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Prince William and Kate expecting a baby / 22-07 Duchess gives birth to baby boy


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Well the thread could have value given yesterdays events, as it wouldn't be about the royal baby. However if we wanted it to be interesting whilst including the baby we could discuss the absurdity of witnessing who a future head of state will be. It would be very interesting (but obviously a shame for the family, or not depending on how they took it, I guess) if the baby was born with a disability which was not debilitating enough to prevent them from shaking peoples hands and waving. There are a few avenues it could go down rather than actually talking about the boring stuff that happens in every pregnancy. It's had an interesting start though. Acute morning sickness was not something I was particularly aware of, so learned something and now the death.


Another thing that I find quite interesting about this whole thing is that it's not only the UK that seems to be in awe. To be honest, I'm very happy that Germany doesn't have any royality and I couldn't give a flying fuck (excuse the language) about other countries' queens, princesses, princes etc. and their affairs and yet I see other Germans go "OMG, have you heard about the baby???! OMG I'm so happy for them!!!!".

Seriously, what difference does it make for your life other than having another celebrity to gossip about?

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Another thing that I find quite interesting about this whole thing is that it's not only the UK that seems to be in awe. To be honest, I'm very happy that Germany doesn't have any royality and I couldn't give a flying fuck (excuse the language) about other countries' queens, princesses, princes etc. and their affairs and yet I see other Germans go "OMG, have you heard about the baby???! OMG I'm so happy for them!!!!".

Seriously, what difference does it make for your life other than having another celebrity to gossip about?


Yup. Providing we don't devolve into a state where the monarchy actually matters this is just going to be a poster kid for tourism. And people are already falling for it already. The whole notion of monarchy is an embarrassment to progressive society.

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The nurse´s death is extremely suspicious or the mother of all coincidences. Take your pick.


Can you explain further?


A tweet from a couple of days ago:


dan barker

Update: Daily Mail has now removed this top comment from the Nurse story. ('self regulation' eh?) pic.twitter.com/e4SyDT3r






He's got a point.


He has got a point and I've seen it echoed plenty in the DM comments section, maybe this post was a bit too popular, but what exactly is the solution here? For me personally I don't get why it was such massive news (The original prank), but obviously plenty of people were interested enough in this tiny stupid gag that probably wouldn't reach a newspaper (Just online features) if it didn't involve the Royals.


Similarly to the DJ's, the editors of these papers could not have foreseen that it would turn into a suicide situation and this tweet makes it sound like they set it up for one, it's just as sensationalist of a theory as the DM itself.

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  • 5 weeks later...



Kate Middleton gets a viral makeover: Twitter pranksters 'improve' Duchess of Cambridge's first official portrait


Photoshoppers were quick to flood the social network with their own version of Paul Emsley's opinion-splitting painting


Kate Middleton described it as “amazing” but it seems not everyone agrees with the Duchess’s verdict on her first official portrait .


Some art critics claim the Paul Emsley painting makes photogenic Kate look old and dowdy and does not resemble her in real life.




So in true Twitter style, just hours after it was unveiled at the national portrait gallery, the portrait had fallen victim to the viral treatment.


Some pranksters gave the image a Celia Gimenez makeover – replacing Kate with the ‘monkey face’ the 80-year-old Spanish woman painted over a 19th century fresco of Jesus in her botched attempt at restoring it.




Other web jokers appeared to have subjected the picture of the usually slim to the smartphone ‘FatBooth’ app, giving her chubby cheeks and a huge double chin.


Following criticism that the portrait was too dark and eerie, some photoshoppers replaced Kate’s face with that of Ghostbuster’s villain Vigo the Carpathian.




Other’s superimposed the portrait over a Twilight advert, dubbing Kate the “Grandmother of the Vampires”.


Emsley's efforts have been praised for their "informality" but have also been criticised for being "pretty ordinary".




Kate's response to the work after seeing it privately with her husband the Duke of Cambridge was to say: "It's just amazing, I thought it was brilliant," while the Duke described it as "absolutely beautiful".


Emsley was commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery and was chosen by its director Sandy Nairne following a selection process which involved the Duchess.



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  • 6 months later...
I'm waiting for the British Empire to rise again and control 25% of the world.

I wish. When my country was still a British colony, this were a lot better than it currently is. Anyway, I wonder what the kid will look like.

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