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Again, just my opinion. I just hope that people follow their heart even if they were to "fall in love" or smthing with someone from the same sex while they think of themselves as straight.


You didn't answer my point though, just because we are capable of being bisexual, it doesn't make every single person bisexual, that's just a possibility. I could possibly be a right winger, but I'm not, or a serial killer, or a truck driver, it doesn't mean I and everyone else already is. I don't ever get why people like holding onto an opinion even if it makes no sense, just for the sake that it was originally their opinion and that's important or something.


So yes everyone is indeed capable of loving someone of the same sex, it doesn't mean they definitely will and 100% of people are therefore bisexual. It wouldn't work the other way if I were to say that because it's possible for a human being to only be attracted to those of the opposite gender then we are all therefore straight, because why? Errr again that makes no sense. :anxious:

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1) i don't feel that i necessarily have to answer your point, i was expressing an opinion, it was not an argument.


2) what i (me, johanna) think is that gender doesn't really matter when it comes to personality and that is (i hope) what people fall in love with and you can't control that. so no, it doesn't happen to everyone that they 'express' that they're bisexual at some point in their lives and some people still don't express it even if they want to for..whatever reasons they have, but i personally consider it bisexuality to already have those feelings even though you don't express them and everyone i think is capable of having them so i just like to think that everyone on some level is bi. makes sense? didn't think so and i don't really care. why do you have a problem with me thinking like that? i don't want to start an argument just for the sake of arguing about an opinion which i'm allowed to have so this is the last i'm gonna say of it :nice:


My point started to become more about, why do people insist on keeping their opinion even if it makes no sense? But yeah nevermind then.


EDIT: Oh and I forgot to say why you shouldn't be able to have that opinion. I logged onto my computer thinking that I don't like penis, but now I've read your thoughts and surprise to me, now I do? That's what being bisexual is. The same shock would come to any man who comes on here and is sure they are gay, but now they've read your post and they've discovered they now like vagina. It's putting people into a box to say 'everyones bisexual', it's especially offensive to homosexuals who have to go through a 'coming out' process and face the world, and now you're saying "Sorry but you are bi anyway". You're psychoanalysing a term and forgetting it's literal meaning, if we did that with everything then opinions would be a mess. It's sexual preference and you are getting this confused with feelings of admiration towards anyone male or female.


Reilly, me ol' muckah.

Still fightin the good fight I see.

; )


Hello! Jo's fine though so I wasn't trying to fight.


By gum it's been a long time.

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