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it looks like the band are going to be releasing a newspaper all around the world on monday! The title of this newspaper is The Universal Sigh :dance:


also there's a website that's linked that will post pictures and this site is legit because people have found the owners of the site are also owners of tbd records, as well as some radiohead remix sites!


so this should be exciting! :dance:



edit: more info here:




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They updated the sites, it was only Greece and Poland before.



Sorry, but I'm NOT driving to Chicago.


Mike, there will be 3 sites in NYC that will distribute it... are you going?



"Radiohead will measure the carbon footprint of this project, and to offset the potential ecological impact we will retire the carbon credits used.

Carbon Retirement is the most effective method of offsetting, because it is the only way you can be 100% sure that the emission reduction you pay for will take place."


:thinking: And how, pray tell, do they plan to measure the carbon footprint of the people that will drive out of their way to get one of these newspapers? Hmm?



edit: officially announced on DAS



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Okay Yall, I am way too old and way too tired to read through this whole thread so forgive me if this is old news but,

Is anyone here aware of the gigantic conspiracy that was swirling about before the release of info on the the newspaper/http://theuniversalsigh.com thingee.


It involves the Twitter of Stanley Donwood and his alias Chieftan Mews.

There's an entirely insane thread on Mortigi Tempo.


Most of it completely squirelly and based on the fact that Stanley is following Chieftan on Twitter but it's fun if you are a rabid fan and especially if TKOL left you wanting.


(Finally, here's is a little note of interest that none of the Mortigi boarders know. One of Chieftan's followers is a Twitterer named Millerworld. )


Don't know if that lends credence to the legitimacy of Chieftan's cryptic tweets about things to come 'cuz he just may be as skeptical as the rest of us but...???


Anyway it's been fun to follow and again, ignore if yall have been chatting away on this subject already.

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^ If Stanley Donwood = Chieftan Mews, and everybody knows it, why would it matter that Matt Miller follows him? Or is it 'interesting' because it is not actually confirmed that Stanley Donwood = Chieftan Mews?


Yup, because it's just speculation that Stanley Donwood = Chieftan.


(And also not that "Miller knows all" about anything music related just because he is a Coldplay Roadie. It's just interesting.)

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well i picked up a physical copy of the album today. just the normal edition so nothing special about it. it's a very no frills production. no booklet inside. just a few pictures here and there of course those now famous liner notes thanking "Drew Barrymore". its also cute how they thank their children :)

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well i picked up a physical copy of the album today. just the normal edition so nothing special about it. it's a very no frills production. no booklet inside. just a few pictures here and there of course those now famous liner notes thanking "Drew Barrymore". its also cute how they thank their children :)

noob here does not know about Drew Barrymore reference; do you have a link with further info?

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