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How much did you pay for In Rainbows?


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Just been writing in an Assignment about people's valuation of music and the classic Radiohead case comes up in a lot I read about.


I'm interested to find out what people paid for 'In Rainbows' when it was released as a a 'pay-what-you want' download?


And would you change your initial decision based on your current judgement of the album?


Did you buy the CD too?

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I'm keen to find out what Mike and Briggsy paid.


I'm still paying off my debt.


No I actually didn't pay anything because:


a. I figured there would be a physical release and that I would be buying it the day it came out.


b. at the time I didn't have a credit card


I think bandcamp is making things pretty interesting because now there are a lot of smaller artists using it along with the pay what you want model for their songs in high quality digital formats.

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I'm surprised as to how many people payed nothing :P


I guess I spent the most money then as in bought the boxset which was 40-pounds which translated to $80 USD. Kind of pricey but I really wanted to get CD2, and also the actual boxset is pretty sweet with giving the 2 cds, 2 vinyl discs (that span the original cd), as well as 2 booklets... one that has lyrics and the other that is the same booklet as the reguarly released cd, but as if you took out all the lyrics.


And then I also bought the album when it came out on CD a few months later too :lol:




It's funny you posted this thread especially considering the album was announced 3 years ago today.

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High 5's gloaming!


It may surprise you but I paid the full shtick for this CD/Vinyl/album shitwork, and still have it, and still wonder why I bought it (As I'm not even sure where it is in my house).


Exciting at the time though, love that album.

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I paid $8 for the download, because that's what I think disembodied albums ought to cost in general. I would have paid less if I had known that the bitrate was going to be so low. I really, really wanted to get the vinyl boxset, and still wish I had it to this day, but I was broke then and I'm too poor to get it off ebay now.


I did buy it on cd the day it came out. I gave my burnt copy of the download to my sister to try to get her into them once I had a real copy.

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I really, really wanted to get the vinyl boxset, and still wish I had it to this day


Yeah thats pretty much why I got it, I knew it would be a bit special and if I got it I felt I could be a part of it. Which I am. :nice:


*Rubs it in*

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