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I wasn't sure whether I should post these in the mimicking smiles thread, but the fact was that I wasn't actually intending to mimic any at the time. They just happen to resemble one or two.


Basically it was 3am the other day (Friday?) and I was bored and very tired, so I thought "wouldn't it be a wonderful idea to take some pictures of myself?". So thats what I did... unfortunately.


And they turned out to be very silly.



Unfortunately, the hair is getting longer, and wilder.





I FINALLY got the singles boxset. OMG!





Dear me.










I began to plot how the sequel to my 'Coldplay in the studio' story would play out. Surprisingly, the plotting didn't get very far.





Huh?! :confused:





As I said, it was 3am. Actually by the time I took this one, it was probably more like 4am :P





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ahh, so this is why you stay up until all hours of the morning...


:D hahaha, i LOVE them, semy! i'm laughing out loud now...i love the captions and the expressions...haha!! brilliant. :laugh4:


and YAY singles box set!! :dance: do you love it or do you love it? well, i guess you do love it if the last picture is any judge, which is adorable by the way :nice:


and keep the hair long. as i've said before, chicks dig it :wink:

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Haha, thanks :nice:

Yesh, I do like the singles boxset. A little too much, maybe :laugh1: but its just too cool, you know. I needed something to hug at the time, and since there were (sadly) no pringles tubes in sight, the boxset was the next best thing ;)


Hehe, I'm going to keep it long now :P though it does need a little tidying up, I reckon.

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well if i had my boxset here, i'd certainly be hugging it. and i hug pringles every day, so because i'm in boxset withdrawal i think i'd rather be hugging that. it feels a little sacreligious to be saying that, though. actually, no it doesn't: coldplay and pringles are about on equal levels in my book :D


haha, when i take photos of myself, i can't stand them. if i could make them like this i'd actually post them :P

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Both the boxset and the pringles tubes are awesome I agree :D And I'm usually quite sensitive as to what pictures end up on facebook and stuff, but I figure posting them here is pretty safe... even if I AM making a fool of myself :laugh1: You look great in all the pictures you've posted anyway Chelsea, (yes even the cookie picture! :laugh3:) so there's really nothing to stop you from posting them :nice:


Aww thanks Lore! :smiley:


And lovely pics Jenika!

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beautiful, jenika!! was your prom on a beach?! LUCKY!

and prom was overrated for me 3 out of the 4 years i went. it's always wayyy too hyped up. the best part is looking pretty, and you got that!


haha, well i've definitely considered untagging all 400-something photos of me on facebook numerous times--i can't believe that many pictures of me exist from the past 4 years, really :rolleyes:. but yes, in general i feel much better about posting them on here than on facebook.

but UGH, i was like 13 in that cookie pic...yuck. but you're nice for saying i look great :nice:. at any rate, i love the pictures you posted!

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Thanks you guys! :nice:


No, my prom wasn't at the beach, that's my friends house. She's lucky, i know.

Yeah, prom wasn't that great. The only reason I go to formal dances is to dress up, because most people know me as a low maintenance person that doesn't make much of a fuss about her looks.


I like the cinderella element of dressing up. :P

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awww thanks, guys!!! :nice:


Semy, have I ever told you I love your hair? :bigcry: It's awesome! I love it! (Now you have a confirmation of Chelsea's statement that

and keep the hair long. as i've said before, chicks dig it :wink:
. :lol:



Jenika, your dress looks gorgeous!!!!

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Thanks you guys! :nice:


No, my prom wasn't at the beach, that's my friends house. She's lucky, i know.

Yeah, prom wasn't that great. The only reason I go to formal dances is to dress up, because most people know me as a low maintenance person that doesn't make much of a fuss about her looks.


I like the cinderella element of dressing up. :P


yeah, same. it's occasionally really fun to dress up, i think, as long as i don't do it too much. twice a year is good for me--more than that it just gets tiresome and annoying. senior week just about killed me last year: i had to buy 5 dresses and wear one just about every day, along with hair, makeup, contacts...blargh. give me jeans and a t-shirt any day.


but i like dressing up a lot when i like the way all my efforts come off. i think that's happened twice for me, really. the best was when i got my hair cut off and got contacts the day of my junior prom and didn't tell anyone, so when i showed up, no one had any clue who i was at all, and there were lots of double-takes and :freak: faces. it was so much fun to mess with people like that! :laugh3:

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