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good question. probably down to the connotations of it. as an owner of that piece of anatomy, I don't like the way its used as a swear word.


I was brought up not to swear, but things I don't consider offensive, my Mum does. I guess I was also brought up that as an intelligent person I don't need to resort to swearing to get my point across, and that as well as being offensive its just lazy.

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good question. probably down to the connotations of it. as an owner of that piece of anatomy, I don't like the way its used as a swear word.


I was brought up not to swear, but things I don't consider offensive, my Mum does. I guess I was also brought up that as an intelligent person I don't need to resort to swearing to get my point across, and that as well as being offensive its just lazy.


Very well said.:cool:

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good question. probably down to the connotations of it. as an owner of that piece of anatomy, I don't like the way its used as a swear word.


I was brought up not to swear, but things I don't consider offensive, my Mum does. I guess I was also brought up that as an intelligent person I don't need to resort to swearing to get my point across, and that as well as being offensive its just lazy.


Well to be honest, I agree with you, it's not a very nice word, I've only been using it because of Mark's ridiculous response to me using it to describe his attitude. I only really swear in real life if I am very annoyed at something, even then it's usually just "fuck".


I just wanted to see what your response was to that question because most people don't have an answer to why that word is so much "worse" than say "dick", they are both after all sexual organs.


Swearing every other word yes probably shows a lack of vocabulary, but swearing occasionally does not in any way hint at a lack of intelligence, they are just emotive words that when used in the correct sense are effective


For your information, Cunt is considered as bad as it is because it was orignally just a derogatory word towards women in general, not referring to the vagina (by the way anyone who refers to their vagina as their "cunt" is not a person I would want to converse with) It is to sexism what "nigger" is to racism, or at least it was, not anymore, but that is why there is an overlying "oooooooooo" every time someone says it on TV


Speaking of using it in TV/Film, it can be a great comedy enhancer "Any of you cunts want a drink" is probably one of the best opening lines for a character I have ever heard (Shaun of the Dead)


Anyway, this was just my "Hey look, I'm not a bastard I was just winding up Mark" post.

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Speaking of using it in TV/Film, it can be a great comedy enhancer "Any of you cunts want a drink" is probably one of the best opening lines for a character I have ever heard (Shaun of the Dead)


Well then it's being used in a non-aggressive, non-insulting manner (among friends, presumably), so it's a different matter entirely. I still think a different word could have been used, however.


Anyway, this was just my "Hey look, I'm not a bastard I was just winding up Mark" post.


Well seeing as you've now admitted that, don't do it. Simple solution.

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What are those??? :thinking:



bratwurst :) over a fire. and they smelt very, very good today, especially mixed in with the smells from the gluehwein :D




Anyway, this was just my "Hey look, I'm not a bastard I was just winding up Mark" post.


never said that, just objected to that one word. I read far too many posts on this forum and base my opinions on what I read in those threads. :thinking: I'd prefer to read fewer posts as I have other things to do on the forums and on Wiki as well.


And this time I really am logging off to do my Christmas cards, plus I need my weekly Simon Cowell fix :laugh3:.

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naah, but thanks... you're very cute indded.


you look so different from what i remembeeeer.

ok, maybe the fact that I have'nt seen a pic of you in a coupe of years probably has something to do with it..

but the messy-haired, tired, unshaved look suits you :nice:(weird compliment, i know).


Yeah, I think I've changed... I'm about to be 20 now... :lol:





Heh, yeah it's a weird compliment, but thanks! You look very pretty-fresh in your recent pictures... as always from what I remember. ;)

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