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When will twitter become the next myspace?


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There's no poll at present dear Carrie.


Twitter won't go the way of myspace, imho, they are completely different beasts.


It's like comparing facebook to phone text messaging.


I don't have twitter and have, but never use or check, facebook - I hate all of it. If people care they will get in touch in REAL life imvho. If they don't they won't, sorts the wheat from the chaff!

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I suppose I should be totally honest and that I've been told I will need a Twitter account in the future (for some possible media work) "because it's the way things work now". I.E. it's as much a part of life these days as a fixed postal address used to be.


I will also say I am pretty sick of one Coldplaying mod taking out her frustrations on certain people from here on Twitter (I've been a victim but never know until people tell me, and from what I hear I'm far from the only one). Is it asking too much that if there's a problem she addresses it on here? Can't she PM if she doesn't have the guts to post in public? In one case she posted it on here and then deleted it immediately (I guess I only saw it ever because I was quick to click on the thread) and then told me to F off on Twitter (which I don't use, so only saw weeks later when someone told me). W T F?


Sorry Carrie for going off-topic :hug:

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I had a twitter once upon a time for about three weeks. I couldn't figure that shit out, so I deleted it. I think it's quite stupid.



So you couldn't understand it and then you think it's stupid.

I think you are the stupid one for not figuring out how it works LOL :laugh3::laugh3::laugh3:

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Like.. ok its like facebook but just statuses and you post like a thousand times per minute, but really nobody cares what you do.. so whats the point? or tumblr without reblogs or nude pics that make you famous.. If you think people want you to have a twitter to just post your dumb life then haha you´re a bit full of yourself my friend.


And its not the way the world works now, I dont use twitter at all and my social life or internet life is not falling apart.

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...If you think people want you to have a twitter to just post your dumb life then haha you´re a bit full of yourself my friend.


And its not the way the world works now, I dont use twitter at all and my social life or internet life is not falling apart.


First sentence - completely agree. Unfortunately though, it can be used as a way to bully 'from distance' (even 'invisibly' if - like me - you didn't know those things were being said about you).


Second sentence - unfortunately it is the way the world works now, mainly for networking, (some parts of the world very much more than others of course) :(

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I have a Twitter account to follow Coldplay and harassing them about the Coldplaying Christmas Greeting video :lol:

Seriously I didn't open a Twitter account to tweet about myself - that's just silly, since no one cares! - but to follow what happens with the things I'm interested in. And it got me discovering Coldplaying.com, so now I like Twitter and I'm even grateful for it :wacky: :lol:

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I use Twitter a lot. :|

I mean, I realize that no one cares about what I'm doing or what my horoscopes say or how I feel or anything like that, but it's a great way to keep up with bands I like and that sort of thing.


I also like it because it's one of the few sites where my irl friends don't follow me, so it gives me a place to rant when I need to. :wacky:


It wouldn't be a problem if Twitter suddenly went extinct, but I do like having an account. :nice:

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What happened to the account I made for you? :P

I contacted twitter admin and made them delete it. :nod:




AND FOR THOSE OF YOU WONDERING ABOUT THE POLL... shortly after I created this thread, my internet went out, then my cable, and then my power (for about 10 hours :freak:). SO, now that I am back online, I will add a poll shortly. :nice:

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^Maybe that's a sign....Maybe Twitter turned against you....We're being watched.....:worried2:






I use Twitter a lot. :|

I mean, I realize that no one cares about what I'm doing or what my horoscopes say or how I feel or anything like that, but it's a great way to keep up with bands I like and that sort of thing.


I also like it because it's one of the few sites where my irl friends don't follow me, so it gives me a place to rant when I need to. :wacky:


It wouldn't be a problem if Twitter suddenly went extinct, but I do like having an account. :nice:


My thought exactly! :nod:

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I use Twitter a lot. :|

I mean, I realize that no one cares about what I'm doing or what my horoscopes say or how I feel or anything like that, but it's a great way to keep up with bands I like and that sort of thing.


I also like it because it's one of the few sites where my irl friends don't follow me, so it gives me a place to rant when I need to. :wacky:


It wouldn't be a problem if Twitter suddenly went extinct, but I do like having an account. :nice:


This! I'm still fairly new to Twitter, but I like the fact that I can say what I want on there because my irl people know nothing about it. :)

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