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He's been in LA too much, don't want that sound creeping in. He's already started wearing hats.

Bowler hat from wikipedia:

The bowler hat was devised in 1849 by the London hatmakers Thomas and William Bowler to fulfil an order placed by the firm of hatters Lock & Co. of St James's.


and from Beret in wikipedia:

Archaelogy and art history indicate that headgear similar to the modern beret has been worn since the Bronze Age across northern Europe


If you don't like the hats, then maybe he should actually hang out more over here. :tongue:

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that's gotta suck.


that's why I'm going to try and get there early so I can guarantee to get one. I'm also going to try and ask if I can have an extra one or two, though I kind of doubt they'll give extras out

And bring a small Sharpie for autograph purposes, on the odd chance that anyone of importance happens to be there.

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well i read on atease that Thom wasn't signing them at all because it was part of policy (i guess people might sell them on like ebay for ridiculous prices)
oh, okay



Gh, they were all gone when I arrived fifteen minutes late :sad:
:bigcry: Oh, I'm so sorry, that sucks. Which location were you at?
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Although... a 12" vinyl for 2 songs? Huh?


Record Store Day is on April 16 and there are rumours of a limited edition of 2,000 copies. This number is most likely for one territory only.


12" singles are usually released by electronic musicians as DJ's can play them easier. It's rare that a 'normal' band would release a 12" single but you know. Thom is in that 12" scene.

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^ Yeah that was pretty funny. :lol: Thom looked like he had way too much energy bottled up and he just couldn't do anything about it!



Before I forget to say it I'll just go ahead and say it now... good luck to everyone going for a newspaper tomorrow! :nice: Can't wait to see your pics uploaded to the site!

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Yeah it was SO packed when I got there. We waited in the line for like 1 hour and was still far from Yorke. 5 mins later Thom came to us with papers and just got into the middle of the crowd and he was handing them left and right.


I helped and he laughed. Put his arm around me. He's my new dad.



And some guy said to him that Codex+Videotape is the best thing his ever heard. Thom replied "you haven't heard the remix"


Was that joking or not...



Oh and have you guys heard there's 2 extra tracks on the vinyl which is set to release on World Record Day (April 15th I believe)

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