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The Snow Patrol Thread


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Well, I'm not lucky enough to be in Ireland tonight (weird expression they're using, eh? :thinking:), but I guess we'll have some links from the Snow Patrol forum by tomorrow. At least I hope so!

Is anybody with me searching through the forum tomorrow? Can't wait to hear a new interview from the boys and maybe some new information about another album? Tired Pony? Listen ... Tanks!? :sneaky: :D


heh...i'm with you for that!


well, if i can find the time. i've no idea why everyone else on my course seems to be slacking for this week while i'm waist deep studying up all kinds of cool stuff for Web Tech... :thinking:


oh & btw i added you on DA. ;)

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Well, I'm not lucky enough to be in Ireland tonight (weird expression they're using, eh? :thinking:), but I guess we'll have some links from the Snow Patrol forum by tomorrow. At least I hope so!

Is anybody with me searching through the forum tomorrow? Can't wait to hear a new interview from the boys and maybe some new information about another album? Tired Pony? Listen ... Tanks!? :sneaky: :D


That sounds like a cool programme!! I'd be interested to see the Snow Patrol stuff from it :D



I'm a bit gutted today as the pre sale tickets went on for the Glasgow show and I'm so skint right now that I can't afford one :(


I'm hoping that I might be able to try and pick one up nearer the time...

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was in TTB.com looking at how Sam's done up her website & there's a post of the Other Voices appearance already! :D


btw, does anyone here know if it's ok to use a promo/press photo of a band or the band's "logo" (e.g. SP's current snowflake themed logo) & also album covers? my Web Tech unit's assignment is to make a web site with some pages & i'm doing a music review kind of web site, but my lecturer doesn't want us to take anything from commercial sites unless it specifically says that it's free for general use. :confused:


(& i'm taking my lecturer's point as an indication that using any of Bradley's awesome shots are out of the question)

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Well, I'm not lucky enough to be in Ireland tonight (weird expression they're using, eh? :thinking:)


Oooh, ooh! I think I have this recorded!!


Let me check.


Yes, I do! Settling down to watch it now. Interested to see what songs they played. :)




REWORKED versions of the following:


Shut Your Eyes

Chasing Cars

Crack the Sutters

You're All I Have



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it's like 49 euros, right? it's not that bad, I paid 40 euros for three really small venue concerts coming up soon.. and the bands are nothing as big as Snow Patrol I'd say, so..depends on what you're used to I guess :P after paying 70 and 120 euros for Coldplay tickets, 50 euros is not that scary :awesome: (I know, I'm stupid)
Last time in HMH, tickets were 29 euros. In the same venue, Arcade Fire was and Franz Ferdinand were 32-32,50. Tickets are now 47,50 excluding service costs (about 3-4 euros, plus shipping if you don't want an e-ticket, another 2 euros). I'd love to see Snow Patrol again (it's been almost 3 years since I last saw them :freak:), but this is just insane. Plus, I'm kinda skint. :D


The sound in HMH is pretty good though.



Edit: I usually pay about 20 euros for a concert, so this is relatively expensive for me. *checks upcoming gigs* Cheapest: 8,50 most expensive: 23. :dozey:

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Where are you from then? :uhoh: sounds really cheap there..well..I'm veeery happy to pay all that for tickets and like 160e for flights and all that to see them because I never have :D oh you're gonna see Vampire Weekend! cool! they were here last august for a festival with White Lies too, but I couldn't go :(
Haha, you are kind of crazy. (or very dedicated :P)


I live in the Netherlands, about 2,5 hours from Amsterdam. And Snow Patrol are amazing live. You're gonna love them. But I've seen them twice before, so I don't really have to see them again. Though this is the first concert in the Netherlands in three years. See, I'm on the fence here, even though I don't like the last album (AHMS, UTN doesn't count) all that much.





It's just that Snow Patrol will always have a special little place in my heart. :sweatdrop:

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cool! it would be really nice to meet more people from here! everyone I've met has been really awesome



That would be great indeed. I've only met really nice people from here too.

If Elena and Bianca have the money, I'm pretty sure those crazy fan girls are going as well. :lol::lol:

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I have a feeling the tickets might go pretty fast..I'm completely broke though, but I'll ask my parents to borrow money for me and I'll pay back in the summer when (if) I have a job ;)
Hm.. dunno about that. Last time, the show sold out about 3 weeks before, but I guess they are more popular now. Some AHMS singles received a lot of airplay here. But I think the price will put a lot of people off. If this were a Reworked show, I'd definitely go... Now, I don't know. :disappointed:
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yeah I talked to Elena a bit about it and she said she would be interested in going too and she said she'll talk to Bianca about it too :P I would love too meet those fangirls for sure!! :awesome: ah it would be so off the hook awesome!


Haha, indeed - that would just be too awesome meeting them :lol:..

But you're sure of going, or what? :wacko: 'Cause I'm not sure at all.. :(

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If Elena and Bianca have the money, I'm pretty sure those crazy fan girls are going as well. :lol::lol:

Roos, are you talking about me? Noooo way. :rolleyes::laugh3:

(I know, we're way too easy to see through. At least I am. :lol: )


Dear fellow Patrollers, you can't imagine how excited I am! :dance: Actually, I guess I won't be able to sleep properly until next Friday. :lol:


Roos, you should join us, too! That'd be plainly ace! :)

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Aaaaaaaaand they're here! :awesome: Stefan promised to get me and Anna tickets, so he better get them too! :whip: but isn't there gonna be some sorta pre-sale too? :thinking:


It would be so amazing to meet up and queue together!!

The tickets are already available? :confused: I thought they'd go on sale next Friday.


So you're going for sure then, Jo. And Stefan. Brilliant! :D

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well no I'm not sure, I mean I just have to ask my home room teacher about my exams because I have end of year exams then, but I'm not sure if I have tests anymore that week so..and if I do I can probably retake them later anyways so..but I have to talk to my parents more, but I'm pretty sure I'll be bying a ticket next friday! (or it will be bought for me by my friend, but anyways..) ;)


oh btw, we went to the same Wembley concert :P


Oh, lucky you!

My biggest problem is that I'm going to a festival which ends Sunday night. And the Snow Patrol gig is on Monday. Maybe I'll skip the last day of the festival then - what wouldn't you do to see Snow Patrol live again and meet some Coldplayers? :)


Off topic:

I see you're from Finland. Some months ago you guys took our first place in "country with youth drinking the most alcohol". Denmark had lain on number one for a long time and we were offended when you had overtook us. :stunned: :D Facebook groups were created saying "help us take back the leading place - drink more alcohol". And yeh, we're leading again now. :awesome: (:).)

Roos, are you talking about me? Noooo way. :rolleyes::laugh3:

(I know, we're way too easy to see through. At least I am. :lol: )


Dear fellow Patrollers, you can't imagine how excited I am! :dance: Actually, I guess I won't be able to sleep properly until next Friday. :lol:


Roos, you should join us, too! That'd be plainly ace! :)


Haha. I'm sorry Elane and Bianca - but really, you guys are crazy. :lol:

Yeh, I know. Will try my best in sorting things out so I can be there with you guys. :)

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Last time in HMH, tickets were 29 euros. In the same venue, Arcade Fire was and Franz Ferdinand were 32-32,50. Tickets are now 47,50 excluding service costs (about 3-4 euros, plus shipping if you don't want an e-ticket, another 2 euros). I'd love to see Snow Patrol again (it's been almost 3 years since I last saw them :freak:), but this is just insane. Plus, I'm kinda skint. :D


The sound in HMH is pretty good though.



Edit: I usually pay about 20 euros for a concert, so this is relatively expensive for me. *checks upcoming gigs* Cheapest: 8,50 most expensive: 23. :dozey:


seriously??? your most expensive is like........ermmm....close to my cheapest, which was £13 for Mew at my uni's Student Union. :thinking:


most expensive was Snow Patrol at about £60 :\ ........but other than feeling rather poor after paying for it, i'm not complaining. 1st SP gig, wonderful Reworked Tour gig & they played for almost 3hrs. price was worth the fond memories from the nite as it is! :D

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The tickets aren't expensive at all, this is a standard price for a band like this. And it isn't 'insane' at all! Anyway, I'll keep an eye on snowpatrol.com to see if there will be any presale and maybe I'll enter the radio competition on 3FM to win some tickets, although I'm never really lucky when it comes to things like that.

Now it's time to blast some Snow Patrol. :cheesy: This news totally made my week. :wacky:

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seriously??? your most expensive is like........ermmm....close to my cheapest, which was £13 for Mew at my uni's Student Union. :thinking:
I mostly go to small gigs in smallish venues though.


The tickets aren't expensive at all' date=' this is a standard price for a band like this. And it isn't 'insane' at all![/quote']Okay, then they were supersupersuperduper cheap last time. It's just that this price for HMH is sort of unusual.




I can't believe actually I'm considering buying a ticket next week even though I'm completely broke this month. :wacky:

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