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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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Great pictures Row Thanks................. :bomb: :heart:




I spent a horrible day, I have been criticized by management consultante she told me that if I did not have a job is because I'm fat and repulsive appearance in the eyes of employers. :disappointed:



it's not my fault if I am poor and ejected by the society


I will have deserved in the eyes of people. they will just killed me

on the net is the fiction think I'm beautiful. they can fantasize the people on the false. Lory of old time






So please girls more pictures of Chris to comfort me and forget this day thanks :kiss:


Poor Lory.. I think I'm out for the moment, but later maybe.

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Oh wow Tracie! :D thank you for sharing. Are you going to any of the Canada gigs this month??


Not this month. Wrong end of the country for me. But I'm going to at least one Toronto gig in July and hoping for Montreal and Boston with any luck.:)


Those pics aren't very good, but it's cool that I was THAT close!

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Wow. The pics you posted ladies are EPIC today. :dazzled:

Congrats especially to Row, I think we can agree you killed us :lol:



OH, I saw something REALLY CRAZY WEIRD today! I was in the city and on a tram stop there was a poster for Marrakech, I think, or something like that, and the guy on the pic looked EXACTLY like curly Chris from the Viva era!! I swear! I was in SHOCK!! But I can't find it on the Internet! :bigcry: I may take a photo tomorrow if it's still there.


OHMY! This poster has been in Holland too since like a month ago. I could swear it was haunting me! Everywhere I went, I saw it. And everytime I shocked a bit and forgot to look at trafficlights and stuff.

Seriously, Chris is gonna kill me one day!

But I'm glad I'm not the only one! I couldn't find it online too (aka bad campaign if it doesn't have a website mentioned on it), but taking a pic is a great idea!


LOL! How odd Celine.. yes take one if you can.


I'm back.. I've been totally LOST in the old Chris thread.. those girls in there weren't nearly as um...

pervy as we are! LOL!

(although why that should surprise me I'm not sure! LOL!)

Anyway I come back bearing gifts..



This made me laugh, not because of the photo, but the comments were

something like.. Oh it's good to see him in something OTHER than black..

and there we are, commenting how NICE it is to see him IN black for a change! LOL..



I just LOVE that jacket on him. Yes, he did wear a lot of black in those days. Which suit him very well, but a little something different once in a while.... I won't complain, definetly not!

And those other pictures: I think my heart skipped some beats when watching those lovely pictures. Hair, eyes, overall look. I just love that boy.

And it seems like he had his shirt being ripped on both sides, doesn't it? Was it too tight or was his hotness just bursting out of there?




I spent a horrible day, I have been criticized by management consultante she told me that if I did not have a job is because I'm fat and repulsive appearance in the eyes of employers. :disappointed:



it's not my fault if I am poor and ejected by the society


I will have deserved in the eyes of people. they will just killed me

on the net is the fiction think I'm beautiful. they can fantasize the people on the false. Lory of old time





:hug: Girl! How stupid is it what those people say to you and how unprofessional! They are there to help you right? Not to break you down!

But remember: it doesn't matter who you are, you are beautiful and appreciated!

Hang on there, ok!

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OHMY! This poster has been in Holland too since like a month ago. I could swear it was haunting me! Everywhere I went, I saw it. And everytime I shocked a bit and forgot to look at trafficlights and stuff.

Seriously, Chris is gonna kill me one day!

But I'm glad I'm not the only one! I couldn't find it online too (aka bad campaign if it doesn't have a website mentioned on it), but taking a pic is a great idea!


You saw it too ?!! Wow, I'm relieved, I was starting to think it was just an illusion, because it only caught my eye for like 2 seconds, and then it was out of sight! It's crazy how the 2 look a like, right ? Though I think the man has beard on the poster, but otherwise it's pretty much the same! I remember the eyes to be shockingly similar :nod:

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Not this month. Wrong end of the country for me. But I'm going to at least one Toronto gig in July and hoping for Montreal and Boston with any luck.:)


Those pics aren't very good, but it's cool that I was THAT close!


It IS cool! I bet you can't wait.. I know I can't WAIT for June, cos I intend on being that Close again..





wow thiis photo is very pretty, he looked very cute to the camera, he always avoids giving a cute smile like that :D

sorry.. but i couldn't resist...




Don't worry.. we don't mind..





strutting leo.




LOL! How funny the same shot almost! :D





My blurry close up shot.. Thursday 24th November 2011.. :D:lol: :D:D Shiver......

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wow thiis photo is very pretty, he looked very cute to the camera, he always avoids giving a cute smile like that :D

sorry.. but i couldn't resist...







strutting leo.







my bestfriend has made ​​the sacrifice to go just in Us. because she had seen Titanic and she really believed he was drowning because of girls supermodels .

go work as au pair just to see Leonardo Dicaprio. but returned without seeing him and treated by all fanatic. it's not fair............... :angry:


the man chosen to copy supermodels of my bestfriend and my bestfriend chosen almost all the copy of Leonardo Dicaprio.


that is to live in two differing world and she still speaks of him. is lost, is lost in life Leonardi Dicaprio .


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Good evening !!! :D

I tell you all the good things in life appear to start with the letter C... Cake, chocolate, Chris, Coldplay, Cats, Candy, Cadburys.... :D

:nod: That's true :D


I survived the morning, now I am 1/4 of the way through the week... yay.. It's a lovely sunny afternoon in England. How is it down your way?


Done my housework, so I am off for another look around the old Chris thread... ;)

Well that's something ;)

It was lovely and sunny here, too :)

Hope everyone is okay today :D


The confessional is going to be too small for all of us :laugh3: We need a shame arena!


My mum called me Lucy because I always been crabby :laugh3:



Good night Angela, good afternoon to the others :D

:laugh3: Yes, definitely !!!! I think we'll have to go more often than once a week :lol:


Aww cute :)






zirg$zirngifvnONVIPERNVIOENBVÖDIFNV OMG :sneaky:


LOL! How odd Celine.. yes take one if you can.


I'm back.. I've been totally LOST in the old Chris thread.. those girls in there weren't nearly as um...

pervy as we are! LOL!

(although why that should surprise me I'm not sure! LOL!)

Anyway I come back bearing gifts..



This made me laugh, not because of the photo, but the comments were

something like.. Oh it's good to see him in something OTHER than black..

and there we are, commenting how NICE it is to see him IN black for a change! LOL..


Now.. are you sitting comfortably?


Then we'll begin..















This one makes up for not being in focus by being incredibly hot! IMHO.



this was 2006 and all the girls wanted him to cut his hair... and all I could think was,.. nooooo! :D He looks like a lion.. with a lovely mane..






Not even sure it's Safe to post these! Not without some sort of warnings...





















these Kill me! :dead:




and finally...













Now I don't smoke.. but :smoking: :stunned:

Okay, ehrm...erhm....I just....no..I can't say anything :speechless:

Thank you for posting those :dazzled: :dazzled: :dazzled:


This one's out of focus too, but I took it! July 23rd, 2006 in Toronto.:)




EDIT: And one more. I thought these were lost forever!!:D




Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Wow !!! So close !!!! ;)

They're great ! :heart:


Great pictures Row Thanks................. :bomb: :heart:




I spent a horrible day, I have been criticized by management consultante she told me that if I did not have a job is because I'm fat and repulsive appearance in the eyes of employers. :disappointed:



it's not my fault if I am poor and ejected by the society


I will have deserved in the eyes of people. they will just killed me

on the net is the fiction think I'm beautiful. they can fantasize the people on the false. Lory of old time






So please girls more pictures of Chris to comfort me and forget this day thanks :kiss:

Damn. Those people are real idiots. How can someone say something like that? Hmm poor Lory. You mustn't care about such people. :)

I will do a picspam soon.... :D



wow thiis photo is very pretty, he looked very cute to the camera, he always avoids giving a cute smile like that :D

sorry.. but i couldn't resist...







strutting leo.



hehehee ^^ well I see the ressemblance. :D





My blurry close up shot.. Thursday 24th November 2011.. :D:lol: :D:D Shiver......

:dazzled: Did I already say that you're so lucky???? ^^^^^^^

Do you have a pic of the 0:30 moment (aka the beginning of Charlie Brown)? I'm sorry that moment has a huge impact on me. :lol:






So now, I'm off to the old Chris thread. You can already prepare yourself for a big and sexy picspam... :D

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So now I've been analysing the old Chris thread. And there are pretty interesting things. :sneaky:

So make sure that you want to open those spoilers. Make also sure that you're sitting comfortably. DON'T DRINK OR EAT WHILE TAKING A LOOK AT THOSE PICTURES !!!!


So are you ready?

















































































Dedication to the AROBTTH era :dazzled: :dazzled:





BTW, my parents are watching "Cold Case" on TV and they have been playing "Talk" :heart:

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Talk on Cold Case ?!! Damn it, I should have watched!!!:bomb:


GREAT picspam :dazzled::dazzled:

I especially love the last part :dazzled:


It was very brief, though, but I'm always so proud to hear their songs !! :wacky:



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^:nod: :lol:


Oh, I was examining the MX artwork the other day, and I noticed the number "43" somewhere...At first I was like "uuuhh no it's 42, guys, duh! :uhoh: " :lol: and then I thought: ooh, what if there's some sort of suite, sequel of 42 ? :surprised:


UGH This artwork, with all the codes, is messing with my mind! :bomb:

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:dazzled: Did I already say that you're so lucky???? ^^^^^^^

Do you have a pic of the 0:30 moment (aka the beginning of Charlie Brown)? I'm sorry that moment has a huge impact on me. :lol:






So now, I'm off to the old Chris thread. You can already prepare yourself for a big and sexy picspam... :D

is the only one picspam of Coldplay in all clips :P





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42[/size]?? they got it wrong LOL!


Great pics Mara..

Hehe yes they got it wrong !! :D Thanks :nice:


^:nod: :lol:


Oh, I was examining the MX artwork the other day, and I noticed the number "43" somewhere...At first I was like "uuuhh no it's 42, guys, duh! :uhoh: " :lol: and then I thought: ooh, what if there's some sort of suite, sequel of 42 ? :surprised:


UGH This artwork, with all the codes, is messing with my mind! :bomb:


Hehe ^^ :D


Did I already mention that my address number is 42 ?? :lol:

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