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Scandal in Montreux Jazz festival for a poster


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but if you don't think it's a scandal, then why do you want to discuss the poster in here?


Also, if Swiss consider that to be scandalous, they cannot handle very much, non? Hahahaha!


Btw, with jazzer you meant someone who plays jazz or not? because I don't understand the word when used like you just did in that sentense. Chocked about a scandal is not the same as jazzer, right?

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I can tell you that people in Switzerland are really bored and strict. but is mostly old people and it is they who runs the country. not lots of freedom. there is no advertising in the streets naked or just naked arts .

you know like the nudes academic drawing that I had drawing with real models of men in arts school.


Jazzer means in French who wants to speak scandalous or surprise


if I take a sentence in French. : dans la rue un passant a été volé , c'est scandaleux , les gens vont jazzer, choqués , scandalisés ça va jazzer .


but in this context is not the poster that is scandalous, but the image is not at all like the Jazz Festival because have any sense .

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"the image is not at all like the Jazz Festival because have any sense"


So the poster is like you? :blush:




(referring to the sense-part)


you know to study the academic body is able to draw is very bored because is perfect .


this poster is just empty supermodel empty to be perfect . but I respect the work made by the celebritie :thinking:


just to promote the perfection only if the person is a supermodel sexuality should be only a matter of beauty and rich beautiful.


and ugly people are not entitled to sexuality or beauty . nor listen music as me . because me I am ugly and fate. not part of this consept .


is just to promote the famously beautiful people in showbiz and in the sexuality nor more.

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people know the posters Montreux Jazz ?




this artist is not in the consept of the Montreux Jazz or the music, but it's more a work of photography in the world of Hollywood.


So is this scandal but not the consept of this poster of nude .


even this poster drawing naked woman blonde more part of the Montreux Jazz, because of the instrument of music Jazz. (and was a scandal in 1969)



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my phase just refer to my real life, my mirror outside. I 'can not say that I am a beautiful woman because I'm not beautiful.


people say I'm ugly and fat. them they are real then they are right is the only reality.



So now speaking of a poster art everyone loves. my sister even told me "I love this poster displays the other because the others posters Montreux Jazz are all ugly.


Everybody loves the cult of beauty, and shows.

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my phase just refer to my real life, my mirror outside. I 'can not say that I am a beautiful woman because I'm not beautiful.


people say I'm ugly and fat. them they are real then they are right is the only reality.



So now speaking of a poster art everyone loves. my sister even told me "I love this poster displays the other because the others posters Montreux Jazz are all ugly.


Everybody loves the cult of beauty, and shows.

Confidence makes everyone more beautiful. Would you still want to be with that man in the picture, for example, if he told you dozens of times a day that he is ugly and fat and stupid and unloved?


Now, I've lost a lot of friends because they envied me or they took advantage of me but I don't care anymore because I know that when I get older I'm gonna achieve great things and be happy, and they will spend their lives trying to hurt people so they can feel better about themselves.


You shouldn't listen to people who try to hurt you, that's what they want. Do you know how many inventors, billionaires, supermodels, actors, etc. were made fun of growing up? They were told that they will amount to nothing when they get older. And they learned not to listen to those people and they became very successful. Don't tell me that cannot happen to you because I don't think they predicted it either.


My point is that you have to learn to love yourself. There are so many people out there who would love to be with someone as smart, and pretty, and hard-working as you, but you have to see that first. Spend more time doing things that make you happy, and talk to more people so you'll have lots of good friends around you to support you.


Hell, you can even add me on MSN. I don't want anyone to be unhappy with who they are. :)


You only get one life, don't spend it trying to make other people happy...


I'd reply to you in French but my French is not that good.

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I am sorry unfortunately not have MSN :\


I do not see why I speak with supermodels famous in real life or even celebrities, have never speak to me, and they are not interested to speak to me in real :thinking:


but just John Ratcliff who respect me have classe he talked to me on email .


and I live in real life, the people in my life does not lie are real to me, I am who I am.


but unfortunately I have to live in environments rich and celebs because of my sister who has taste for the luxury. Right across from the Casino, and her neighbor of bearing is a rich slave who has not milions but trilions .

I go visit to my sister.

but yes the classes should not be mixed. and more I do not feel in my place.

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I am sorry unfortunately not have MSN :\


I do not see why I speak with supermodels famous in real life or even celebrities, have never speak to me, and they are not interested to speak to me in real :thinking:


but just John Ratcliff who respect me have classe he talked to me on email .


and I live in real life, the people in my life does not lie are real to me, I am who I am.


but unfortunately I have to live in environments rich and celebs because of my sister who has taste for the luxury. Right across from the Casino, and her neighbor of bearing is a rich slave who has not milions but trilions .

I go visit to my sister.

but yes the classes should not be mixed. and more I do not feel in my place.

ok I don't think I got my point across

I even put what I said into French with Google Translate and I understood what I said



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