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Caught them on Good Morning America today, they sounded good, but I guess Gary's voice was on its last legs... they had to pospone a couple of gigs just now because of it. I hope he gets better soon!


And Gary cut his hair! :stunned:


Did his voice sound like Live 8? That was horrible.

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yeah you could tell his voice wasnt as strong as usual but i think they did an amazing job regardless!!! I only hope he is better for some of the up coming shows some of us are going to!


Yeah he did cut his hair kinda sad but then again he still looks great!!!!



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I saw them Saturday night and he said he was having throat problems and the doc advised him to cancel the show, but he went on anyway. He sounded good during the show. Was funny, talked about how fucking hot it was in Houston. They only played for a little over a hour. That Paul Wilson is hot! I got a drum stick, so yah me. :D

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haha congrats Angie!!!! I have about a week and a half till i see them!!!! i am so stoked!!! I just really really really hope that Gary's voice is better by then!


Haha I donno that Nathan Connolly is pretty hott i must say!


TLo your shows are comin up here soon! thats super exciting!!!!!

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oh no!!!.. gary's voice isnt gettin any better.. and they postponed the boston show.. !!! i hope hes ok..


dont worry gary! i'll wait for u to get better!!! take ur time!!.. just make sure u actually come back and make up for the postponed show!!! lol

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yeah boston is on the 2nd.. that was supposed to be the first one i was gonna go to :(.. i hope he gets well enough for NY and Philly.. my other two shows.. but i also hope he doesnt force himself to perform and mess his voice up even more.. :T

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Hello all.


I’m terribly sorry about all this. I of course appreciate all your kind words over the last few days but I also know that is must be frustrating for all you guys with tickets. I have also been trying to post on the US website too but it just won’t let me. Computers?! Pah! I’ll get Tom to post it up on the front page again.


I saw a specialist yesterday and had to wait until the venues and various folk were informed before I could post. I understand that the Boston show has already been taking down. I’m sorry it didn’t come from me but this is true. I’ll now tell you why.


The specialist (who treats such luminaries as Celine Dion and Alias’s Ron Rifkin. Odd pairing) found something more than just a sore throat. Using a long metal device, which I don’t relish ever being pushed down into my vocal chords again (roll on Thursday for my follow-up), the doctor found two polypoid lesions (or ‘polyps’) on my left vocal chord. These are caused by vocal abuse or over-use and look like little blisters on the chords. I will post the picture of my new little unwelcome guests in a different topic so those of you who are squeamish can avoid looking at them. If you’re like me then the human body as intricate and fascinating as it is, is still gross.


So what am I doing to hurry my recovery? The thing is, as innocuous as these little polyps look, they are the early stages of something, potentially, a lot more worrying. They could, if unchecked, lead to the other side of my chords over compensating and in doing so gain some polyps of their own. They could also lead to muscular problems outside the chords due to the same over-compensation. The good news is that the doc seems to think that we caught them early and she is not too worried as things stand. She has prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and complete vocal rest for the next few days. I see her again tomorrow to see if the drugs and rest have had a quick impact (which she thinks they may have). Unfortunately she is out of town this weekend so I can’t see her before the New York show but tomorrow’s check-up may show enough progress for her to be happy with me having the few more days of rest before Saturday to be fine for New York.


I am fine otherwise and I am sticking to her very simple regime. I’ll tell you this, New York is a hard city to watch from a hotel room but there are worse things in life. For example, not being able to sing again.


I am so very sorry about all this. It is completely my fault for not taking better care of my voice. The voice is an instrument and I should learn to take care of it as such. When I have it back and working again I won’t take it for granted anymore.


Thank you all for your kind words. They mean a lot. We are at present trying to reschedule these postponed shows for as soon as possible. All details will be made available to you when we know.




I’m off to be silent. Sshh! I mean, sshh….x




Message from Gary posted on the website and forum.





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Saw the pics... scary stuff that. Basically the best case of a worst case scenario. Just google polyps and you'll see that his are actually really tiny.


I hope he takes care of himself. He was having trouble with his voice a month ago. I don't see why there's such a stigma with vocal coaches. They teach you how to take care of your voice so that this sort of thing doesn't happen.


Still... I have to say it's beyond surreal- actually seeing pictures of his vocal chords... he has one of my top 3 favorite voices ever... weird.

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Hello all.


I’m terribly sorry about all this. I of course appreciate all your kind words over the last few days but I also know that is must be frustrating for all you guys with tickets. I have also been trying to post on the US website too but it just won’t let me. Computers?! Pah! I’ll get Tom to post it up on the front page again.


I saw a specialist yesterday and had to wait until the venues and various folk were informed before I could post. I understand that the Boston show has already been taking down. I’m sorry it didn’t come from me but this is true. I’ll now tell you why.


The specialist (who treats such luminaries as Celine Dion and Alias’s Ron Rifkin. Odd pairing) found something more than just a sore throat. Using a long metal device, which I don’t relish ever being pushed down into my vocal chords again (roll on Thursday for my follow-up), the doctor found two polypoid lesions (or ‘polyps’) on my left vocal chord. These are caused by vocal abuse or over-use and look like little blisters on the chords. I will post the picture of my new little unwelcome guests in a different topic so those of you who are squeamish can avoid looking at them. If you’re like me then the human body as intricate and fascinating as it is, is still gross.


So what am I doing to hurry my recovery? The thing is, as innocuous as these little polyps look, they are the early stages of something, potentially, a lot more worrying. They could, if unchecked, lead to the other side of my chords over compensating and in doing so gain some polyps of their own. They could also lead to muscular problems outside the chords due to the same over-compensation. The good news is that the doc seems to think that we caught them early and she is not too worried as things stand. She has prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and complete vocal rest for the next few days. I see her again tomorrow to see if the drugs and rest have had a quick impact (which she thinks they may have). Unfortunately she is out of town this weekend so I can’t see her before the New York show but tomorrow’s check-up may show enough progress for her to be happy with me having the few more days of rest before Saturday to be fine for New York.


I am fine otherwise and I am sticking to her very simple regime. I’ll tell you this, New York is a hard city to watch from a hotel room but there are worse things in life. For example, not being able to sing again.


I am so very sorry about all this. It is completely my fault for not taking better care of my voice. The voice is an instrument and I should learn to take care of it as such. When I have it back and working again I won’t take it for granted anymore.


Thank you all for your kind words. They mean a lot. We are at present trying to reschedule these postponed shows for as soon as possible. All details will be made available to you when we know.




I’m off to be silent. Sshh! I mean, sshh….x




Message from Gary posted on the website and forum.







Aww, bless him, I do hope he gets better soon

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Ouchie... I take it that's a problem. :( Sorry to hear it.


I was just thinking, if I had had the time and money I really wanted to drive down to Boston to see them. (We're talking about 14 hours ONE WAY!!) That would have been nasty... to go all that way only to find out that the gig was off!

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