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Breaking Bad

Buxus vahlii

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This show is amazing. I just started watching it a few weeks ago, finally caught up with it last night.


Sucks that we'll have to wait a whole year for the rest of season 5.

You started with season 1 a few weeks ago and caught up that quick? :surprised:


Oh, and starting last night AMC is airing season 5 again, but at the 11pm slot instead of 10pm. I'm gonna DVR all the episodes. :nod:

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I hope he gets caught. Which he probably does, cause last season started with a flash forward of him on the run or something.

And remember, when he was at that restaurant it must have been his birthday because he made "52" with the bacon on his plate.

Plus based on his coughing in the bathroom I'm guessing his cancer came back.

And I'm gonna take a wild stab and say either his family completely leaves him, or they end up dead. Basically he'll be out for revenge/retribution, with nothing to lose.


That's my guess anyway...

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  • 2 months later...



Can't wait!

And for those who are interested, AMC is running all episodes from seasons 1-5 (thus far), on Fridays after midnight, from now through the season 5 1/2 premiere.


Oh and there's a rap song that sampled the "say my name" bit, I found it rather amusing. I only heard it once and I don't remember who it was, I'll try to find it sometime.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hahahahaha this would have been so awesome to unknowingly bump into him





Bryan Cranston Secretly Cosplayed As Walter White at Comic-Con




At yesterday's San Diego Comic-Con Breaking Bad panel, Bryan Cranston shocked fans when he revealed that the man who was walking around the convention center wearing a lifelike Walter White mask was actually Walter White.


That is to say, it was actually Cranston cosplaying as his own character.


The actor went on to say that he had been chatting up unsuspecting fans while disguising his voice "in a higher register."


Cranston's co-star Aaron Paul noted that Cranston was "the most professional person Iโ€™ve ever worked with but also the most immature man Iโ€™ve ever experienced, as you can tell. Which is a beautiful combination."








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  • 2 weeks later...

Gaaaah, last night's episode! I didn't think that Hank would confront Walt so soon! And they confirmed my suspicions (from the beginning of the season last year) that Walt's cancer is back.


In regard to him retrieving the Ricin, I think he's going to use it on either a) himself, or b) Jesse.


It's pretty awesome that they're having a "Talking Bad" series too, similar to "Talking Dead" with The Walking Dead. :awesome: The guest last night though... she was getting on my nerves.

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The way his house is fenced off and the kids skating his pool with the HEISENBERG painted inside says DEA seizure and meth head legend of the mighty Heisenberg lived there. The way the neighbor dropped her shit when she saw him, she either thought he was dead or for sure never coming back.


My guess is M60 and ricin is for the Czech mob and Lydia.


Loved that Vince went straight to Walt and Hank throwing down. If this happened in the first show, I can imagine how crazy this shit is gonna get in the next 7.


*checks bushes in front yard in case Jesse threw me a stack of cash :wink3:

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Some of my guesses:


Walt is in New Hampshire because he's in the witness protection program. He could give the DEA Madrigal, Lydia, and Declan in exchange that they don't prosecute Skyler for money laundrying.


His hair is grown back so I think he just stops the chemo because it's not working and never tells Skyler the cancer is back.


So what would bring him back to ABQ? One of the people he's going to testify against has Jesse and he comes back to save him. The M60 and ricin are for the fight.


I think he dies saving Jesse and Jesse lives.

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Walt is in New Hampshire because he's in the witness protection program. He could give the DEA Madrigal, Lydia, and Declan in exchange that they don't prosecute Skyler for money laundrying.
That's a good possibility. Although I think that would drive Hank bonkers that his arch enemy (Heisenberg a/k/a Walt) essentially "get's away with it".

His hair is grown back so I think he just stops the chemo because it's not working and never tells Skyler the cancer is back.
That's exactly what I was thinking (all the way back at 5A ep 1).

So what would bring him back to ABQ? One of the people he's going to testify against has Jesse and he comes back to save him. The M60 and ricin are for the fight.


I think he dies saving Jesse and Jesse lives.

It will be interesting to see if it pans out like that. I'm going more toward the route that Walt ends up turning on Jesse. With all of the sneaky things that Walt has done up to this point to mislead Jesse in some pretty evil ways (not saving his gf, lying about poisoning the kid, lying about Mike being alive (and actually killing him))... I think Walt's going to cross that tiny line in the sand and actually get Jesse straight up. Then he'll just complete this little Shakespearean tragedy and kill himself with the ricin (partly because he doesn't want to die from the cancer).


I'm really curious to see which one of us ends up being right. :wacko:



edit: Oh yeah, and... HAVE AN A1 DAY!!!



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