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  • 5 months later...

Ok, am I the only the only one who thinks that there must be some kind of superior force that decides to make you get your period at the WORST time ever? Like, I mean, it only happens one week off each month, what does it have to happen the only week it's a fucking problem?! SO BAD TIMING. :bigcry:


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  • 2 months later...



I never gonna shave my legs again (:wacky:)

I cut a part of my left leg at the bottom of it and now the wound is inflamed and my foot is swollen and I went to the doctor and he said I can't go to work next week (it was supposed to be my first day at the school where I am going to be a volunteer for a year....) and I can't go out on the weekend at all (and I planned some stuff) and next weekend I was supposed to go to a festival for the first time in my life and I got my ticket in January and my best friend and me have been looking forward to this SO much----and now I can't go because I fucking cut my leg....argh:bigcry:

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  • 9 months later...



I need advice and I really didn't want to go on a medical site of sorts because they'd just scare me, haha. There's loads of girls on here, surely one you guys can help.



I had a problems a few months ago with depression with pms, it's not totally uncommon but it was more than shitty to deal with.

So over the past number of months those problems had lessened (not as bad and not as frequent)

But recently I started taking the pill and unfortunately I found that those same problems came back D; I'm going to finish this prescription of course and see how it plays out.


Now my mom thinks it would be good for me to get the implant. The side of effects of it include depression and mood swings. I'm terrified that if I'm prone to them that i'll get them.


I don't know what to do :bigcry: stick with the pill or try the implant? Do the side effects of the pill wear down after a while?

Do you guys have any advice?


Obviously unprotected sex or abstinence are not even options, haha.

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I need advice and I really didn't want to go on a medical site of sorts because they'd just scare me, haha. There's loads of girls on here, surely one you guys can help.



I had a problems a few months ago with depression with pms, it's not totally uncommon but it was more than shitty to deal with.

So over the past number of months those problems had lessened (not as bad and not as frequent)

But recently I started taking the pill and unfortunately I found that those same problems came back D; I'm going to finish this prescription of course and see how it plays out.


Now my mom thinks it would be good for me to get the implant. The side of effects of it include depression and mood swings. I'm terrified that if I'm prone to them that i'll get them.


I don't know what to do :bigcry: stick with the pill or try the implant? Do the side effects of the pill wear down after a while?

Do you guys have any advice?


Obviously unprotected sex or abstinence are not even options, haha.

I'm in no way an expert, but when I was a teenager I was put on the pill because of bad PMS.

I guess with any form of depression you have to try different medications until you find the right one, so it may just be this particular brand of contraception that doesn't suit you.

I'd go back and ask for it to be changed.

Also, with the implant, if you have adverse side effects such as depression you can get it removed.

Again, best discussed with a professional who can advise you properly.

Hope you get it sorted ((hugs))

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I'm in no way an expert, but when I was a teenager I was put on the pill because of bad PMS.

I guess with any form of depression you have to try different medications until you find the right one, so it may just be this particular brand of contraception that doesn't suit you.

I'd go back and ask for it to be changed.

Also, with the implant, if you have adverse side effects such as depression you can get it removed.

Again, best discussed with a professional who can advise you properly.

Hope you get it sorted ((hugs))

Thank you. I even used the thank you feature for the first time there. I'll have to go into the doctors for the implant so I can ask her too.

I'm not sure if the implant is covered under my medical card here D; also I don't want to go through the hassle of removing it. But if it does cause problems I will have to.


Thanks again for the help :hug:

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