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Prince William and Kate expecting a baby / 22-07 Duchess gives birth to baby boy


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^ Right - and the delivery might take many hours. I think that it took Gwyneth 35 or 37 hours to deliver her first-born child Apple. Kate is also giving birth for the first time so the baby may not be born until 23.7 - so it will be many hours of livestream from the hospital with hardly any news apart from: No news from the palace - birth still on-going.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23RoyalBabyNames&src=hash">#RoyalBabyNames</a> They should just go to their local Tesco, close their eyes and pick a random Coke bottle.</p>— Will Mckenzie (@WillMckenzieNot) <a href="https://twitter.com/WillMckenzieNot/statuses/359259764603101184">July 22, 2013</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a baby boy, Kensington Palace says</p>— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) <a href="https://twitter.com/BBCBreaking/statuses/359395239934435329">July 22, 2013</a></blockquote>

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The baby weighs 8lbs 6oz and was born at 4:24 PM

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>PICTURE: Official announcement of <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23RoyalBaby&src=hash">#RoyalBaby</a> boy's birth displayed outside Buckingham Palace <a href="http://t.co/r9eHoLbHod">http://t.co/r9eHoLbHod</a> <a href="http://t.co/itDLZVlyjT">pic.twitter.com/itDLZVlyjT</a></p>— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) <a href="https://twitter.com/BBCBreaking/statuses/359400930610933760">July 22, 2013</a></blockquote>

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A message From The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall on the birth of The Prince's first grandchild


The Prince of Wales said this evening:


“Both my wife and I are overjoyed at the arrival of my first grandchild. It is an incredibly special moment for William and Catherine and we are so thrilled for them on the birth of their baby boy.


Grandparenthood is a unique moment in anyone’s life, as countless kind people have told me in recent months, so I am enormously proud and happy to be a grandfather for the first time and we are eagerly looking forward to seeing the baby in the near future.”



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Fucking hell, I like watching the news sometimes, not tonight.


Though it is hilarious when reporters start asking members of the public who are celebrating in public about why it was so important for them to get out on the street and drink champagne, and of course they have fuck all to say.

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So Harry is useless now I take it?

Might as well stick him on the front line... oh, they are.


That's funny but drastically true, and one of the many reasons I find the whole idea of monarchy so ridiculous, this: Harry wasn't born 1st, he didn't happen to be born first by circumstance, so now, who the fuck is he? Not a 1st born son, so who cares.


Now let's rejoice, we have an actual 1st born to eclipse him.


Like, is this actually serious?

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Fucking hell, I like watching the news sometimes, not tonight.


Though it is hilarious when reporters start asking members of the public who are celebrating in public about why it was so important for them to get out on the street and drink champagne, and of course they have fuck all to say.


I'm enjoying the reporters stood outside with the revellers switching between news stories. Just had a woman talking about the porn block with an oblivious crowd in the background celebrating. Was just weird. I really don't like reporting outside the studio. If you need a really obvious visual stimulus which is related to the story then you're a moron who probably isn't taking in enough about the story to warrant hearing it.

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For once that there's a sorta happy story on the news, can't you stop complaining ?!


People don't actually care about the Monarchy, but i'm betting that the UK isn't in the most happy place right now and the birth of a baby boy is still something that people are willing to take rather than more unemployment/economic crisis/war related news.

In France, comedies, even the worst, most superficial ones, work best in theaters when people are sad and miserable, because people like to hear happy stories.


Everybody knows that Monarchy is ridiculous. But right now I don't think people care. And whether you like it or not, it's still a part of the UK's history, and people like getting their piece of History. That's always a fun story to tell.


So, please, for the love of God, can you at least pretend for 10 seconds that this is nice instead of ruining this thread with mockery ?!



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There are things in this world that are worth celebrating and there are things that are not. As an antidote to the bad things in the world I would rather concentrate on something else and not have this rammed down my throat all the time. There are plenty of things that are good that are not reported and I would rather hear about them, such as new innovations which are going to help people or whatever.


This is a sad news story to me as it is indicative of people once again caring about something that isn't important. Or rather, caring to this extent and for this long. It is certainly newsworthy, but if this is what people are using to make themselves feel better then it's fucking depressing. It shows the problem a lot of people have.


It reminds me of how much people focus on football. If they could use half of that amount of passion and half of the time they spend following it on something worthwhile like interacting with politics and becoming socially mobile then they wouldn't need to rely on relatively trivial things.


But I've not actually mentioned the royal birth to anybody in real life yet as it hasn't come up, so it's not like I'm going around ruining people's days. I had one opportunity to say something about it at work earlier but decided not to as the woman said 'I'm so glad it was a boy'. I don't know what to say to that. I can't be bothered saying anything to that.

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Yeah, I get the point.


Still, to me, when you know how so many women in the world aren't lucky to be able to give birth to a child in such good conditions, I still find that a happy event when a family welcomes a new family member in such great conditions and maybe who knows, one day this boy will say clever things or could change the world even if that's very unlikely, i don't know, i'm just dumb like that to savor such simple moments.

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.So, please, for the love of God, can you at least pretend for 10 seconds that this is nice instead of ruining this thread with mockery ?!


It really doesn't look likely.


Seriously though I left the news on for a full hour last night and there was not 1 mention of anything other than this, then at the end (I wasn't paying much attention) I realised it was a special hour long bulletin, ok fair enough, it was then followed by news @10 which was 40mins of talking about this, and it ended.


Today I watched this phone in show (The Wright Stuff) and the people who called in as well as the audience were overwhelmingly bored of the attention it's getting, the presenter said he was expecting a backlash when he first said he was sick of it, and couldn't believe everyone agreeing with him. Meanwhile the news channels have set up fake crowds and even pretend there's crowds of people behind the camera or cheering down the street:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt9qksH7W-k]Sky's Kay Burley announces that the Royal baby is a boy - YouTube[/ame]


Apparently she did this throughout the broadcast and nobody, or very few, were actually heard cheering (You can tell from how fake she sounds). Not that there weren't crowds in some places, but were in awkward parts to broadcast them (Though free cheap champagne did get some people moving in the right direction).


I think the more people who are bored of it, the better, maybe it's a step in the right direction, it doesn't mean they have to be resentful towards the royals or an innocent newborn baby, but it's like not caring is being 'negative' and that's not fair when somethings shoved down your throat, not caring is being impartial not 'negative' towards it, just the ridiculous amount of attention it gets and how the media hype it up as if it needs any more hyping up (I am aware that plenty of people do indeed care).


And I have a pet peeve when people say "Finally a positive news story" sorry but there's not enough gloom in the news, there's not enough awareness of world issues being broadcast. I'm sure there's enough people in tragic situations all over the world wondering why the West sits down every evening to watch Kate get married, Kate have a baby, Kate doing yet another visit on some tour around schools and what dress she's wearing and the even more important stuff like how she shared a brief joke with a random person and "seemed in good spirits (as always)". I mean gloom, that's mainly what the news is, it's not meant to be overly positive because that's not the world we live in, and if that's too much for you then you don't need to watch it (Plenty of people actually don't because they feel literally bad watching the news, I think they could toughen up a bit but I don't blame them if that's how they feel, it's not their fault).


This sort of shit should be reserved for an entertainment section of the news or something like that, or a completely separate show, it really is of no relevance to anything and I think as time moves on we're realising it more.

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I had forgot to finish my reply and didn't see this:


There are things in this world that are worth celebrating and there are things that are not. As an antidote to the bad things in the world I would rather concentrate on something else and not have this rammed down my throat all the time. There are plenty of things that are good that are not reported and I would rather hear about them, such as new innovations which are going to help people or whatever.


Yes that's a good point (And better put then my demand for more gloomy news), largely significant breakthroughs in science just aren't headline grabbing enough because people don't want to learn about often fairly easy to understand subjects, they wanna see Kate smile at schoolchildren. You don't need to understand anything to appreciate that.

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Yeah, I get the point.


Still, to me, when you know how so many women in the world aren't lucky to be able to give birth to a child in such good conditions, I still find that a happy event when a family welcomes a new family member in such great conditions and maybe who knows, one day this boy will say clever things or could change the world even if that's very unlikely, i don't know, i'm just dumb like that to savor such simple moments.


As I have said earlier in the thread, I think it would have been more positive to society (but I stress I would not wish it upon anybody) had the baby been born with some form of deficiency which people generally had no awareness of. This way it could improve empathy within the country and highlight something the public did not know about. It would also have the best access to help given its privileged position so if anybody could cope with it then they could.


Or, rather than having some form of deficiency, had the child been intersex then that could have been extremely positive. Up to 2% of people are intersex but we are only slowly starting to deal with this and it is still a taboo subject. If one in fifty people are born that way then it is relatively common (ginger hair is 1-2% of the human population). Society would take huge leaps forward if they took the time to learn about the aspects of intersex life, the startling suicide rates, the abuse they receive, etc.


Obviously it would be very difficult for the child in question to be born intersex and have such the media spotlight but any gender it would have ridiculous media attention and it could pave the way for a better future for other people born the same.


Anyway, it appears to be a healthy boy, so that's good.

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