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What should I do guys?

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Well if someone does me wrong usually telling them off just idk makes you feel alittle better


but thats just my opinion


I don't understand at all. After having any sort of verbal argument with someone you think about it for ages, it makes you feel like shit, even if you were right to do it, and you even start divulging it and question about whatever you said was justified or if you could have been worse. There's no winning.


I'm not saying that it's pointless to stand up for yourself, but that should come naturally, if you're doing it for the novelty of argument, she'll probably laugh at you.

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Well in my expierence i liked the girl for 2 years and im a very lonely person so she was really my only friend and after awhile she stopped treating me like a friend and used me a lot so after months of that i just had enough, she knew what she was doing to me so i told her that i felt like she was treating me like shit and i wasnt gonna talk to her anymore



it wasnt a complete telling off but i said it over text and she never responded to me, so obviously she didnt care too much.


but ive never felt bad about it or really thought too much of it because she has done worse to me.



Edit:yeah it sounds dumb but whatever it helped me get out of her little trap. lol

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Well then maybe the most efficient thing to do would be to just cut any contact with her. It's just that telling everything that's on his heart may help him feel better. But the most important is to finally leave her alone in her world, and he has to move on with his life.

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Okay, I only know the story from your point of view but reading the story I think most in here are right with saying that she’s an attention whore and not genuine interested in you.


”The night ends with her agreeing to break up with the guy (who she said she only got with because she was lost after she assumed I lost interest in her) and begin our relationship. We get together on December 12th, but due to the recent boyfriend, we couldn't be public unless she wanted to be viewed as a whore.”

Here she sounds like an attention whore and not sincere. It’s kind of hypocrite don’t you think? She doesn’t want to be public with you as a boyfriend because it would make her look like a whore, you who her heart really belongs to ... yet, with some random dude she just got together with because she was lost (which is a really bad reason to get with someone anyway) she DID show to people she was with him. Why would you hook up with some random dude anyway when you feel bad because the guy you really like seems to have lost interest. Would you do that, go and hook up with some random girl because this girl is a bitch to you? I think she’s bullshitting here. And if she really means it, then she’s screwed up anyway for dealing with matters in this way. Which brings me to the next point:


When she said she thinks you guys have communication problems, I think she was right. But it seems to be due to her. Just think about it, when she started ignoring you, she said afterwards it was because she thought you developed feelings for someone else. First, if she suspected that, she should have told you that, so you could say if it is true or not. Maybe not even that, but at least a wrong thing to do in response is ignoring you. If she’s afraid of losing you, then shouldn’t she try to keep you interested? Instead of ignoring you? Wouldn’t ignoring you be the exact opposite thing to her preventing losing you? To me it doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand why she had that idea anyway. Just because you didn’t contact her for a week? :S No reason to think so, did she contact you several times that week? Also, her not telling you about her seeing other guys is also a communication problem that’s there just because she doesn’t tell you this shit. If she doesn’t want communication problems between the two of you, she should have put more effort in being honest herself. It’s not fair of her to throw this at your feet.


I think there's truth in what Blakexy1125 said:


"pain for now and no pain in the future>lingering pain for months or years"


At least for me it worked like that with the first guy I was really with (not just a kiss ;) ).

He was an assh*le and it hurt me so much for months. We then broke up and I still tried to be friends with him but he just abused that I still had so much feelings for him. When I realised that (and that the hurting still hadn’t stopped) I cut him out of my life for a while. I hoped I could become friends again with him once I was over my romantic feelings for him. I got over him, the hurting stopped ... and I felt that I didn’t feel the need to even be friends with him, because now I also finally seem to be able to see him for what he really is. An ass. So as long as you still love her, be careful not to fall into the same trap as I did. She might take advantage again of your feelings for her. Her words say she loves you but her behaviour (constant flirting with other guys and even dating other guys while she was with you) shows otherwise.


And I hope you will meet a girl that’s way better to you than this one. :hugs:

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I think everybody has said what I'm thinking.


Move on. It's going to be hard in the beginning because you are very emotionally attached and invested in this person, but she used you. Twice. And if you keep in contact with her, she'll do it again. She has low self-esteem so she uses people like you to make her feel better about herself.


There are dozens of girls like her in every school in America and the world. Just steer clear of these types. You sound like a very nice young man and therefore deserve someone who will be appreciative of that.

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