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[2016-04-16] Foro Sol, México


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Apparently new posters have appeared on Mexico city too. April 16 at Foro Sol.


(Sorry I don't know how to post the tweet)


here ya go


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">Si estos pósters afuera del Caradura no nos engañan, Coldplay viene a México el 16 de abril. <a href="https://t.co/6wYZmxxaOC">pic.twitter.com/6wYZmxxaOC</a></p>— BuzzFeed México (@BuzzFeedMexico) <a href="

">November 19, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Conciertos Guadalajara posted an article about the April 16th date on Mexico City but at the end they added:

"Would you like to see them in Guadalajara once again? Open your eyes and if you find on the streets of the city a poster like this one, share with us the picture on our social networks. If you are the first one to do it you'll get a reward."


They are not confirming it (they literally said: "if they come to Guadalajara you can win a prize") but if they are doing a contest about it I guess there's a really high chance they'll come here too, if not why bother? :thinking:

I really hope it's true!

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Despues de 6 años del ultimo tour y 11 años de seguir la banda.. que rareza, mi emoción es casi nula en este momento, recuerdo el anuncio del Tour Twisted Logic y el posterior Viva la Vida, fueron momentos realmente significativos, llamadas todo el dia, emociones encontradas, ahora simplemente lo tomo como una noticia mas, es un hecho que estaré ahí, sea como sea siguen siendo los mismos, pero el nuevo rumbo que ha tomado la banda me ha hecho perder cierta emoción por verlos en vivo. Espero que mientras se acerque la fecha esto cambie, Saludos desde Hidalgo.

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Hi everyone!!! I'm so excited Coldplay's coming back to Mexico! Though I was planning to go to the US if they had scheduled it first, I'm more than Glad that they're touring Latinamerica first!!!

BTW I'm from Monterrey and there are speculations that instead of a show in Monterrey they will headline "Pa'l Norte Festival", I just hope this is not true. We might find out tomorrow :)!!!


Hola a todos!!! Estoy muy emocionado de que regrese Coldplay a Mexico!!! Aunque había planeado ir a US en caso de que lo agendaran primero estoy mas que feliz de que primero hagan el tour por Latinoamerica!

Por cierto, soy de Monterrey y hay especulaciones de que en vez de un show en Mty ellos sean los Headliners del Pa'l Norte Festival, Espero que no sea verdad. Tal vez mañana sepamos si esque anuncian su tour!

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Message for the Admins: I think this thread (Mexico date) belongs to North America section, or maybe changing the name of this section to Latinamerica, since Mexico is not part of Southamerica and people might find it confusing :)!!!


You are correct, I kept trying to move posts to the North American forum but I could not, I thought I was losing my mind b/c I found it in South America. We will move the thread soon. Sorry about that.


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Espero que toquen AL MENOS Charlie Brown y Hurts Like Heaven del MX porque muero de ganas de escucharlas en vivo, aunque seguramente tocarán ETIAW y Paradise :(


I hope they AT LEAST play Charlie Brown and Hurts Like Heaven from MX cause I'm hear them live, I'm sure they'll play ETIAW and Paradise though :(

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