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Is there a God?


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"I am the way, the Truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me" that statement is either made by the Son of God, or a crazy person.


He isn't saying he's the son of God there, though. He always spoke as though he was very familiar of God, which is reflective of the relationship he believed we should all have with God.


Not that I don't believe he's the son of God.


Edit: He spoke with a lot of authority and never really directly said "I am the son of God". The ideas that led people to believe he was saying that are mostly things that apply to a lot of us.

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He isn't saying he's the son of God there, though. He always spoke as though he was very familiar of God, which is reflective of the relationship he believed we should all have with God.


Not that I don't believe he's the son of God.


Edit: He spoke with a lot of authority and never really directly said "I am the son of God". The ideas that led people to believe he was saying that are mostly things that apply to a lot of us.

But if you don't believe in God, you would have to think he was crazy for, not only this, but many other things he says.

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But if you don't believe in God, you would have to think he was crazy for, not only this, but many other things he says.


If an atheist does not believe in his divinity, one may also believe it was possible Jesus lied to further his cause and change the church.


Or, he could be viewed as just another person of faith who believed in God and preached a faith of a father-child relationship with God.


As long as we're speculating.

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If an atheist does not believe in his divinity, one may also believe it was possible Jesus lied to further his cause and change the church.


Or, he could be viewed as just another person of faith who believed in God and preached a faith of a father-child relationship with God.


As long as we're speculating.

Ugh...there's this book that I read that can explain what I'm trying to say a lot better than I can, but I can't remember what it's called. Anyways, I'm a bit tired, and I'm not good at explaining my thoughts anyways, so I'll won't try to deffend my point any longer, or I'll probably end up confussing Both you and myself, as well as possible contradicting myself out confusion and frustration.

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Laurel, if you would reason like that .... we'd think Jesus is insane for believing in God, then we'd think that about anyone believing in God, right? Like you yourself. Do you really think that atheists think you're crazy in your head? :S Do you think atheists are crazy in their head?


The original girl said that she did not really believe in God. That leaves enough space I think to say she is not certain and that there still might be a God. So jumping to Jesus must be insane if he believes in God is a bit weird, because when the girl does not know if there's a God but thinks probably not, doesn't automatically make her think that people who do believe there's a god are insane. Oh my, my sentenses start to look like Fix42clocks sentenses. Wow, I must be smart. Not.

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Laurel, if you would reason like that .... we'd think Jesus is insane for believing in God, then we'd think that about anyone believing in God, right? Like you yourself. Do you really think that atheists think you're crazy in your head? :S Do you think atheists are crazy in their head?


The original guy said that he did not really believe in God. That leaves enough space I think to say he is not certain and that there still might be a God. So jumping to Jesus must be insane if he believes in God is a bit weird, because when the guy does not know if there's a God but thinks probably not, doesn't automatically make him think that people who do believe there's a god are insane. Oh my, my sentenses start to look like Fix42clocks sentenses. Wow, I must be smart. Not.

Uh...I was saying that I don't see how you can be an atheist and be a Christian. But I'm saying, Jesus was not just "a good man". He says things that would either mean he has to be the Son of God, a liar, or an insane man. I believe he's the Son of God.


I probably should have added the liar option before...



Edit: And I'm not saying he would be insane for believing in God, but rather for claiming to be the Son of God.

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That's where the part comes in of not taking everything in the Bible literally. If the girl does not take the Bible literally, she does not take it literally when Jesus says he's the son of God.


I think Christianity enholds more than believing in God. Many people have different ways of being a Christian. Some people cover their hair, some people go to church every Sunday, some people don't let their kids get vaccinated, and some people don't really believe there's a God but believe that the Christian moral code is a good code to live by.


btw, your edit answers my questions, hahaha, thanks.

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That's where the part comes in of not taking everything in the Bible literally. If the guy does not take the Bible literally, he does not take it literally when Jesus says he's the son of God.


I think Christianity enholds more than believing in God. Many people have different ways of being a Christian. Some people cover their hair, some people go to church every Sunday, some people don't let their kids get vaccinated, and some people don't really believe there's a God but believe that the Christian moral code is a good code to live by.


btw, your edit answers my questions, hahaha, thanks.

Yeah, I realised I didn't even answer your question right after posting...:blush:


This whole subject is rather complicated...

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Uh...I was saying that I don't see how you can be an atheist and be a Christian.

I don't think that's what the phrase means though. Just because it's called 'Christian atheist' doesn't mean it's being both Christian and atheist at the same time. It's being an atheist and having Christian-influenced morals. You can be an atheist and have (Christian) morals :uhoh:


It's like the term 'African American' we have in the States. Vast majority of black Americans have their African ancestry from a looong time ago and they don't connect to African culture, so it's a bit weird to call them African American. But people do, and it just works, and nobody takes it literally.

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Well, a Christian believes the bible is the Word of God, but if you say "I believe everything but this or that" then how can you truly believe any if it?


Why are you trying to put people off Christianity, and stop the spread of the word of your Lord and the possibility that it could reach people who embrace Jesus' morals, just because you're a mental creationist and want everyone to take everything literally?


You are beyond extreme.


I meant a situation where you're helpless!


Oh right I see now, well that makes no difference! Thanks for that.

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I'd like to make some things clear:

1. Christians, like me, believe that Jesus is actually God himself (and therefore not God's "son" in the proper sense of the word)

2. No one says that the Bible was written by God. Angiographers were inspired by God to write the Bible.

3. The contradictions you may find in the Bible are usuallydue to some translation mistakes ( there are also some words in ancient aramaic which are very hard to translate also)

4. Some parts of the Bible may sound weird (like the one about the blood I talked about some pages ago) simply because they were just referred to people who lived in those times. Therefore it is never said that mixing your blood with someone else's for example, they were just "advices" given to those populations.

5. The first part of the Genesis is metaphorical, but this doesn't mean that they're just some stories. For example Adam and Eve is a way to explain that human's always had bad(for a lack of a better term) behaviours since times' dawn.

6. Religion and science are NOT in contrast. At all. I talked with the bishop of my town last friday, and he told me that according to him every kind of science progress is good, it's the way science may be used that might be bad.


This is what I felt the need to say for the moment.


Ps. Sorry if some things may not make sense to you, but it's hard for me to explain such difficult things in a language different than my native one.

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I'd like to make some things clear:

1. Christians, like me, believe that Jesus is actually God himself (and therefore not God's "son" in the proper sense of the word)

2. No one says that the Bible was written by God. Angiographers were inspired by God to write the Bible.

3. The contradictions you may find in the Bible are usuallydue to some translation mistakes ( there are also some words in ancient aramaic which are very hard to translate also)

4. Some parts of the Bible may sound weird (like the one about the blood I talked about some pages ago) simply because they were just referred to people who lived in those times. Therefore it is never said that mixing your blood with someone else's for example, they were just "advices" given to those populations.

5. The first part of the Genesis is metaphorical, but this doesn't mean that they're just some stories. For example Adam and Eve is a way to explain that human's always had bad(for a lack of a better term) behaviours since times' dawn.

6. Religion and science are NOT in contrast. At all. I talked with the bishop of my town last friday, and he told me that according to him every kind of science progress is good, it's the way science may be used that might be bad.


This is what I felt the need to say for the moment.


Ps. Sorry if some things may not make sense to you, but it's hard for me to explain such difficult things in a language different than my native one.

I agree with everything you said here :nod: Except the first one :thinking:

I'm Catholic, and I remember in the Credo that we say Jesus is "sat at the right of God, the Almighty Father" (sorry for the literal translation). To me, Jesus is God's son, but he's not the "typical", "natural" kind of son. Which makes me wonder...maybe the term of "spiritual son" would work ? :surprised: Unless the Credo means to say that God is the father of us all ? :surprised:

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