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Damn! Those radio and tv stations sound awesome!



i've been telling people on this forum about the stuff Triple J do for a long long time and it just gets ignored. two live concerts a week, albums played in full well before their release dates, music experts as presenters, music doco's, radiohead worship, worlds biggest annual music poll, and best of all NO ADS!!


did i mention the radiohead worship?!?

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Good convo there on the last page.

The song that got me hooked on Radiohead was High and Dry when I heard it at a friends house. His older brother was playing it. I was blown away.

So I came on here and made a thread called "Make me a Radiohead fan". And well it worked . So thank you coldplaying!

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Sooo true. A little while back over on At Ease, there was a discussion as to the "best three consecutive songs on a Radiohead album" and I couldn't believe that Airbag-Paranoid Android-SHA wasn't the unanimous choice! Those three songs are cosmic. OKC is a hands-down masterpiece.
Personally, I love Faust Arp - Reckoner - HoC and among them, Reckoner is the only song I really love.



MK, hello there! When it comes to understanding the songs, it's best to try to immerse yourself in music and perhaps try to understand them later on, when you get a feeling for the melodies. You might want to try to listen to the albums from first to last - it might not be the best way to get into them but I guess you'll understand the band and its history a bit better.

You're not too young. Music was never limited to a specific age group so no worries there. :)

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I didn't know such a photo existed. I thought it was just one of those stories that has been passed down through the generations.


Do you guys know that Q Magazine cover with Thom Yorke, Chris Martin and... Someone else, holding Q awards? I was just thinking I have a hard time believing that Thom would want to be photographed at the same time as Chris :lol:


p.s. google image search is balls.

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Oh well back to rh, what was the first radiohead song you ever listened people? :dance:


That's gotta be Creep. A friend of mine had it on her pc back in 2002 or so and we used to listen to it sometimes (when we weren't listening to Celine Dion or some other crap :lol:) I didn't listen to them for a looong time after that..i think i started to listen to them again about a year ago or something after seeing how crazy people(= some coldplayers) were about them.








that's an awesome photo! :lol:

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you mean. compare chris martin to thom yorke?


Yeah, that sounds better. Sorry. It kinda works either way, though. No matter which name comes first, they're being compared. One could say: "Gosh, Thom Yorke is suuuuch a better musician than Chris Martin."

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