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Are you a nostalgic person?


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So I'm usually not the kind of person that goes around saying that I miss the good old times (maybe I'm a bit too young for that after all :p), but lately I've been feeling very nostalgic about the time I spent in Spain almost two years ago. I lived and studied there for 5 months and yes, I enjoyed it a lot, but I actually left almost a month earlier than planned, because I just couldn't live in that shitty flat of mine anymore (and the weather was awful). I was complaining to my flat mates all the time … "stupid shower", "why is there no warm water left?", "I REALLY NEED A HEATER, IT’S SO FREAKING COLD!!!11!!1!!1!" … although they were in the same situation.

Now that I had a little "distance" and lots of time to think about it, I really miss a few things … especially the people, the landscape, the travelling and I feel like I have to go back soon. In fact I'm actually always close to tears when I think about my favourite places and I'm usually not a nostalgic person.


What about you? Do you tend to feel nostalgic?

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i didn't knew you've been here, where?


well surely it is just a period, if you don't be normally a nostalgic person.


usually when season change, specially autum and spring i tend to think back of what i've done, and best times and so on, but i try it don't get me down or anything negative.


you fear to be nostalgic or something?

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i didn't knew you've been here, where?


well surely it is just a period, if you don't be normally a nostalgic person.


usually when season change, specially autum and spring i tend to think back of what i've done, and best times and so on, but i try it don't get me down or anything negative.


you fear to be nostalgic or something?


In the south, in Andalusia. :heart: To be exact in Jaén.

The city itself is not that special, but it was less than an hour to Granada ... and I've been to that city so many times that I kinda started to take it for granted that I can just hop into the bus and spend some hours in Granada ... and I miss that, I think. Andalusia has so many amazing cities ... Sevilla is so wonderful too ... I have to see some of those places again.


And I'm not afraid of being nostalgic, I usually just don't feel that way and maybe I've just now realised that that time in Spain had a bigger influence on me than I believed.

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Nostalgia. This state comes from a belief that the past was better than the present moment, that it is now gone permanently, and that it cannot ever be recaptured. Most commonly seen in older people, this mental state is trapped in “the good old days” or “the way things used to be”. However, nostalgia is by no means limited to the elderly, of course – any new graduate working a boring first job and thinking back to the fun of their college days can tell you that.



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Regret. Regret arises from a belief that the past was worse than the present, and/or a belief that events in the past have permanently tainted the thinker’s potential for happiness in the present moment. Many people spend their lives constantly analyzing and rethinking choices that they made in the past, wondering “what if I had done it differently?”

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i get too nostalgic.. of everything :disappointed:

even small, insignificant things like barbies i owned when i was little *shame



:uhoh: i get too attached, i always have.

i miss when i lived in italy, or all the summers i spent in mexico :heart: those were fun

i even miss when i had time to be online all day :awesome: lol


i think if i spent some time alone in spain like you..

& had to leave i would most def get very nostalgic :thinking:


so you are not alone :P

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Yes, I'm very nostalgic.


I'm 17 and I've NEVER spent more than 2 years in one country. I keep moving because of my family so I've had to say goodbye so many times :cry:


Saying goodbye is hard but with each new place, you have a completely new life. It might be better, it might be worse; but either way... you get nostalgic about the good times AND not-so-good times from the past.


I try not to be nostalgic all the time (I can't help it lol) because you have to enjoy where you are and live in the moment :)

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Nope. Although I will look back at past experiences with fondness, I don't dwell on them. I am naturally optimistic and honestly believe that tomorrow's experiences will be special in their own right. Longing for the past would be so sad.

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In the south, in Andalusia. :heart: To be exact in Jaén.

The city itself is not that special, but it was less than an hour to Granada ... and I've been to that city so many times that I kinda started to take it for granted that I can just hop into the bus and spend some hours in Granada ... and I miss that, I think. Andalusia has so many amazing cities ... Sevilla is so wonderful too ... I have to see some of those places again.


And I'm not afraid of being nostalgic, I usually just don't feel that way and maybe I've just now realised that that time in Spain had a bigger influence on me than I believed.

oh i didn't knew it :surprised:

sure Jaén is cold? you were here in winter?


those times abroad are great, but you should consider the differences, if you were here for studying exchange, is not the same than living in the place where you have to get a job and all that, cause you didn't got a job back then right?


i mean you do well wanting to come back here and visit more places, keep in contact with the friends you made.


i had that same feeling when i came back home after a year in Portugal, i had no problems there at all, met cool people, loved the city, but i had to be realistic that may be that same thing will never happen. :disappointed:


could be you are growing? when i was your age (you are around 17 right? :uhoh: ) i started to feel more nostalgic as i grew up, but that's life the older you get the more experiences you have :)

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but life is about moving forward. and a memory won't catch up with the present. it won't happen again. new memories will be made. and hopefully, better ones.

but the past is gone.







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