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30 minutes? I'm showing up in DC about 2 hours before the handout.


well, I would probably camp out for the night to get one, but unfortunately I can't because I live several hours away from any stands


I have to send a relative to get me one in Boston and I'd rather not force someone to get a newspaper for me by standing out for several hours, you know?

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ok cool!


Are you going to have someone get one for you?

She (kspillers2) kindly offered, but I have a feeling that won't be possible for her to get two so I told her not to worry about it. I don't really know anybody in/near any of the cities that would go to one of the locations for me.


Although I would definitely make it worth their while if anybody did. :|

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The only person I really know near one of the distribution areas is near San Francisco... but he still lives over 2 hours away. That would be a bit much to ask for him to do on such short notice, I think. Or, at least I would feel a little guilty asking him, anyway. :\

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So am I the only one freaking out about WHAT TO WEAR tomorrow? Normally I just throw on whatever I grab out of my hamper/dresser...but tomorrow my picture's going to be on the internet and I'M GOING TO MEET JONNY GREENWOOD (loljk /overoptimism). I guess I'll just wear jeans and my nicest pullover... hopefully it won't be too cold (DC is a fucking cold city).

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So am I the only one freaking out about WHAT TO WEAR tomorrow? Normally I just throw on whatever I grab out of my hamper/dresser...but tomorrow my picture's going to be on the internet and I'M GOING TO MEET JONNY GREENWOOD (loljk /overoptimism). I guess I'll just wear jeans and my nicest pullover... hopefully it won't be too cold (DC is a fucking cold city).


haha you're not the only one. I was thinking about wearing my Atoms for Peace shirt or my HTTT or "You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking" shirt, though I'm sort of thinking that might seem predictable. still of course will wear a coat and long sleeves since it'll be cold

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