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The Muse Thread - Hate This & I'll Hate You


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That Dom video distracted me like whoa when I saw it the other day on ontd_muse... I was meant to be revising and it really, really didn't help.


However guys.... This made my day:




Dom only went and wore the morph suit some fans gave in him Melbourne :D


That is amazing! :lol: :heart:


Oh Dom. :wacky: He's really starting to rival Gaga now! :lol:

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It looks like Matt is trying to tip toe. :lol:


I didn't even notice that until i saw your post! :lol: Aww, he still looks really cute anyway though. :wacky::heart:


In other news, i have a new Muse purchase! :awesome: I was doing a bit of shopping at our local shopping centre yesterday when i came across a little new stall (i love shopping and i'm up there pretty regularly so i knew it was new) selling prints of iconic scenes from famous movies (The Shawshank Redemption, Star Wars, James Bond...) and popular music artists/icons (Jimi Hendrix, Oasis, U2...) So i started having a look through them and i was thrilled to find this:




It's actual size is 29 x 14.5 cm and it is by an artist called Michael Kozlov (it's signed by him in the bottom right-hand corner) and i just saw it and HAD to have it! :D


For anyone who's interested, their web site is http://www.timeart.co.uk/. Sadly i can't find the Muse one on there though.

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