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The Buckland Religion~Official Thread


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DO NOT mess with Jonny :angry:






:lol: Oh yeah! The cool rockstar, until Chris tickles him and then he can't stop laughing. :wacky: How awesome are they? :heart:




From http://www.flickr.com/photos/direcow too.




Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :sweatdrop:



OMG, just a bit lower and we would see








Check out Coldplaybootlegs






That was seriously the best Christmas present ever! :D

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Wow alert.

























































:dead: :dead:






Just a question.


Where can I find the video for How You See The World from which that .gif was made???


I don't have it :bigcry:


I've not seen it either. But I have a lot of dvd watching left to do still.




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Jonnygirls, can I direct you to 3:40 - 4:02 of this vid? Jonny's solo is THE SEX!:bomb:


Actually this whole vid is THE SEX as they are playing two of my fav songs, Bigger Stronger and High Speed.


Oh and at 5:50 Phil makes an appearance:D


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76QrbLpa9Q0&feature=related]YouTube - coldplay launching parachutes part 2[/ame]



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Jonnygirls, can I direct you to 3:40 - 4:02 of this vid? Jonny's solo is THE SEX!:bomb:


Actually this whole vid is THE SEX as they are playing two of my fav songs, Bigger Stronger and High Speed.


Oh and at 5:50 Phil makes an appearance:D






Jonny...totally sexy and perfectly still:lol: He's come a long long way:D


And Phil :blush: I've never heard him speak before:stunned:

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He's so rocking now :D


And Phil :lol: was so random :P


Yes he is:D Thank goodness. I think I need to post some vid of Jonny rocking out:guitarist:



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxbNugVRfkA]YouTube - Coldplay Chinese Sleep Chant Ft. Lauderdale Nov. 9, 2008[/ame]


from 1:35 Jonny just goes for it!! Go Jonny go!! :dance:

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One day Chris and Jonny are going to knock into each other while prancing around onstage playing their guitars :P




Or have they already done that??? :uhoh:






Awesome vid Mel :dance: I love how Jonny is having so much fun :nice:





I can see it now! They dance right into each other, each knocking the other in the head with their respective guitar neck. They both fall to the ground. Then the Great Britton crew rush in to provide necessary first aid:D

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