything), let me know and I can edit the post.


Happy New Year everyone!

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Lot 2 - Guy's Blue Rickenbacker 4001 - rickenbacker - £4,250

Lot 3 - Takamine Guitar - lo&loud - £5,800

Lot 6 - Parachutes Globe - NumbersGirl - £8,100

Lot 8 - Chris' Yamaha CP70 - christopher Martin - £4,000

Lot 9 - Fender Rhodes piano - lo&loud - £2,505

Lot 13 - Shiver Lith - DriftedFar^ - £670

Lot 15 - Don't Panic Lith #1 - Pallavi - £650

Lot 17 - Jonny's Fender Thinline Telecaster - Texasluvsjonny - £3,500

Lot 18 - Jonny's Black Fender JD Telecaster - sabesie - £2,800

Lot 23 - Jonny's AROBTTH poster - Sirhc - £820

Lot 27 - Yellow Lith #1 - DriftedFar^ - £1,021.83

Lot 31 - Chris' Gibson J200 KC1 "Til Kingdom Come" - Afeather - £5,100

Lot 32 - Chris' Gibson J200 M1 "A Message" - bonedaddy - £5,650

Lot 38 - Will's Drum from "Talk" video - lo&loud - £1,850

Lot 39 - Jonny's Viva Guitar - Jason-DeBord - £15,000

Lot 45 - Autoharp - silver.lining42 - £3,600

Lot 46 - Guy's Viva Jacket - Afeather - £4,800

Lot 52 - Strawberry Swing Outfit - lo&loud - £6,100


So... , the total bids for Coldplayers (at least for those who have mentioned their wins on this thread) is over £75,000. That's over 30% of the total amount raised in the auction! Way to go, Coldplayers!

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Has anyone received anymore communication from the seller or other on whether their item has been sent or when it will be sent have you even received your item (and in what condition) etc. cheers, Rick


No, nothing :confused:


I love this auction and the charity it's going to, but there is zero communication. If a fellow Coldplayer didn't send me Gemma's e-mailaddress, I still wouldn't have been able to pay for my item. I did pay now and asked if they could confirm if my money reached them, but I haven't heard a word. I mean, it's a lot of money and I'm not used to sending money abroad. So I'm not even sure if it reached them...


I'm afraid some people won't be able to pay for the item they bought, just because they don't know how. Maybe The Kids Company should write one mail and send it to everyone who won something... That can't be so hard, can it?

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I haven't won anything, but I've still had some contact with Debs, and she was apparently meeting with Kidscompany this weekend, so maybe they're still in the process of getting it all together. :shrug:


Let's hope so. Some people are paying a lot of money to get an object of the auction. I get the feeling they didn't prepare all this very well, but let's hope it all works out fine...

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^ Well, I suppose that is true (the weather situation). Even so, a mass e-mail to the winning bidders would have been nice, we shouldn't have to work so hard.


I did get a response saying they received the money, and they indicated they would give me tracking info once they had it. But, I suppose because of the weather there, that may not be for awhile. They received the money, so that's all I really care about now. It will come eventually.

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^ Well, I suppose that is true (the weather situation). Even so, a mass e-mail to the winning bidders would have been nice, we shouldn't have to work so hard.


I did get a response saying they received the money, and they indicated they would give me tracking info once they had it. But, I suppose because of the weather there, that may not be for awhile. They received the money, so that's all I really care about now. It will come eventually.


Great that you know they received the money, now you know everything will be all right. Even though you might have to wait a little bit longer because of the weather, you know your item will reach you :)


I've let them know I payed and asked to receive a confirmation if my money reached them, so I hope they let me know. I'm worried though because I still haven't heard from them...

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Lot 2 - Guy's Blue Rickenbacker 4001 - rickenbacker - £4,250

Lot 3 - Takamine Guitar - lo&loud - £5,800

Lot 6 - Parachutes Globe - NumbersGirl - £8,100

Lot 8 - Chris' Yamaha CP70 - christopher Martin - £4,000

Lot 9 - Fender Rhodes piano - lo&loud - £2,505

Lot 10 - Jonny's first pedalboard - lo&loud - £510

Lot 13 - Shiver Lith - DriftedFar^ - £670

Lot 15 - Don't Panic Lith #1 - Pallavi - £650

Lot 17 - Jonny's Fender Thinline Telecaster - Texasluvsjonny - £3,500

Lot 18 - Jonny's Black Fender JD Telecaster - sabesie - £2,800

Lot 23 - Jonny's AROBTTH poster - Sirhc - £820

Lot 27 - Yellow Lith #1 - DriftedFar^ - £1,021.83

Lot 31 - Chris' Gibson J200 KC1 "Til Kingdom Come" - Afeather - £5,100

Lot 32 - Chris' Gibson J200 M1 "A Message" - bonedaddy - £5,650

Lot 38 - Will's Drum from "Talk" video - lo&loud - £1,850

Lot 39 - Jonny's Viva Guitar - Jason-DeBord - £15,000

Lot 45 - Autoharp - silver.lining42 - £3,600

Lot 46 - Guy's Viva Jacket - Afeather - £4,800

Lot 52 - Strawberry Swing Outfit - lo&loud - £6,100


So... , the total bids for Coldplayers (at least for those who have mentioned their wins on this thread) is over £75,000. That's over 30% of the total amount raised in the auction! Way to go, Coldplayers!

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Quote lo&loud: "I'm going to meet Gemma @ KidsCompany either tomorrow or Wednesday morning (depending on the weather) to pick my items."


Lot 3 - Takamine Guitar - lo&loud - £5,800

Lot 9 - Fender Rhodes piano - lo&loud - £2,505

Lot 10 - Jonny's first pedalboard - lo&loud - £510

Lot 38 - Will's Drum from "Talk" video - lo&loud - £1,850

Lot 52 - Strawberry Swing Outfit - lo&loud - £6,100



CONGRATULATIONS! I can see that you "won" quite a lot of awesome iconic items - among which the Strawberry Swing Outfit - the only item I could be really interested in (so take good care of it - but of course you will).


I wish for you that there will be a surprise waiting for you when picking up these items since you paid quite a lot for these items and to CHARITY. YOU DESERVE IT!

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For all of the US winners, do you know how the duty and import taxes will work once it's shipped?



On 23-Dec-09 at 12:52:16 GMT, seller added the following information:

PLEASE NOTE: All lithographs have already been signed by the band (the picture was taken before the signatures were added). Buyers from outside the EU will be responsible for any applicable import duties and taxes when this item arrives in their country. Please check with your local customs & excise office.

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For all of the US winners, do you know how the duty and import taxes will work once it's shipped?



On 23-Dec-09 at 12:52:16 GMT, seller added the following information:

PLEASE NOTE: All lithographs have already been signed by the band (the picture was taken before the signatures were added). Buyers from outside the EU will be responsible for any applicable import duties and taxes when this item arrives in their country. Please check with your local customs & excise office.


I'm not entirely sure, but I think that is something that would be declared on your year-end income tax return. I plan to get my taxes done later this month, so I'm going to ask the preparer to be sure. If that is the case, I'm not sure if that would go on the 2009 tax return since the transaction occurred in December, or if it would go on the 2010 tax return since it won't be shipped (and a lot of us didn't pay for the item) until January. I'll post something later this month or early next month when I find out the answer from the "expert".

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