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Is there a God?


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I think religion by definition complicates it.


I don't think that's true. I think there are many ways to God, and it's different for everyone. No one way is better than the other as long as you get there in the end. Some paths are just faster for certain people. So while it may seem to complicate things for some, for other it makes perfect sense. It's all dependent on what works for that particular individual I think.

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So you're telling me that not only is God this humanoid figure of omniscience, but (s)he also says you (all religions considered) can't mix linen and wool, you can't be in love with the same sex, you have to fast, you have to hate America, blah...blah...blah?


That's complicating it. Religion basically serves as a scaffold of regulation to live your life within, and some naked guy hanging out on a cloud did not provide that.


ALL religions cloud the raw belief in God with arbitration and dictation relative to our behavior and rituals.

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So you're telling me that not only is God this humanoid figure of omniscience, but (s)he also says you (all religions considered) can't mix linen and wool, you can't be in love with the same sex, you have to fast, you have to hate America, blah...blah...blah?


No man. I never said God was a person. That's just a way so people can understand. Any priest or rabbi will tell you that. No ones ever seen him and people will be met by different incarnations of him depending on what they can relate too.


Tell me one place in the Bible or Quran where it says one country is better than another. That's politics using religion for violence. Don't know if you ever read much of the bible or anything but there are whole chapter on trying to get different cultures to get along.

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I wish people could just believe/not believe in God and DON'T make a religion about it. Nothing good comes out of that...


Well, is there a God? Sometimes I think so, and sometimes I don't. I just voted NO in the poll, but after reading some posts of you guys I thought maybe there's one creature out there that made everything. Or whatever God is, maybe God is the universe, or everything we don't see. Who the hell knows :wacky:

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No man. I never said God was a person. That's just a way so people can understand. Any priest or rabbi will tell you that.



Genesis 1:27


So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.

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Genesis 1:27


So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.


Who's to say that means physical image? It shows people have a connection with God. Take from it what you will but God is also represented as a dove, a flame, a pillar of light, etc. I'm not saying he's not a beaded guy, for all I know he is, but he can be whatever he needs to be to get people to understand.

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Nowadays, it's hard to find a college-aged Christian who will tell you that the Bible in its entirety is true or that God is actually a creepy, bearded, white man. There are more and more Christians splintering off, pushing that around the world, people have found the same God through different religions, the existence of God shouldn't be preached with words or fear, but shown through loving action...stuff like that. It is actually becoming less focused on the law and religious ritual and more on the fact that everyone can have a relationship with God. The climate is changing.


Just saying.


inb4 y r christians so arrogant they think an all-knowing, all-powerful deity would want a relationship with them


I know Christianity isn't the only religion. It's just the one I'm somewhat qualified to talk about. Also, this was kind of off-topic.

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If there was a god, LMFAO wouldn't have existed in the first place.


Seriously though, I think there is no 'god' in any physical sense of the word. Anyone who believes in a religion is perfectly fine to believe in whatever mystical deity they want. Whatever gives them hope, reassurance, strength, courage etc. It doesn't matter to anyone other than themselves what they choose to believe in.

Do I believe that there is some all-powerful guy watching over everything that we do and constantly judging us? No. Do I believe in a set of rules and patterns that govern the known universe and how it works? Yes. You say tomato, I say tomato. 'God' only exists to people who call this force/creator/whatever 'god'. You could call it the flying spaghetti monster (some people do, I believe) and it would still be the same thing, just with a different name.


In my view, there is no reasoning, thinking 'god'. If 'god' is some force of nature, then it is not one that punishes individuals because they've done something wrong. It doesn't reward those who have done something right either. Good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people. One cannot prove or disprove the existence of a god, simply because there are no rules that define what this 'god' is. One could point out as many flaws as possible (and there are many) in the beliefs that 'god' exists and its existence would not be disproved, because 'god' could operate under completely different rules than humans can comprehend. Logic, common sense and science on the other hand, are completely human by design and as such they appear flawless and perfect to our mortal eyes. They govern everything that we know and understand, and when we discover something that we don't understand, we change the rules so that we can understand them. This makes logic and science essentially flawless by any human definition, because any flaws are simply patched up as we go along, so to speak. The existence of 'god' on the other hand, can be easily picked apart due to its many flaws. These flaws however, cannot be so easily stitched back together because to do so would be to admit that religion itself is a human construct, which we can just amend whenever we see fit. Science will ultimately prevail. Don't take this to mean that I condemn the idea of religion, far from it. If people need something to give them guidance and comfort in times of need, and that something happens to be religion, then so be it. These are just my views and I will stick by them, unless of course something big happens which completely changes my mind.


Jeeeeeez that was an essay. :uhoh:

Sorry if it was a bit all over the place, and didn't make sense in some parts. I'm tired and the last time I wrote anything like this was in secondary school.

Also I haven't read the whole thread at the time of writing this so sorry if any part of my post is redundant.

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Ok, I'll open myself about this now, first time I do it, it was hard:

After my grandma died last year I would ask myself that almost every day... every minute I was alone I would just start to question myself whether there is or not a God and if he/she/it/whatever cares shit about this tiny little blue thing in the middle of nowhere.

Every time I thought about that a desperate fear would just take me, because all I could think of was that if there was no God, than there was no after life and then my grandma was just gone forever. I never thought about the possibility of going to hell because of the things I do or anything like that, I mean, I was raised as a catholic and I've always learned that God is a forgiver, so that was not really my fear. My fear was that after dying things just cease to exist, you are living, then you die and everything goes blank forever. I got depressed because of it, I wasn't my self for months... but after some time I just learned not to think about it too much, just try to live my life in peace, I don't pray but some times I like to ask, swore or thank out loud in my mind to whoever could be listening.

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It all makes sense to me now! If you count all of Coldplay´s albums plus Chris´ teeth and Gwyneths awards and divide them by the size of his nose you get 7.


Gwyneth Paltrow awards have millions money and fashions . the perfect bestfriend to my mother and my sister.

daddy is a so simple man.


but have in the last perhaps .


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF6IXg4G1Bs&feature=relmfu]Coldplay Demos from Viva la Vida sessions 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

he says middle 8 of the man who swears

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzwuWjp7lOg&feature=relmfu]Coldplay Demos from Viva la Vida sessions 2 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuGNbPQ9XYs]Reign of Love - Coldplay - Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]




So if I believe in God, I think God talking to me with a letter in 2005. but is much complicated and that my beliefs.

but not believe in religions .

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Whoa. This thread. I shouldn't read through these discussions. I just can't take it! And since I know arguing never helps the situation, say it in a way that will not sound like I'm arguing with anyone...but I believe the whole Bible is the word of God. I belive that God created the world and everything in it, I believe that once Adam sinned l, man kind was separated from God. I believe that God sent his son, Jesus to die to set us all free from sin. I believe that there is life after death and the only way you can spend eternity with God is if you give your life to him and live fully for him (it doesn't mean you won't make mistakes and sin, it just means when you do you repent and he forgives you) I believe that I need to pray for you all. It really breaks my heart.

Go ahead and believe whatever you like. I'm not gonna try to convince you. I'm just simply stating what I believe and saying that I really do care about you more than about being right.

Okay. I added my little bit.

God bless you and I'll be praying.

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