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What have you learned today?

Prince Myshkin

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I spend WAY too much money when I shop hungry.



I've lived most of my life for my friends, and was in a band for longer than I should have been, only because I loved and cared about my mates. But I wasn't happy. So when I left to pursue a solo career, they were really disappointed and our friendships dissipated but I am happy now doing what I need to do for myself. A true friend won't tie you down.


I learned today that I should cut back on these middle-of-the-night cooking escapades.

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I didn't even have to get into that supermarket since I had all my food at home.....but then I did it and bought some fish and olives and fruit juice....not too much actually, but enough to spend money on things you don't really need.


and I think you've made the right decision in doing what makes you happy....I have the impression that we shouldn't make our decisions depended on others (except when it comes to love or family)....like you've said before: People come and go and I feel like I am experiencing this at the moment...it seems to be hard right at this point, but I hope I can manage to make the right decision which will make me happy


now I've learned that I never had a middle of the night cooking escapade haha

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hah, I got hungry last night so I took some chicken, rubbed it in spices, blackened it, and braised it in vermouth. So tasty. Unfortunately, I always wake up regretting it.


we shouldn't make our decisions depended on others (except when it comes to love or family)


exactly. you'll be fine. During this time, its best to keep busy, do things for yourself, and meet new people. There's no better time for it, IMO

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oh that sounds pretty tasty! Though I am afraid I wouldn't be able to have a good sleep afterwards, because I'd probably just feel full and yeah regret it when I wake up.


Well, this is what I am planning to do. I am finishing my apprenticeship I am doing in a music shop in some weeks and I still don't have a clue about what to do with my life, but I know that the right decision will come if I don't worry too much about it (I wouldn't if there weren't those people who are more worried than yourself and keep asking questions) and I know that it will be easier to make that decision when I am free and can do some things I love doing and meet some new people....right now I feel rather confused about all that stuff though

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It seems like you've got a solid plan, and have accepted uncertainties as future answers that will come naturally in time. Being confused only makes you lose your focus on what you have already figured out.


The same thing happened to me, i had a plan figured out and didn't even realize it, because I was too consumed with this "confusion" that was completely unnecessary for me to waste any brainpower on. The people that are gone in my life should be gone in my mind too, respectively. Instead I was using them as an anchor to prevent myself from moving towards my goals, and that was self-destructive. I recently realized that when I was at a pub with my dad. We were drinking scotch and I was talking about my feelings regarding everything, and he said "Your mind is making everything more complicated than it should be. But when you sit back and look at the big picture, its plain and simple. You don't think you have the answers, but you really do, and you're prioritizing these people that clearly shouldn't matter to you. They are toxic. You don't need those people in your life, and guess what? You just finished a RECORD! They didn't. You did. Be proud! And the people who truly love and support you will be proud of you as well. Think about those people instead, not those idiots!"


It was a good moment. By focusing on my own friends abandoning me, I had actually abandoned my own self as well. But a person's own self should be his or her number one priority when they are in that stage in life. Until you are needed by family, or fall in love, or have children, prioritizing yourself is crucial, especially when there are goals to be made.



What kind of music shop?

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It seems like you've got a solid plan, and have accepted uncertainties as future answers that will come naturally in time. Being confused only makes you lose your focus on what you have already figured out.


The same thing happened to me, i had a plan figured out and didn't even realize it, because I was too consumed with this "confusion" that was completely unnecessary for me to waste any brainpower on. The people that are gone in my life should be gone in my mind too, respectively. Instead I was using them as an anchor to prevent myself from moving towards my goals, and that was self-destructive. I recently realized that when I was at a pub with my dad. We were drinking scotch and I was talking about my feelings regarding everything, and he said "Your mind is making everything more complicated than it should be. But when you sit back and look at the big picture, its plain and simple. You don't think you have the answers, but you really do, and you're prioritizing these people that clearly shouldn't matter to you. They are toxic. You don't need those people in your life, and guess what? You just finished a RECORD! They didn't. You did. Be proud! And the people who truly love and support you will be proud of you as well. Think about those people instead, not those idiots!"


It was a good moment. By focusing on my own friends abandoning me, I had actually abandoned my own self as well. But a person's own self should be his or her number one priority when they are in that stage in life. Until you are needed by family, or fall in love, or have children, prioritizing yourself is crucial, especially when there are goals to be made.



What kind of music shop?


you're right! Being confused keeps me from focusing on the things I've already figured out, but as soon as I start thinking about this I start worrying about it and I get so anxious and in the end I have wasted all my brainpower on it just like you're saying. It's just pretty hard sometimes, there is a good friend in a different town asking me questions and wanting me to move to her town, my parents who live at a another place and who want answers, too, esp. my Dad and people at work who'd love me to stay and who keep asking questions, too....and so much other stuff that I should keep in mind at the moment---

and I get scared of things.....scared of making the wrong decision.


I know what you mean by saying that those people have been some kind of anchor for you. I think I have neglected myself and the things I really want in the past just because of other people...just because I always wanted to please them and I cared more for them than I did for myself....but I am afraid people like you or me are usually the ones who feel like fools in the end until they don't care anymore


I like what your Dad was saying...I think he's right.....you should definitely be proud of your record, because I guess that it must be something that needs a lot of effort and a lot of courage....I don't know what exactly happened, but I think if there are people who call themselves your "friends" and they aren't proud of you then they must be idiots.


How long did it take to make that record?


I work in a music shop that sells instruments, sheet music and CDs (mainly classical stuff). It's interesting, but definitely not what I want to do with my life. I want to do something where I can be more creative. This job feels too monotone most of the time....but sometimes I am afraid that my idea about a career is too idealistic...just like the ideas about love or friendships blah

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ideas are supposed to be idealistic. All it takes is a decision to make them realistic.



It took me a year to make the record. Just myself and my producer for 90% of it. It started out as an EP, and one day I realized that the cafe job I had was taking up all my time and preventing me from going all-out on making music, so I left and thats when I decided to put all my energy into making the record, and it went from a 5-song EP to a 15 song hour-long full-length album. Put hard work into every detail to make sure it was perfect. I've never worked so hard on anything in my life. Needless to say, its the thing I'm most proud of in all the years I've been alive. Now that its getting pressed and I've lined everything else up, all I can do is hope that it reaches as many ears as possible and people enjoy it. Thats the part thats out of my hands.


I had writers block for a long time, and I think that had everything to do with my environment. It consumed all my energy. When you're in an environment where you are constantly confused and can't think straight or focus, the best solution is to get away from it. at least for a while, whether its a change of environment, or even a vacation. You're able to look at things from an outside perspective, and its easier to figure things out that way. Needless to say, when I stopped letting the cafe consume me, I started cranking out songs, and when I left the cafe, I was able to harness all my creative energy and make it come to life.


So you want to do something where you can be creative? any ideas in mind?

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ideas are supposed to be idealistic. All it takes is a decision to make them realistic.



It took me a year to make the record. Just myself and my producer for 90% of it. It started out as an EP, and one day I realized that the cafe job I had was taking up all my time and preventing me from going all-out on making music, so I left and thats when I decided to put all my energy into making the record, and it went from a 5-song EP to a 15 song hour-long full-length album. Put hard work into every detail to make sure it was perfect. I've never worked so hard on anything in my life. Needless to say, its the thing I'm most proud of in all the years I've been alive. Now that its getting pressed and I've lined everything else up, all I can do is hope that it reaches as many ears as possible and people enjoy it. Thats the part thats out of my hands.


I had writers block for a long time, and I think that had everything to do with my environment. It consumed all my energy. When you're in an environment where you are constantly confused and can't think straight or focus, the best solution is to get away from it. at least for a while, whether its a change of environment, or even a vacation. You're able to look at things from an outside perspective, and its easier to figure things out that way. Needless to say, when I stopped letting the cafe consume me, I started cranking out songs, and when I left the cafe, I was able to harness all my creative energy and make it come to life.


So you want to do something where you can be creative? any ideas in mind?


Wow that sounds like something you should be VERY proud of. I wish you best of luck with it and I hope it gets as many listeners possible (and if it will ever be available in my country I'll buy it!)


It has a lot to do with your environment. That's the thing I am mainly experiencing at the moment. I live in a flat I hate, because it is too small and there is no warm water and many other things that are really annoying. My friends left town and my job isn't very fullfilling either....the things I love doing most (like making music) can't be done here, because I am not allowed to play the saxophone in my flat, because it is too loud and my e-piano is too big for this flat (it's at my parents)...my clarinet is too loud too. Even if I am not certain about things all that I am certain about is leaving this place as soon a spossible....this is the most important thing for me at the moment. I know that once I get out of here I am able to make proper decisions and I am able to get some kind of happiness again....at this point I am rather killing time.

most people who keep asking me questions don't seem to understand that though...I keep telling them that I need to get out of here just to free my mind.


And about being creative: I get that so often that I feel like my mind might explode, because I want to write something for example...but then I take a pen and a sheet of paper and there is nothing.....I used to write poems when I was younger (like 4 years ago), but there hasn't been anything since I moved to this place...I've never written songs before, but I feel like I should try it soon....other than that I'd love to try painting or pottery


I am not exactly sure.....my idea is to "create" something....or at least to have ideas and to make them real at work....something I can be proud of at the end of the day or the end of the week or the end of the month....at least something that is more "practical"....I want it to have to do with music since it is the thing I have always been best at...but well it seems to be hard

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thank you! I'm setting up an online store, and I'll let everyone know as soon as its available. i just hope people like it enough to buy it, hah!


I guess the most important thing is to get to an environment where you can play your music freely. I'm looking for a house to move into right now and I need to find a place where I can rehearse with a band without disturbing the neighbors or causing noise violations. This would require finding a house with a basement where I can rehearse underground so the sound won't travel too far.


You could try finding towns and communities that are fueled by artists. The area of atlanta that I'm looking at is loaded with creative people. Being in that kind of environment is always inspiring, and being around other creative people can help you figure out what you want to create. I don't know anything about the arts scene in Germany, but I'm sure there are areas you can go to that will give you the answers you're looking for.

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thank you! I'm setting up an online store, and I'll let everyone know as soon as its available. i just hope people like it enough to buy it, hah!


I guess the most important thing is to get to an environment where you can play your music freely. I'm looking for a house to move into right now and I need to find a place where I can rehearse with a band without disturbing the neighbors or causing noise violations. This would require finding a house with a basement where I can rehearse underground so the sound won't travel too far.


You could try finding towns and communities that are fueled by artists. The area of atlanta that I'm looking at is loaded with creative people. Being in that kind of environment is always inspiring, and being around other creative people can help you figure out what you want to create. I don't know anything about the arts scene in Germany, but I'm sure there are areas you can go to that will give you the answers you're looking for.


oooh that's cool...it must be hard to sell music nowadays since there are too many ways to download music for free....but best of luck again:wacko:


a house sounds like a good idea. The only place where I can play my music freely is at my parents' house. It is in a small village and the neighbours don't really care....they are rather happy about it. I am glad I never had to care about this before I moved here.


oh I think Germany has a huge art scene, esp. in the city that is not far away from where I live. The cheapest solution would be to move home again of course as long as I don't have a proper job I want to do for quite a while, but that would keep me from meeting new interesting and creative people since it is in that small village where not many of those people are around. That's why I want to try and find some work in one of those towns where the interesting stuff is going on...sometimes I think I should find a job first even if it is not the thing I could imagine doing for the rest of my life, just to earn money and then start living in that town for a while and get to know people and sort out my private stuff and after another while I can try to find something else, because I feel that it could be easier for me then


I had a band before, but I noticed that it wasn't the right thing (not in case of how we played together....we fit together quite well)....I already know some creative people because of the band though which is good.


I need to sleep now. It's been really nice talking to you:)

see you around!

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