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Tips on Flying for the First time?


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I'm seriously considering going to Coachella Festival in California. But the only plausible way to go is by plane (unless I take a 3 day train ride each way).


With all that I've worked I really feel I need a break and also the lineup is so good!



So does anyone have any tips for me since I've never flown before?




(I don't even know if I will go, but if I do I'd like to try to prepare myself)

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Planes are fun. At around 20,000ft the cabin gets pressurized so your ears "pop" and they also "pop" before landing as well. Bring some gum, get to the airport so that you have atleast 2 hours before boarding because of the TSA, and if you can still get seats, get the one closest to the isle.

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To be honest I really don't care about if my ears pop. I've heard about that but I'm used to that when getting to higher altitudes when driving.



My concern is being stuck in the plane, being in the sky, and not escaping if something goes wrong. I know it sounds crazy, but I associate dying with trying to fly.


Basically I want to overcome this fear. Not just for coachella, but I'd love to travel to like Europe and around the world.

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Try not to get stressed out :) Make sure you leave more than enough time to get to the airport and get your bags checked. Bring some reading material or something to keep you entertained because plane rides are very long and very boring.


I, personally, would go for the window seat rather than the aisle :P But just avoid the middle seat.


And, as 86Timewarp mentioned, you may want to bring some gum to chew for take-off and landing to help with your eardrums popping.

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My concern is being stuck in the plane, being in the sky, and not escaping if something goes wrong. I know it sounds crazy, but I associate dying with trying to fly.


Well, flying is the safest means of traveling, so I wouldn't get worked up about it :) And, in the tiniest chance that something does go wrong, trust in the pilot, co-pilot, and flight attendants to get it worked out and get you safely to where you are going.

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It's not at all like being in a really small plane, you hardly notice that you're flying. More like being lifted in an elevator with a little window on the side. You get a rush at take-off, like accelerating fast in a car, then everything like smooths out, a little pressure in the eardrums as they adjust cabin pressure, then you're up and climbing slowly, things just get tinier below. Not a big deal. If there's turbulence, it gets a little bumpy, like riding in a car with worn suspension, not all that big a deal either, and the turbulence usually is over quickly, once the mountains are passed or the weather is through. And it really isn't all that long, compared to a bus ride or car trip, it's pretty fast, so you won't really get all that bored.

Just think of it as a long, mostly horizontal elevator ride, and you've got the picture.;)


PS - it's really safer than cars, and most of the mishaps result in return landings or splashdowns anyhow. Everything we do in life entails a little risk, so as a calculated risk, it's about as safe a way to move as it gets.

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ok... these have been good pieces of info.



But what about advice? like what from your experiences what do you wish you knew about before flying for the first time?


I wish someone had told me it was so easy! Making connections quickly in airports is important, but otherwise, it's a pretty tame ride. You could take the train though, if you want to go at a slower pace and see more country!;)

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Come on, Mike! You'll be alright!


I had my first flight last year from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul to Chicago that lasted for almost 2 days. :freak: I was slightly terrified before the first plane departs, but after a while it's not too bad at all. Don't think too much about it. :wacko:

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I've been on planes a few times now and I honestly have to say I don't feel 100% comfortable. But like everyone said it's probably the safest mean of transportation so I know I'm not being too rational when I'm afraid. Like everyone said get some gum with you and something you enjoy reading. Try to sleep. Avoid the window seats, it will be harder for you to forget you are on a plane near them. And accept that awful food they give you, it's a good distraction.

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Only plane I've been on was when I was younger and moved from Toronto to Vancouver..It was pretty long and something really freaky happened on it, which I won't share cause I don't want to scare anyone!


I had the window seat though and found that kinda nice to look out of..But I don't recommend a window seat if your freaked out over flying


And if you're going by yourself, bring something to read/do (especially if it's a really long plane ride, you'll need something)

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Watch the twilight zone episode with William Shatner..

The best cure for one's fears is to face the unknown, to enjoy the thrill of the Twilight Zone![ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=827OGkGn_Kk&feature=related]Twilight Zone "Nightmare At 20,000 Feet" - YouTube[/ame]


Gremlins at 20,000 feet! :P

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You'll be fine as long as you don't suffer from altitude discomfort - which can manifest itself in many different ways. I get horrible pain in my ears and feel awful during the descent of the aircraft (which takes about half an hour).


But most people are fine. There really isn't anything to worry about - the cabin crew explain everything you need to know.


Also, if you're someone who gets motion sickness in cars and rides - you probably will get it on an airplane too. If that's the case head to your chemist and get some travel sickness preventative drugs.

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