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u are ^ heh :lol:


is there caves in Australia?


:dozey: Yes, it's called 'the horribly small and cramped shard of space my parents gave me to turn into my own mini office'


I live here people :stunned:

















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Let the hair dilema continue...I also figured out how to use my hair crimper, not the greatest result in the world but, meh




I look like a cave girl :confused:




do you live at ayers rock, rachael? :D


hey, i dont see any chinese look, girl!

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do you live at ayers rock, rachael? :D


hey, i dont see any chinese look, girl!


No!! I live quite far from Uluru (ayers rock). I'm just north of Melbourne, in the cold state of Victoria. My dad is Ausralian so I'm only half Chinese, thus the brown/black hair.

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So after being awoken at 8:20 this morning (and wondering how I was keeping my eyes open) I opened my curtains and was subsequently blinded by the sheer brightness of something we havn't had properly this winter / spring, until now.


And yes, January did have April showers this year, so I guess its not so surprising that we're now getting the snow so late into the year.

I proceeded to take a short series of pictures after managing to adjust my eyes...


Haha, frozen towels anyone? :rolleyes:



And then there's these two of me standing by my window... since I havn't been in any snow related picture for a good 3 years or so.



And yes, my hair is really that bad in the mornings :rolleyes:

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Snow? Now? It's sunny here, warm, the birds are singing. I can't imagine having snow now.


Anyway, nice pictures, Zemy (sorry, I don't know you) :wacky:

I know! Yesterday there were no signs that it was going to snow at all, except for being a little cold. So I couldn't imagine it snowing today either.


And thanks! I'm Semy :nice:

Whats your name?

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I know! Yesterday there were no signs that it was going to snow at all, except for being a little cold. So I couldn't imagine it snowing today either.


And thanks! I'm Semy :nice:

Whats your name?


The weather has gone crazy. Warm in winter, snow in April.


Nice to meet you, Semy :)

I'm Magda. :)

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whoa! snow?! it's getting warmer by the day here in the valley of central PA, but we get wacky and atypical weather here. last week it was 80 degrees F one day (which is about 26-27 degrees C for all you that live in the rest of the world that has a logical sensical temperature system).


nice pictures, semy!! :nice: it's nice to see you again. and i stand by what i said previously about you being handsome.

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Guest Grace

woah. is it still that cold? :stunned:

the snow looks so beautiful, though.

i love it when the snow's so bright it makes your eyes hurt a bit. dunno... that always puts a smile on my face.



oh... and you're really, really cute, semy. but i've said that before... :wink3:




















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So after being awoken at 8:20 this morning (and wondering how I was keeping my eyes open) I opened my curtains and was subsequently blinded by the sheer brightness of something we havn't had properly this winter / spring, until now.


And yes, January did have April showers this year, so I guess its not so surprising that we're now getting the snow so late into the year.

I proceeded to take a short series of pictures after managing to adjust my eyes...


Haha, frozen towels anyone? :rolleyes:



And then there's these two of me standing by my window... since I havn't been in any snow related picture for a good 3 years or so.



And yes, my hair is really that bad in the mornings :rolleyes:


ohhh snow is so beautiful.. and your hair looks fine :P

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Ah, well its all melted away now and I didn't really have any fun with it per say... but I did go out to the nearest high-street and have lunch to celebrate my mum's birthday while it was still quite thick on the ground, so that was quite nice.


And Chelsea, our weather has been all over the place too. It was actually fairly mild yesterday and early last week it was actually warm, so when I heard reports of snow fall floating around I wasn't really inclined to believe it. I just hope it doesn't snow on my birthday :dozey: (actually I'll admit that would be pretty cool).


Aww, thanks for the compliments though :blush:

I really don't think I look that great there though... especially the hair, which is a constant nightmare these days. And keep in mind this was like 25 mins after i woke up (I am NOT a morning person at all). So yes, if you're noticing some zombie type traits, you know why.

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^ No way! Your's looks nicely trimmed and everything.

I mean I don't know what your hair is like now but if thats a new picture of you then the hair is obviously fine :P I personally like too grow mine... its just that I don't pull off that look very well.


Those pictures are really cool by the way... it looked like it snowed heavier than it did here.

And are those laminated concert tickets I see on your wall there? :D

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Guest Grace
I really don't think I look that great there though... especially the hair' date=' which is a constant nightmare these days.[/quote']


every girl digs messy hair! :smiley:

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you should see my hair when i get up :dozey:. then we'll talk. it's so 3D and wild that it would literally pop out of the picture on the screen.


and of course any mention of the word "zombie" makes me think of shaun of the dead:


SHAUN: Don't say that.

ED: What?

SHAUN: The Zed word. Don't say it.

ED: Why not?

SHAUN: Because it's ridiculous.


so don't call yourself a zombie because it's ridiculous :laugh3:

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