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The 12th Mixtape Exchange


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Hey people! Time for another mixtape exchange!


For those of you who don't know how a mixtape exchange works, you can find the directives and all over there: http://coldplaying.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4883890&postcount=1

If you want to participate, post in here or pm me, as I will be the host for this exchange


Deadline for signing up: Wednesday, April 25th 10PM GMT (5PM EST)

Mixtapes due: Tuesday, May 8th 11PM GMT (6PM EST)


Users participating:




Cyan Kat







Alien Radio

Cheese Nip 2

Italian Plastic

an angel








The Final Track

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I would love to do this, but before I make a commitment I need to know how to do it. I'm technilogically impared and don't know how to delete song info or upload to places like rapidshare. If someone can explain that to me in the most basic way I'd like to sign up. I'm sorry I'm such a failure....:(


Edit: oh. I see there's a thread on info deleting. Still don't know uploading though.

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I would love to do this, but before I make a commitment I need to know how to do it. I'm technilogically impared and don't know how to delete song info or upload to places like rapidshare. If someone can explain that to me in the most basic way I'd like to sign up. I'm sorry I'm such a failure....:(


Edit: oh. I see there's a thread on info deleting. Still don't know uploading though.


Do you know what .rar files are? or .zip?

You need to compress your mixtape in a rar file, and then there are loads of website where you can upload your mixtape, such as rapidshare and mediafire! Uou just have to create an account and upload it there (it's fairly simple, it's just like saving something on your computer, but the contrary haha)

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I'm In!!! There's just one issue, I know how to make the mixtape and "zip" it, but I've never put anything into any site for download, wich would you recomend?


Megaupload. ;~; rip


Anyways, rapidshare is usually fine.


I'll think about it, depends on what my classes are looking like but I think I'll be able to do it. :nice:

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Yeah, I'm in too! :)




I'm in :awesome:


I'm In!!! There's just one issue, I know how to make the mixtape and "zip" it, but I've never put anything into any site for download, wich would you recomend?


All of you are added!!




best website in the whole god damn world


Preach it, brotha

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