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My neighbour is stalking me. :/

Technicolor Sparks

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On a more positive note, at least he's blatantly creepy and not smart enough to slyly gain your trust and affection and THEN slowly reveal he's an absolute freak.


Is that a positive note? I don't know, but that's my advice.


Is that advice? Well no, but good luck anyway.

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Burn the letter :nod:
No, keep it as proof of his creepiness.

I still think that blundy telling him off is a good idea. This letter just shows again that he's so not over you.


and I was just thinking that writing 'I am always by your side' means something completely different than 'I am always on your side'. The first one = creepy as hell.


(ow, I kinda am curious what the rest of the letter said, hahaha)

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post the whole letter :nod:


And maybe mention you have a boyfriend or something :anxious:

or keep mentioning some guy you like

I don't know but throw him off the scent somehow :anxious:

The longer it goes on, the more he'll pine for you

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I think what Emp means is that you should tell him you can't go out with him because one of your friends REALLY likes him and show him who she is LOL


Also I think I can speak for everyone's morbid curiosity when I say POST THAT LETTER

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Ok, here is is:



Letter of Apology


Dear Emily,

I want to apologize for whatever I did to you in the past few days. I can tell you're still upset at me even after I told you I respect your decision. I don't know why. I'm a sensitive man and I care a lot about other people's opinion of me.

I know I'm not good at communicating with girls. This is even more true when the girl is my dream girl and I have to talk to her with my second language (by "dream girl", I mean you're the only one I've seen so far who fits almost everything I'll ask from a girl, and trust me, as an economist I know what I said has a firm basis.) So this time, I write.

My feelings for you are sincere and serious. I'm never the type of man who wants a girlfriend to have fun and kill time. I'm not asking for your feelings back. Like I told you, it's always your decision to make whether you want to start a relationship or not. I just need to clear things out before I leave any false impressions on you.

I know I still act weirdly before you. I meant no harm. It's just me being nervous while trying not to upset you further. But apparently I did a lousy job and pushed you further away. I am deeply sorry if any of my words or actions offended you, and if any words I wrote here upset you, please ignore them. Because hurting your feelings is the last thing I want.

However, if you already found me weird, rude, or annoying, well don't worry about that. You won't be seeing me around by the end of next term, as I'll move into my house.

I should be grateful that God sent you to be my neighbour and I'd better not let him down. All I hope now is that we can remain good friends and good neighbours for the next couple months we spend together. If you need any help, I'd like you to know that I'm always by your side. Take care.


Your friendly neighbour,




Yeah so I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. I mean, some of it sounds nice enough, but the whole idea of it combined with everything that happened before still makes it creepy.

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I know, right?


My friend and I were talking about it yesterday (she is friends with him but thinks that he has major issues) and she said that he is constantly talking about me when I am not there, and that he has basically selected me as the only person out there for him because I apparently "fit the requirements" of what he is looking for. uggh

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If the school saw that letter they'd think nothing of it, it really doesn't look that bad but as you say its combined with his behaviour. But wanting to be good friends and shit after all the awkwardness, god how annoying, he said he's going anyway so why bother? He's trying to muscle his way into your life, I think you should either just completely ignore him or even give as little friendly acknowledgement as possible like saying hello if you see him, but if he tries to start a conversation out of nothing just give the briefest response you can and move on.


At some point if he does actually confront you about it (Which I doubt will happen because he seems like a whiney little bitch) you should just tell him, he did make you uncomfortable and he's not entitled to be your friend just because he let his feelings get out of hand. If he is going away and apparently doesn't intend to stay in contact (Which is lies but that is the impression he gives) then there's no point trying to build a friendship out of a clearly awkward situation.

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I can't completely ignore him, because I still want to be friends with our mutual friends. Unfortunately, when I see them he is usually around too. So I have to be somewhat nice to him, but I'm trying not to pay him any attention except to say hello or answer a question if he asks.


Haha he definitely is a whiney bitch! He always interrupts whoever is talking to me so that he can get my attention, and my friend called him on it yesterday and he flipped! I thought he was going to cry!

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Ah so he's kindof part of your group, thats real tough to be honest, what do you think is best? Because I assumed you didn't really have to interact with him apart from passing in the hall but if you know the same people, well you might need to clear the air and get it out of the way. I emphasise 'might' because I'm not sure and if you do completely avoid the letter issue, after a bit of time it could turn out perfectly fine. If you're going to bring it up though try and be direct, tell him you already have made yourself clear and you don't expect to KEEP having to do that but also blahblahblah you appreciate he was trying to clarify things thats nice blahblahblah. I think that'd do it.


The last thing you want is a cycle where he keeps pulling stunts like that.

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